Grammar Review: Tenses in the Active Voice
Step 1. Use the correct form of the verbs in the Active Voice.
1. Last time we (to decide) that it (to be) useful to hold presentation sessions every other month.
2. Most Universities (to award) honorary degrees, usually at the postgraduate level.
3. At the moment amongst all students enrolled in postgraduate courses the largest group (to study) for a qualification in business.
4. This (to result) from many changes and developments in recent years within the higher education sector.
5. Research degrees (to denote) advanced study in a chosen discipline with a view to the pursuit of an academic career.
6. The emphasis on research (to prompt) recently new levels of competition amongst universities.
7. Once the student (to present) a research design acceptable to his or her adviser, the independent research phase (to begin).
8. Her successful defence of the thesis (to lead) to the award of the degree.
9. Research study, whether at Masters or Doctoral level, (to depend) upon the individual supervision of students by a member of the faculty who (to share) their interests.
10. Schools, colleges and universities (to be) the most widely spread methods of formal education and training so far.
11. There (to be) no record of what (to take place) at the latest conference.
12. In South Africa universities doctoral studies (to remain) very much the same over the years.
13. After you (to spend) quite a bit of time with the topic, usually you do not want to write about something that (not to appeal) to you.
14. How much information you (to gather) in order to check the possible value of the “future” of your studies?
15. He (to conduct) the research since he graduated from the University.
Step 2. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words of time indication. Put questions to the underlined words.
1. With an ever increasing climate of competition, other countries are emerging as desirable study destinations at the moment.
2. The last decade of the 20th century witnessed a process of swift and irrevocable change leading to the third industrial revolution.
3. Your research topic has been in an interdisciplinary area so far.
4. If a student-supervisor relationship is not working satisfactorily the only proper solution will be the appointment of a new supervisor in future.
5. The expansion of Doctoral Training Centres has also been a positive step of late as has the development of other models of doctoral training.
6. Adults with advanceddegrees as a rule earn four times more than those with less than a high school diploma.
7. We have deeply thought about the possible impact of postgraduate studies on our life.
8. So far policy makers have paid little attention to postgraduate provision, despite the fact that postgraduate education is of enormous value to the UK and will play a crucial role in economic growth.
9. The UK delivers 8% of world research output, and is second only to the US in a number of research disciplines.
10. The general principles of project management at postgraduate level do not, however, vary significantly across the academic disciplines.
11. Such factors as the internalization of higher education and the growth in information technology are also influencing the way in which supervisors manage their postgraduate students.
12. They asked a disinterested academic member of staff in a related research area to look over his thesis and make an independent assessment of its quality.
13. Access to education and training for all has not always been the right of all citizens and an obligation for governments.
14. Currently we are witnessing a worldwide shortage of PhD degree holders.
15. Mr. Brown had been working in the laboratory for seven years before he got promotion.
Step 3. Translate into English.
1. Как правило, магистерский курс отличается от бакалавриата тем, что он включает большой объем самостоятельной работы.
2. Лишь небольшая часть слушателей уже сдали экзамены на получение степени магистра.
3. В этой стране до сих пор нет единой системы объективной оценки знаний.
4. В последние годы наблюдается повышение роли университетов как крупных исследовательских центров страны.
5. От местных органов власти студенты получают стипендии, которые покрывают стоимость обучения и иногда – стоимость проживания.
6. Он уже выбрал тему диссертационного исследования и представил индивидуальный план работы.
7. На прошлой конференции он сделал очень интересный доклад, который вызвал бурную дискуссию.
8. Поступающие в аспирантуру сдают вступительные экзамены по специальности, иностранному языку и философии.
9. До конференции он ничего не знал о результатах исследования и поэтому не включил их в доклад.
10. На том этапе продолжение исследования было нецелесообразным, поскольку аспирант не сопоставил полученные результаты с предшествующими.
11. Написание диссертации состоит из нескольких этапов, и он только что завершил первый.
12. Он пишет первую главу уже семь месяцев и никак не может прийти к ее логическому завершению.
13. Насколько мне известно, результаты его диссертации привели к серьезному открытию.
14. Аспирантам иногда трудно сформулировать свои идеи из-за недостатка теоретических знаний.
15. Аспирант потратил очень много времени, прежде чем получил конкретные результаты.