What does it take to be an astronaut?

The job of an astronaut once considered unique is one of the most

demand (1)professions. Nowadays the technological advance (2) made space flights possible for a larger number of people.

Astronauts have to be physically and mental (3) capable of coping with stress and strain of a space mission. The ever-increasing during (4)of space missions also increases the possibility of emerge (5), although in all

probable (6), practically all arising problems can be handled by ground-based control facilitate (7).

Apart from intense (8) classroom training in various subjects astronauts spend a lot of time practicing onsimulate (9) models in order to get used to the equipment on board. Astronauts should also be able to deal with a lot of psychology (10) problems. Beside the risks involved, there are many less excitingaspects of their day (11) routine. What can be very annoying is thelimited vary (12) of food, but the greatest challenge is getting along with other members of the crew.

There is also very little opportunity to relax and lack of private (13) can also be irritatingand evendepress (14). The ongoing advancement of modern communicate (15)technology made it possible for astronauts to have a regular audio and vision (16) contact with their friends and families, and they are very will (17) to use every chance to do so.

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board cooperation countdown joint mission orbit space risks crewed astronautics traveler scientist  

What does it take to be an astronaut? - student2.ru In 1903, Russian(1) ___Konstantin Tsiolkovsky published the first practical paper on (2) ___. In October 1957 the first space satellite Sputnik I (Russian for “fellow (3) ___”) orbited the earth at a height of

229-898 km. In November 1957 Sputnik 2 was launched carrying a dog Laika that died on (4) ___seven days later.

On April 12, 1961, the first (5) ___ spaceship Vostok I with Yuri Gagarin on board was launched and was recovered after a single (6) ___ of 89,1 minutes. In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in (7) ___.

However, space exploration was not easy and always involved a lot of

(8) ___ which sometimes resulted in tragedies. In 1967, American astronauts Grisson, White and Chaffee were killed during a simulated (9) ___when a flash fire swept through the cabin of Apollo I on January 1967. On April 1967, V. Komarov was the first person to be killed on (10) ___, when his ship Soyuz I crash-landed on the earth.

In 1975, Apollo 18 and Soyuz 19 made a (11) ___flight and linked up in space paving the way to (12) ___in space.

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Salyut was a series of seven space stations launched by the USSR in

1971–1982. It was cylinder (1) in shape, weighed 19–21 tons and could house three cosmonauts for missions with during (2)up to eight months. In 1971 the first Salyut crew was tragedy (3) killed during their return to earth when their ferry craft pressurized (4). In 1973 Salyut -2 broke up in orbit before

occupy (5). The first fully successful Salyut mission was in 1974. In 1984–1985 a team of three cosmonauts endurance (6) a record 237-day flight in Salyut-7. In 1986, the Salyut was superseded by Mir, an proved (7) design capable of being large (8)by additional modules sent up from earth.


Skylab is a US space station, launched on May 14, 1973, made from the adapted up (9) stage of Saturn -5. At 82,5 tons, it was the most bulk (10) object ever put into space, and was 25,6 m long. Skylab contained a workshop for carrying out experiments in weight (11), an observatory for monitoring the sun, and cameras for photographing the earth’s surface. Having suffered

consider (12) damageduring the launch, it had to be repaired by the first crew of astronauts. Three crews occupied Skylab for up to 84 days, a record achieve (13)at that time. Skylab finally fell to earth on July 11, 1979, dropping debris on western Australia.

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What does it take to be an astronaut? - student2.ru When the space shuttle Challenger explosion (1)in the blue Florida sky, killingall seven crew members, it underscored not only the fragile (2) of human life but also the vulnerable (3) of human technology.

While the nation paidtributeto the Challenger astronauts, the officials in the NASA pursuedtheir investigate (4)into the cause of the nation's disaster. Policy-makers in Washington were engaged in careful assess (5) of the nation's total depend (6) on the shuttle for access to space.

Obviously, the most urgent prior (7) was to find out what happened. The previously unreleased photographs revealed thenormal (8) white spot of lightappearing on the right-hand solid booster ten seconds before the explode (9).

These new images lent credit (10) to the theory that the boostercasing somehow ruptured at one of the join (11) and squirted flame onto the side of theexternal tank thereby ignition (12)the liquid hydrogen inside. This led to the detonate (13) which consumed both Challenger and its crew.

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