Task 5. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the words you found in task.

1. In a number of European states, however, ______England and Holland, the freedom with which researchers could defend the Copernican system stands in surprising contrast with the criticism faced by Galileo.

2. According to the research, the setting up of a stock exchange was indispensable for enhancing the flow of capital and for the creation of a market in securities, ______for protecting the interests of venture capitalists.

3. The applications referred to in Section A are_____: a) an application for the renewal of a license; b) an application for a new license; c) an application for a permanent transfer of a license.

4. The course offers comprehensive training in communication theory,_____in the academic context.

Task 6. Read Text В quickly and say: a) what it focuses on; b) what features of the text help you answer.


The 'People' Specific Program acknowledges that one of the main competitive edges in science and technology is the quantity and quality of its human resources. To support the further development and consolidation of the European Research Area, this Specific Program's overall strategic objective is to make Europe more attractive for the best researchers.

The Specific Program aims to strengthen, quantitatively and qualitatively, the human potential in research and technology in Europe, by stimulating people to enter into the profession of researcher, encouraging European researchers to stay in Europe, and attracting to Europe researchers from the entire world, making Europe more attractive to the best researchers. Building on the experiences with the 'Marie Curie' actions under previous Framework Programs, this will be done by putting into place a coherent set of' Marie Curie' actions, particularly taking into account the European added value in terms of their structuring effect on the European Research Area. These actions address researchers at all stages of their careers, in the public and private sectors, from initial research training, specifically intended for young people, to lifelong learning and career development. Efforts will also be made to increase participation by women researchers, by encouraging equal opportunities in all 'Marie Curie Actions', by designing the actions to ensure that researchers can achieve an appropriate work/life balance and by facilitating resuming a research career after a break.

Task 7. Read Texts A and В again and complete the table below

Information Text A Text B

Task 8. Read the second sentence in Text B. How do the two parts of the sentence relate to each other?

a) cause and effect

b) repeating the same idea

с) the end and means to the end

d) topic and illustration

Task 9. Read Text В again.

1. Identify two sentences, which express an aim.

2. In each sentence, identify the three means of achieving the aim.

3. What language structures are used to perform the functions?

Task 10. Read the end of Text В and say, what the phrases a) an appropriate work/life balance and b) resuming a career after a break imply in this context.

Task 11. On the internet, find information about an international project/initiative/
program that you might be interested in. Make notes about it in the form of a table.
Report to the group.

Task 11. Think of a presentation you have given recently. Complete the questionnaire below. Write yes or no next to each question.

Did you

1.prepare thoroughly: check the meaning and pronunciation of new words, create slides, rehearse the speech, etc.?

2.start the talk in an interesting way to get the attention of the audience?

3.speak from notes rather than read a whole text?

4.give an overview of your talk at the beginning?

5.use phrases to help the audience follow your ideas?

6.provide examples to illustrate complex and/or original ideas?

7.provide visual support?

8.invite the audience to ask questions?

9.emphasize the main points by slowing down and leaving pauses?

10.make eye contact with your audience?

11.avoid repetitive use of '”pet” words or phrases (e.g. so, well, OK, like)?

12.use effective gestures?

Task 12. How many positive answers do you have? What would you like to improve?


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