Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B translate them into English.

1) to in′cludе – включать Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. 2) to de′pend on – зависеть As a rule the climate depends on the geographical position of the country. 3) to wash – омывать The warm sea washes the country. 4) to be bound – быть ограниченным, граничить On the west Great Britain is bound by the Atlantic Ocean. 5) ′coast – берег, побережье The northern coasts of the country are washed by the North Sea. 6) ′harbour – гавань The coast line has excellent harbours. 7) flat – плоский, равнинный The greater part of the surface of England is flat. 8) ′mountainous – гористый 9) ′rocky – скалистый The northern part of the country is mountainous and rocky. 10) mild – мягкий 11) ′cloudy – облачный 12) wet – влажный The England weather is mild, wet and cloudy.

Read the geographical names.

Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B translate them into English. - Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B translate them into English. -

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

[ju:ʼnaɪtid ʼkindəm əvʼgreit ʼbritən ənd ʼnɔ:Әən ʼailənd] –

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

2. Great Britain [ʼgreit ʼ britən] – Великобритания

3. the British Isles [ ʼbritiʃ ʼailz] – Британские острова

4. England [ ʼɪ:ῃglənd]– Англия

5. Scotland [ ʼskɔtlənd] – Шотландия

6. Wales [ ʼweilz] – Уэльс

7. the Irish Sea [ ʼairiʃ ʼsi:] – Ирландское море

8. the North Sea [ ʼnɔ:θ ʼsi:] – Северное море

9. the European Continent [ju:rəʼpi:ən ʼkɔntinәnt] – Европейский континент

10. the English Channel [ ʼi:ηgliʃ ʼʧᴂnәl]– пролив Ла-Манш

11. the Strait of Dover [ʼstreit əv ʼdouvə] – пролив Па-де-Кале

12. Ben Nevis [ben ʼnevis] – г. Бен Невис

13. the Severn [ʼsevn] – р. Северн

14. the Thames [ʼtemz] – р. Темза

15. the Windermere [ʼwindəmiə] – оз. Уиндермир

16. the Gulf Stream [ʼgʌlf ʼstri:m] – течение Гольфстрим

17. Celtic [ʼkeltik] – кельтский

18. Manchester [ʼmᴂnʧistə] – Манчестер

19. Liverpool [ʼlivəpu:l] – Ливерпуль

20. Glasgow [ʼglα:sgou]] – Глазго

21. Birmingham [ʼbә:miηəm] – Бирмингем

Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B translate them into English. - Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B translate them into English. -

4. Choose the geographical names with а definite article the in exercise III, read and memorize them.

5. Find the synonyms^

main, total, flat, coast, state, about, territory, shore, area, chief, entire, level, country, mild, soft, several, cool, current, flow, cold, nearly, a number of.

6. Read the adjectives and form degrees of comparison. Translate them into Russian:

great mild warm long
large changeable small wet
deep moderate high short

7. Make sure if you remember the suffixes of adjectives:

mountain – mountainous; climate – climatic; rock – rocky; cloud – cloudy; wind – windy; geography – geographical; tropics – tropical; Europe – European; north – northern; south – southern; change – changeable.

8. Read and translate the following word-combinations and phrases:

a) geographical position, total area, excellent harbours, independent republic, Northern Ireland, on the west coast, the Lake District, Celtic languages, warm current of the Gulf Stream, the highest mountain Ben Nevis, the largest lake Windermere;

b) can be used by ships, it brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English people, as a rule, the surface is flat.

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