Discuss whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. Use the expressions from the Useful language box below.

1) Universities in Great Britain are private and they don’t receive any financial support from the state.

2) The first universities in Britain were founded in medieval times.

3) Cambridge University is older than Oxford.

4) Each tutor has from five to ten students.

5) London University is famous for its antique way of life and a great variety of colleges.

6) Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield are known as ‘red-brick’ universities.

7) New campus-based universities were set up in the 1960s.

8) The academic year in Great Britain starts in summer and is divided into three terms.

9) It takes five years to get a Bachelor of Engineering degree.

10) The only teaching and assessment methods in all British Universities are tutorials.

11) Information and communication technology is essential in the Open University study.

12) UK qualifications in engineering are recognized all over the world.

Useful language I think so I disagree I’m quite positive about it I’m of the opposite opinion Absolutely right Far from it I agree only to some extent It’s false, I’m afraid Certainly I can’t agree with it

Exercise 2.

Work in pairs. Imagine that your friend is planning to study in Great Britain. Interview him (her) about the university he (she) wants to choose. Put the words in the questions in the correct order and then complete the dialogue.

A) town / or / you / Do / city / want / a small / to study / in a big?

B) Personally, I …

A) Do / prefer / you / university /or /one / studying / at /a larger/ a smaller?

B) You know, …

A) you / one / university / an ancient / Do / or / to choose / a new / want ?

B) Actually, I …

A) What / will be / activities / to / available /you / academic?

B) I think, …

A) like / What / you / the university / facilities / would / to have / at?

B) It would be great to have …

A) prefer / in University accommodation / sector / Do / in the accommodation /or / you /to live/ in the private?

B) Well, you know, I’d rather live …

A) need / an English / you / language / to study / qualification / Do/ at the UK university?

B) Sure, …

A) is / in / What / the tuition fee/ the British universities?

B) As I know, …

Exercise 3.

Work in groups of three or four to discuss in what ways the system of higher education in Great Britain is similar to, or different from that in our country? Use the headings below and the expressions from the Useful language box to help you.

- the admission to the universities

- the academic year

- the main teaching and assessment methods

- the degrees provided by the universities

- facilities and opportunities offered by the universities

If I remember right higher education in Belarus is provided by…including… As far as I know in Britain higher education is mostly provided by…
I know that in Belarus universities admit students after… If I am not mistaken the admission to universities in Great Britain is by…
I know exactly that the academic year in Belarus starts in… and is divided into… Unlike Belarus the academic year in Britain is divided into…
I think that the main teaching methods in Belarusian universities are… . And the students are assessed at the end of each term through… . It seems to me that British universities also use such teaching and assessment methods as… Moreover the most important teaching method of Oxford and Cambridge is… .
Students in Belarus graduate after … years with… But in Great Britain most courses last …
I am sure that all universities in Belarus offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees such as… . It seems to me that the majority of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the UK are offered as … .
As far as I know Belarusian universities support students providing them with… And British universities offer their students a great variety of…

Exercise 4.

Work with a partner and prepare a five-minute presentation about your dream university using the questions below. Give your presentation to the class.

1) Where is the university located?

2) What courses does it run?

3) How much does the course cost?

4) What are the dates of the terms? Are they convenient?

5) What is the length of the course?

6) Is teaching carried out in small groups (tutorials) or large groups


7) How are the students assessed?

8) What facilities does the university offer?

Exercise 5.

Translate the sentences below into English:

1) Британские университеты являются автономными учреждениями, которые сами определяют продолжительность курсов обучения и содержание учебных программ.

2) Одним из главных условий приёма (поступления) в Британские университеты является соответствующий уровень академической подготовки.

3) Университеты Оксфорда и Кембриджа имеют много общего и знамениты своей индивидуальной системой обучения, которая позволяет студентам более глубоко изучить материал.

4) Знаменитая регата (boat race) по гребле между Оксфордом и Кембриджем – это уникальное спортивное событие, которое проводится на реке Темзе с 1829г.

5) «Краснокирпичные» университеты, построенные в промышленных городах из кирпича, заметно отличались (to look completely different from) от древних каменных стен Оксфорда и Кембриджа.

6) Открытый Университет Великобритании всегда являлся мировым лидером в области использования информационных технологий, что даёт возможность получать высшее образование в любой точке мира.

7) Открытый Университет применяет широкий спектр методов для дистанционного обучения, включая Интернет-конференции, сопровождаемые поддержкой преподавателя-консультанта.

8) Курс обучения на степень бакалавра в университетах Великобритании по большинству специальностей составляет три или четыре года.

9) Университеты Великобритании предоставляют студентам не только условия для учебы, а также для спорта и развлечений.

10) Британские университеты имеют всемирно признанную репутацию благодаря выдающимся академическим достижениям и высочайшему уровню научных исследований в различных областях знаний.


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