Are these statements true or false?

1. The United Kingdom was the first country in the world which became highly industrialized.

2. Great Britain produces a lot of silk.

3. Heavy industry in Britain was mainly concentrated in Scotland and Wales.

4. There are a lot of sea-ports in the UK.

5. In the 20th century some new branches of industry appeared in Great Britain.

6. One of the most important British industries is ship-building.

7. Nowadays sheep-farming, cattle-farming and dairy-farming stopped to play an important role in Britain’s economy.

Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

Горнодобывающая промышленность, скотоводство, промышленные товары, крупный рогатый скот, изделия суконной промышленности, кораблестроение, высоко развитая промышленная страна, железнодорожный вагон, овцеводство, земная поверхность, быстрое развитие, молочное животноводство, залежи железной руды, новые отрасли промышленности, ферма, появляться, главным образом.

Complete the following sentences using the right words.

1. Great Britain is rich in ... (oil, gold, copper, silver, iron ore, zinc, coal).

2. Great Britain has to import ... (coal, agricultural products, electrical goods, chemicals, electronic equipment, oil, various metals, food products, cotton, timber, tobacco, wheat, and fruit).

3. When the world demand for the products of Britain’s main industries – textiles, coal, machinery – decreased, it began seeking compensation in new engineering products, such as ... (cars, atomic power reactors, electrical goods, electronic equipment).

4. It is characteristic of Britain’s industry to produce ... (semi-finished goods, cheap articles, raw materials, high quality expensive goods, articles requiring skilled labour, precision instrument, electronic equipment).

5. The main products of Britain’s industry are ... (precision instruments, high quality consumer goods, electronic equipment, chemicals, textiles, ready-made clothing, manufactured goods, petrol).

6. A great number of new industries were added to the traditional ones such as ... (the aircraft industry, the textile industry, the electronic industry, the shipbuilding industry, the automobile industry, mining, engineering).

7. The main crops grown in Britain are ... (cotton, wheat, barley, tobacco).

8. In Britain they breed ... (cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, rabbits).

Comment on the following statements.

1. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country.

2. Sea-ports play a great role in the life of the UK.

3. In the 20th century new branches of industry appeared: electronics, radio and chemical industries and others.

Answer the questions and compare the facts with the British equivalents.

1. What fields of industry are best developed in Russia?

2. What new fields of industry appeared in Russia in the 20th century?

3. What products does the Russian Federation export and import?

4. Is Russia as famous for its woolen products as Great Britain?

Role play.

The group of students is divided into two teams. The first one represents businessmen from England, Wales and Scotland. The other one – journalists from Russia. They are interviewing the businessmen about the industries developed in their countries.

Are these statements true or false? - PART II
Unit V
Education in Britain

Before you start.

1. What do you know about the system of education in Britain?

2. Do you want to study in the UK? Why?

3. What are the main differences between Russian and British schools?

I. Read and remember these words and word combinations:

1. attainment достижение, квалификация
2. primary education начальное образование
3. elementary education начальное образование
4. secondary education среднее образование
5. infant school первая ступень начальной школы (для детей 5 – 7 лет)
6. junior school вторая ступень начальной школы (для детей 7 – 11 лет)
7. to embrace включать, охватывать, содержать
8. grammar school средняя школа с гуманитарным уклоном
9. technical school средняя общеобразовательная школа с профессиональным уклоном
10. modern school средняя современная школа (с практической направленностью)
11. comprehensive school общеобразовательная средняя школа широкого профиля, единая средняя школа
12. inclination склонность, предрасположенность к чему-либо

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