Quizz 1. Words of geographical origin

apple casual city glossy goat headwear inhabitant jeans leather pattern porcelain race slot steel  

· Astrakhan, a city (1) ___ in the Volga delta, gave name to the fur made from the skins of young lambs or a (2) ___ in the Russian style.

· Balaclava (helmet) is a knitted headwear with a (3) ___ for eyes. Originated during the Crimean War.

· China when starting with a small letter ‘c’ refers to fine (4) ___ including cups, saucers, teapots, as originally this fine material was produced exclusively in China.

· Danerefers to an (5) ___ of Denmark, while a Great Dane can also refer to a dog’s (6) ___.

· Denim, also popularly known as (7) ___ cloth, was originally used for overalls and work uniforms. This fabric was initially produced in Nimes, the city in southern France, hence the name.

· Angora isa yarn or fabric made of the hair of Angora (8) ___. Angora is the former name of Ankara.

· Satinis smooth silk, nylon, or cotton cloth with a (9) ___ face and a dull back from Tsingkiang, the name of the Chinese town from where it was originally exported.

· Suede (10) ___ is with soft napped surface from French word meaning Sweden.

· Tweed is a coarse woolen fabric used chiefly for suits and coats for (11) ___ wear. From the name of the river in Scotland.

· Damask is 1) a rich (12) ___ cloth of cotton, linen, silk or wool.

2) special, high quality (13) ___ or weapons made of it ; both originally produced in Damascus (the capital of Syria).

15.С прилагательным, образованным от слов из первой колонки, составьте словосочетания, используя слова из второй колонки. Соотнесите полученные словосочетания с их определениями из третей колонки.


Turkey a)silver k) a period of mild weather, occurring in late autumn
England b) summer l)a stew of meat and vegetables
Russia c) window m) decorative lantern of thin, brightly colored paper
Ireland d) stew n) a woodwind musical instrument
Scotland e) horn o) a window with full-length glass panes which opens like a door
Germany f) delight p) letters used in the ancient Roman system of numeration
Rome g) roulette q) an alloy of silver and nickel
China h) numerals r) a stunt in which a person aims a revolver loaded with a single bullet at his head and pulls the trigger
India i) tape s) a candy of Turkish origin, usually consisting of jellylike cubes covered with powder sugar
France j) lantern t) trademark for a transparent cellulose adhesive tape

Quizz 1. Words of geographical origin - student2.ru


· The Europeans were delighted when Christopher Columbus discovered America. At last they had somewhere to borrow money from.

· They say America was discovered before Christopher Columbus. But they just kept quiet about it.

Quizz 1. Words of geographical origin - student2.ru

1.Образуйте соответствующее однокоренное слово.


Natural selectionis a process whereby gene frequent (1)in population change through certain individuals producing more descend (2) than others because they are better able to survive and reproduce in their environment.

The accumulated effect of natural selection is to produce adapt (3) such as insulating coat of a polar bear or a spadelike forelimbs of a mole. The process is slow relying mainly on random vary (4) in the genes of an organism being produced by mutate (5) and secondly on the geneticcombine (6)of sexual reproduction. It was recognized by Charles Darwin and English nature (7) Alfred Russel Wallace as the main process drivingevolve (8).

Artificial selection describes select (9)breeding of individuals that exhibit the particular character (10) that a plant or an animal breeder wishes to develop. In plants, desire (11) features might includeresist (12)to disease, high yield (in crop plants), or attract (13) appearance. In animal breeding, selection has led to the development of particular breeds of cattle for improved meat or milkproduce (14).

2. Образуйте соответствующее однокоренное слово.


Quizz 1. Words of geographical origin - student2.ru Mother Nature does not give out prizes for the second place. The struggle for survive (1)means being the fastest to kill, beating rivals for a mate etc.Life’s amazing ability topropagate itself means there will never be enough source (2) to go round. Organisms have to competition (3) for the available.

According to Darwin, it is the competitionfor resources that keeps popular (4) in check. Only those who are best suited to their environment survive to spawn to the next generate (5). In his book On the Origin of Species he coined the term natural selection as opposedto select (6) breeding by humans. Slowly but surely, the greyhound’s speed became exaggerated until the result (7)beast is all but recognize (8) next to its wolf ancestor.

Selection, whether art (9) or natural, works because individuals display a range of character (10) that are inherit (11). Come to it, if it were not for operate (12)and altruism, there would be no human civilization. But biologists are finding that among non-human create (13), being nice is rooted in

selfish (14). At first see (15), cooperation is something of a mystery. Even different species do it.Trees change (16) nutrients with fungi plugged into their roots. Termites owe their ability to digest wood to the symbiosis (17) microbes living in their gut.

3. Выберите подходящее слово из предложенных трех вариантов.

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