V. Non - Finite forms of the verb. The Gerund.

1. Изучите таблицу и вспомните правила образования форм герундия.

  Active Passive
Gerund indicating being indicated
Perfect Gerund having indicated having been indicated

Вспомните правило использования сложного герундиального оборота.

pron. (притяж. падеж) + GERUND noun (притяж. падеж, общ. падеж) He insisted on my coming to the premises. I know of the scientific adviser talking about of waste heat.

Выполните тренировочное упражнение на использование форм герундия и сложного герундиального оборота. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1. On receiving the mail, I started doing the task at once. 2. You may avoid many mistakes by observing these rules.
3. On my entering the room he greeted me. 4. After having sat there a few minutes, they continued their journey. 5. On copying the text, he made a few notes. 6. I am thankful for having been invited to the briefing. 7. I remember having been given this manual. 8. After her having tried all the keys on the ring, we finally found the right one. 9. He is proud of their being the first at the race. 10. I don’t remember having come across his name before. 11. You can improve your knowledge of English by reading more. 12. The transfer bus is used to improve the maintenance process by moving the line of the circuit breaker to be maintained to the transfer bus.

4. Упражнение для самостоятельной работы. Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильную форму герундия и сложного герундиального оборота, используя предлоги, если нужно.

1. I have an intention (to verify) this data. 2. She insisted ... (to eliminate) nuisance trips due to harmonics. 3. Are you fond ... (to ride) a bike? 4. He has had very much experience ... (to coach). 5. There is no possibility ... (to find) his address. 6. There is little chance ... (to see) her today. 7. We have the pleasure ... (to send) you our catalogues. 8. I think ... (to go) to the south in the summer. 9. He is afraid ... (to catch) cold. 10. I am proud ... (to have) such an advisor. 11. The rain prevented me ... (to come). 12. He is engaged ... (to write) a paper. 13. They had no difficulty ... (to find) a new site. 14. We remember … their (to come) to the laboratory. 15. In my experience, the best thing you can do is to plan ahead after (to consider) all your options.


Scientific and Technical Translation

I. Формально-структурные особенности языка научно-технической литературы.

Изучите следующие особенности грамматических структур предложений в научно-технических текстах.

Особенности Примеры
1. Громоздкая структура предложения с обилием второстепенных однородных членов Throughout our energy system – from electricity generation in a power plant to boiling a kettle, using boilers to warm houses to powering a car – more than 50 per cent of te energy we use leaks into the surroundings as wasted heat.
2. Многокомпонентные атрибутивные словосочетания A ground source heat pump, urban waste heat pumps
3. Употребление определений, образованных путем стяжения целых синтаксических групп Circulation induced effects вместо effects induced by circulation; heat dependent вместо dependent on heat
4. Употребление пассивных конструкций и оборотов (Complex Object, Complex Subject, APC, CGC) 1. Crossrail, a railway being constructed under the city, is considering energy tubbing for several segments of a new tunnel and provides the resulting heat to buildings above. 2. Variations of this idea are already used elsewhere.
5. Наличие пропусков некоторых служебных слов, таких как артикли, вспомогательные глаголы, особенно в таблицах, графиках, спецификациях Ideal air-core transformer on no load

Задание для работы в группе под контролем преподавателя. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на особенности грамматических структур в предложениях. Проанализируйте их, используя данные таблицы упражнения 1.

Solar Energy

V. Non - Finite forms of the verb. The Gerund. - student2.ru

No other energy source compares to the energy potential of sunshine. Looking at the image above, make sure to note that circles for Coal, Uranium, Petroleum, and Natural Gas are TOTAL recoverable reserves, whereas the renewable energy circles (including the giant solar energy one) are for energy potential per year.

The bottom line: Solar energy is the most abundant energy source on the planet, by far.

For a micro-scale example, the solar energy hitting the state of Texas each month is equal to the total amount of energy the Texas oil and gas industry has ever produced.

Now, a lot of politicians and people connected to or confused by the fossil fuel industry like to contend that solar power is expensive. Well, to put the matter bluntly: No, it’s not.

Technology improvements and policies to promote research, development, and installation of solar have resulted in tremendous drops in the cost of solar power over the past several years. Even without taking important health and safety costs (note that a Harvard study concluded in 2011 that the health costs of coal are $500 billion a year in the U.S.), environmental costs, energy security costs, and other social costs into account, solar is already cost-competitive with new electricity from conventional energy options like coal and nuclear energy (if you take into account how long it would take coal or nuclear plants to get built) — see the graphs below.

V. Non - Finite forms of the verb. The Gerund. - student2.ru

3. Задание для самостоятельной работы. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на особенности грамматических структур в предложениях. Проанализируйте особенности грамматических структур предложений в тексте.

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