Read the text to find out what factors the use of greetings, introductions and forms of saying good-bye depend on.
The language of greetings in English depends mainly on the situation the speakers are in and the relationship they have with the people they are talking to. In official situations (business meetings, official receptions, and conferences) such greetings as Good morning!, Good afternoon!, and Good evening! Are used. But people who know each other generally say: Hello!
After the greetings, British people usually say: How are you?. The answer usually is: Fine, thank you! And how are you?. Another possibility is: Not to bad. I’m glad to say. When greeting close friends,” Hi!” is quite possible. In fact, “Hi!”, is an abbreviation of “hiya” which in turn is a corruption of “How are you?”. While common enough as a casual, informal greeting, especially among young people, “Hi!” would certainly not be considered correct use in any formal situation. It is better to say “Hello!”. As is known “Hello!” is comparatively recent in it’s generally use, dating back to the invention of the telephone.
Introducing people:
Just as with greetings, the language of introduction is different in different situations too. In official situations you should use the following expressions: Let me introduce… or May I introduce… However when introducing friends or people of the same age you should use the following expressions: This is …, Meet … . If you have already met somebody at some time, you may say: How are you. In reply you may say: Fine (well, pretty well), thanks. And how are you?. Don’t forget that men are introduced to women unless they are much older and more senior. Young men are introduced to older men and young girls to older women.
Saying good-bye:
When the British leave, sometimes they like to say something to show their hosts that they want to see them again. The most common phrases for this are: It’s been nice meeting you (formal)., Hope to see you again (less formal)., Nice meeting you., See you later., See you then. (informal). The other most frequently used common parting phrases are: Good-bye!, Cheerio!, All the best!, See you later!. It’s also common when you leave to ask your friends to remind you to someone else, say, other members of the family, etc.: My best regards to…, Give my love to… .
2. Discuss the following questions:
1. Does the age of the person you are talking to have anything to do with the forms of greetings or introductions.
2. Does the status of the person you are speaking to have anything to do with the form of saying good-bye?
3. What are the most common forms of greetings in English and Russian?
4. What forms of greetings do you prefer to use and why?
5. What forms of saying good-bye exist in English and Russian?
6. Which three topics do you think are most likely to follow in a conversation between two people who have just been introduced?
Work Health
Weather Family
Recent activities Where are you from?
Now look at the different ways you can make conversation with friends and strangers.
People you know already.
Beginning Replying
Greetings How are you? Fine, thanks.
I’m very well.
Conversations starters How are things? Not too bad.
How’s it going? Great.
Lovely weather! OK (Fine)
How’s work?
Conversation closers I haven’t seen you No, I’ve been
for ages. busy (away).
See you soon (later). Good bye.
I must be going. See you soon.
I’ll be in touch. Bye for now.
People you haven’t met before
Beginning Replying
Introductions May (can) I introduce Nice to meet you.
myself (my colleague …)
Greetings How do you do? How do you do?
Pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you.
Conversation starters Have you been here long? No, I’ve just arrived.
Have you been here before? No, this is my first visit.
Lovely weather? Yes, marvelous, isn’t it?
Conversation closers I’m glad (pleased) to have It’s nice to have met
met you. you too.
It’s been very interesting If you are ever in … you
talking to you. must get in touch.
Role play.
You are at the conference reception. Some of the peoples are your friends and some are strangers. Talk to as many people as possible.
Cover the following points:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Greet the person
3. Start a conversation
4. Close the conversation
5. Introduce the stranger to a colleague of yours if possible.
6. Say good-bye using different parting phrases.
relative parents grandparents sister brother cousin uncle aunt niece nephew wife husband daughter son mother-in-law- father-in-law- engineer worker doctor businessman accountant housewife be born study consist of enter finish (to leave) be busy be married get married get retired (on) keep house live be ... years old have a family of one's own native town old/older/elder young/younger secondary school be fond of be interested in offer a number of courses the humanities natural sciences be essential I really think I could say get completely lost in get by from it discuss professional matters vessel prospective occupation challenging job well-paid job keep fit | родственник родители дедушка и бабушка сестра брат двоюродный брат/сестра дядя тетя племянница племянник жена муж дочь сын тёша/свекровь тесть/свёкор инженер IS рабочий врач бизнесмен бухгалтер домохозяйка родиться учиться состоять (из) поступать (в учебное заведение) оканчивать (среднюю школу) быть занятым быть женатым/замужем выйти замуж/жениться уйти (на пенсию) вести домашнее хозяйство жить быть в возрасте ...лет иметь свою семью родной город старый/старше/старший молодой/младше, младший средняя школа увлекаться, нравиться интересоваться предлагать курсы гуманитарные предметы естественные науки быть основным я бы сказал уйти с головой зарабатывать на жизнь обсуждать профессиональные вопросы судно будущая профессия ответственная работа высокооплачиваемая работа поддерживать форму |
1. Prepare for the discussion:
1. What are your habits?
2. What bad habits do you want to get rid of?
3. On what occasions do you lose your temper?
4. Do you think that your appearance shows your personality?
5. Are you more keen on sports or reading?
6. What qualities do you value in people most of all?
7. What things make a person happy?
2. Agree or disagree with statements:
1. You should have some luck to enter the university.
2. You should be calm and friendly towards others.
3. You are the best student in your group.
4. It is hard to study English.
5. It is no use in taking part in the social and sports activities of your school.
6. Specialized classes solve some problems as to choosing the way in life.
7. There are no easy roads to success.