Lecturer residence supervisor term tutorial

Hi Mum,

I’ve settled in well here at Wanstow. I like my room in this hall of (1)_______________________. I went to my first (2)_______________________ this morning – it was on research methodology – and there were hundreds of students there. The (3)_______________________ was very good – it was Professor Jones, our head of (4)_______________________. Tomorrow I’ll have my first (5)________________________ - that’ll be just me and one other student. We’ll be discussing what we have to get done by the end of the (6)________________________. I need to try to think some more about the topic for my (7)___________________________. When that is finalized I’ll be assigned a (8)________________________. I’ll be expected to see him or her at least once a week during their office (9)_______________________. I hope I’ll like him or her. You hear some awful stories!


(b) vacation dissertation supervisions MA[8]term

course CV PhD(2 times)project

Hi Erika,

How are things going with you? I’m sorry not to have written to you sooner but I’ve been desperately busy with the linguistics (1)______________________ I have to do for the elective (2)________________________ I’m taking this (3)___________________________. It’s really interesting and I think I might decide to do my final (4)________________________ on a similar topic.

As you know, I’ve decided to have a go at[9] an (5)_________________________. If I decide to write the dissertation, I’ll have to stay here during the summer (6)_________________________ to have face-to-face (7)_________________________.

Then I might even sign up for a (8)__________________________ if they have me! PhD students are usually offered some language teaching on the EAP[10] courses they run for foreign students, so it would be useful for my (9)______________________ for the future. But I believe if you get the MA, you can’t go on to do a (10)________________________ immediately. I remember that during a question-and-answer session for new MA students Dr Ward said that you have to show you can do PhD standard work first, and then upgrade to the PhD programme after a year or so.


17. Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences:

1. I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m passing an exam tomorrow.

2. Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your exam!

3. You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

4. I got some good notes in my continuous assessment this term.

5. She’s a professor in a primary school.

6. She got a degree in personnel management from a private college.

7. When I was 12, we started having French seminars at school, and I fell in love with the language.

8. All the students of our Department must attend Professor Johnson’s lectures on Introductory Economics. It is an elective course.


18. (a) Use the idioms from Ex. 8 p. 170 to match the definitions:

1) a) to commit something to memory
2) b) to be old-fashioned, traditional, not very up-to-date
3) c) to be the teacher's favourite student disliked by the other students
4) d) nothing could be simpler
5) e) to be careful to behave well and avoid giving offence; to mind your manners and language
6) f) to successfully achieve a difficult objective, such as passing an exam with distinction
7) g) to succeed; to reach the desired standard
8) h) to be entirely familiar with something

(b) Read the origin stories of some of the idioms from Ex. 8 p. 170 and decide which idioms are meant in these stories?

1. This idiom is of unclear origin: one origin story comes from English pubs and taverns of the 17th century. Bartenders would keep an eye on the pints and quarts that were consumed. The second origin story comes from early printing presses. Printers placed individual letters on a typeset to print a page of text. The letters were reversed, making it easy to mistake some lowercase letters in setting the type. A reminder to stay watchful of the details could have come from this time as well. In a similar setting, this expression has been referred to the care a young pupil must pay in differentiating the tailed letters.

Another explanation suggests that this idiom is short for "pleases" and "thank-you’s" (or “excuse-me’s”) the latter of which contains a sound similar to the pronunciation of the name of the letter mentioned in the idiom. This phrase would be used by parents to educate their children to use those polite words when they speak to people.

2. The ancient Greeks believed that the heart, the most noticeable internal organ, was the seat of intelligence and memory as well as emotion. This belief was passed on down the ages and became the basis for one English expression.

3. This expression originated from the image of a victorious fleet sailing into a harbour with their flags still flying at their mastheads.

Idioms, Fixed Phrases and Phrasal Verbs (with by)

19. (a) Search Ex. 9-10, p. 171 for the English equivalents of the following:

1) бросить на полдороге / потерпеть неудачу;

2) в общем и целом;

3) кстати, между прочим;

4) несколько позднее / со временем / постепенно;

5) по закону;

6) по правилам, по инструкции; как это обычно делается;

7) случайно;

8) устно / на словах / по слухам;

* * *

9) губить / разрушать (морально);

10) упоминать без необходимости / приплетать;

11) затягиваться;

12) вытянуть признание;

13) удерживать / откладывать;

14) продолжать (делать что-л.) / сохранять в прежнем положении;

15) придерживаться / следовать плану учебы;

16) не отставать от своих одноклассников / держаться наравне.

(b) Translate into English, using the idioms from Ex. 8, p. 170, the fixed phrases from Ex. 9, p. 171 and the phrasal verbs from Ex. 10, p. 171:

1. Кстати, тебе уже не нужно корректировать / вычитыватьэту статью – я исправил все грамматические и орфографические ошибки и выделилабзац, который следуетпересмотреть/переделать.



2. Если вы – любимчик учителя, то любые ваши отговорки (excuse) по поводу невыполненного домашнего задания будут приняты.



3. В общем и целом, получить ссуду (loan) на оплату обучения, полностью покрывающую стоимость оплаты обучения, просто как дважды два – четыре. И таким образом, твои планы получить высшее образование не потерпят крах на полпути. - ________________________________________




4. Гордону Брауну следовало бы быть более осмотрительным в выражениях, когда он описывал одну из своих избирательниц как «нетерпимую фанатичку»[11]. - _______________________________________



5. Доктор Строук был профессором старой закалки: начитанным и эрудированным. Он знал своей предмет как свои пять пальцев.



6. Студенты, которые сдаютэкзамены блестяще, как кажется, и не учась при этом (without seeming to study), - это те, кто внимателен на занятии, пишут конспекты и делают домашние задания. Иначе говоря, они понимают материал, потому что они работают над ним постоянно, вместо зубрежки накануне. - ________________________________________________________




7. Необходимо, чтобы вы придерживались этого расписания и делали всё по инструкции/как положено. - ________________________________________


8. Прохождениекурса переподготовки необходимо для того, чтобы не отставатьот последних тенденций.


9. По закону, ученик может быть исключен из школы за прогулы.


Focus on Reading, Listening and Discussing


20. (a) Read the passage and answer the questions below:

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