Starting a conversation/discussion

I see...


I say...


First of all...

To begin with...

Look here ...

Talking (speaking) of, about...

Let me see (think)...

Just a minute (moment)...

That reminds me...

To come back to...

May I have my say? ...

In fact...

The fact is that...

On the one hand ..., on the other hand ...

And now for...

As far as I know...

Ending a conversation/discussion

To tell the truth ...

To sum up ...

Summarizing ...

Summing it up ...

On the whole ...

All in all...

In conclusion ...


In the long run ...

In short...

To make (cut) a long story short ...

That's all (there is to it)...

For all I know ...

There it is ...

And so ...

So much for that...

Let's round off...

Expressing one's point of view

My own feeling is ...

I can quite (well easily) believe it (that)...

It's my opinion that...

In my opinion ...

I think (believe, suppose, maintain, feel, hope) that…

To my mind ...

Personally, I...

I dare say...

To tell the truth ...

If you ask me ...

Do you mean to say ...?

What do you mean (think) ...?

I mean to say ...

What do you think of...?

What matters is ...

I want to press the point...

In any case ...

More than that...

I must admit...

I'm afraid ...

I'm tempted to agree ...

Discussing a topic

I should like to know ...

Could you possibly...?

Please ...

Could I trouble you for...?

Any questions?

Have you got any questions for Mr. N?

I have (got) some (several) questions ...

Just one question on this point (paper) ...

As to the question of Mr. N...

I would like to ask you about (whether) ...

May I ask a question?

Will (would) you say a few words about...?

I wonder whether (if) ...

In reply to your question ...

I'd like to say that...

I have (got) a few (several) comments about (on)...

I should mention that...

I should emphasize that...

The problem (article, paper) under discussion ...

I'd like to add a few words to ...

I realize that...

Do you follow me?

Do you take my point? I can't make up my mind where I stand on this. I am convinced that...

That's the way I look at things.

Expressing agreement, approval

I agree that...

I (quite) agree with you ...

I think so too.

I suppose so ...

That's right...

Quite right...

You are right...

That's my opinion too ...

I think you are right...

A fine idea!

What a good idea!

Not a bad idea!





Beyond all questions ...

Absolutely right (certain) ...

Exactly so ...

There's no doubt about it...

That's fine...

That's OK.

Expressing disagreement, doubt

I cannot agree (that)...

I don't agree that...

I don't quite agree (with you) ...

I doubt (it) ...

I don't think you are right...

I am afraid you are wrong (mistaken)...

It's a pity but (that)...

I am sorry but (that) ...

Nothing of the kind ...

I don't believe it possible ..

I don't believe that...

That's wrong ...

That may be true, but...

I am not sure ...

I see what you mean, but...

Surely not...

I find that hard to believe ...

Saying you do not know

Sorry, I don’t know...

I am very sorry, I really don’t know ,

I am afraid, I don’t know ...

I must confess, I don’t know ...

I've no idea ...

I haven’t a clue ...

I wish I knew.

Giving yourself time to think

Oh... Well... . Just... Now ... You see ... You know ...

Just a moment (minute) ... Let me see ...

It's on the tip of my tongue ... How can (shall) I put this?

Adding more information

I’d like to add ... To tell the truth ... In connection with ...
By the way... To continue ... To add ... As regards ...
Concerning ... As far as ... So far as you ...

Verifying the information

Do you mean to say that...?

Can you confirm the fact?

Is it true that...?

Am I right to understand that...?

Can you prove it?

Are you sure?

I don’t quite get the idea, I think ...

I am sure you didn't mean that...

I don’t quite follow what you mean to say ...




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SECTION I. Post-graduate education. Academic and research degrees. 6

SECTION II. Why undertake postgraduate study?. 29

SECTION III. Research supervision. 43

SECTION IV. Attending a conference. 57

SECTION V. International cooperation. Exchange programmes.
Study and research visits. 80

SECTION VI. Summary making. Essay and abstract writing. 104

SECTION VII. Reporting and presentations. 127

SECTION VIII. Research paper 149


List of Abbreviations Most Frequently Used in Scientific Literature………..……....167

Countries. Capitals. Nationalities………………………………………………….…171

The American States and Their Capitals………………………………………….….174

List of Basic Affixes Used for Word Formation……………………………………..175

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