НЕЗАВИСИМО ОТ- irrespective of

Мы решили ехать в деревню независимо от погоды.We decided to go to the village irrespective of the weather.

92 N. Ryan

нина сказала, что она купит себе ~то пл~тье независимо от0 цены.Niпa said that she would bL1y th1s dress Irr·espective of its price. ег попи ходили, сидели, лежали ~а палубе, а параход шёл шёл: независимо отжелании и цели этих людей ...

а Ф мович). "Some people walked. some were sitting dowп, others

1сера и .

inQ down оп the deck, but the sh1p kept on пюving irrespective of

ere lay f th 1 " (S t· · )

. hes and pL1rpose о ese реор е... era In1ovIch .


З.б. Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex nominal prepositions

The prepositions used in the genitive case prepositional constructions which are derived from а primary preposition + а noun in an oЫique case are mostly found in formal, official or bL1siness styles ofwriting or speech. They comprise а large group of prepositions often synonymous to prepositionless constructions or constructions with primary prepositions. For example: в целях подготовки= для подготовки (for prepa­ration); в силу нарушения= из-за нарушения (because of theviolation); вделе образования= в образовании (in education).

Some complex nominal prepositions consist of primary preposition + noun in oЫique case + second primary preposition, the noun determines the meaning of this complex preposition and the second primary preposi­tion determines the case of the following noun.

3.6.1. БЕЗ ПОМОЩИ- without help of

Иван не маг построить дом без помощи отца.lvan could not build his house without help of his father.

Нина никогда ничего не делала без помощи сестры.Nina never did anything without help of her sister.

3.6.2. БЕЗ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЯ- without attendance ofТуристы не могли перейти через горы без сопровождения проводника.The tourists could not get across the mountains without а guide.


3.6.3. В АДРЕС- in address of

это замечание было сделано в адрес Викто.

· ' dd Ра.Тh1s re

vvas made in v,ctor s а ress. rna

Критика в адрес администрации.Criticism in add

. ress ot

ministratюn. ad.

3.6.4. 8 8ИДЕ- as, in а form of

в виде исключенияразрешите студенту Смирнову с экзамен досрочно. As ап exception student Smirnov is allo дат~ for his examination before the appointed time. Wed to s1t

«Я вынул из чемодана и показал золотой медальон 8 сердечка-(Каверин). "1 took out of the suitcase а gold medall' ~идеюn 1nthe shape of а heart and showed it" (Kaverin).

«Слово "поэзия" вам смешно, вы употребляете его 8 ви

.. (li ~) " де

насмешливого у.прека ...» . олстои . The word «poetry)) is funny

for you, and you use ,t as загсавпс reproach ... " (Т olstoj).

3.6.5. 80 8РЕМЯ- during, in the time of

The preposition во времяis used predominantly with natural phenomena, activities and historical events and has the meaning "during•.

Во время бурибыло сломано много деревьев. Many trees fell down during the storm.

Во время войныпогибло много людей. А lot of people got killed during the war.

Во времясап also has the meaning of during 11the whole ot•, "throughout" when it is used with а verb in imperfective aspect.

Во время лекциистуденты делали записи в своих тетрадях. During the lecture students were making notes in their note­books.

And во времяhas the meaning "at some point" in when it is used

with а verb in perfective aspect.

Во время концертакто-то закашлял. Someone coughed dur-

ing а concert.


Белинский выступает во всеоружии своего критического гения.When Belinskij speaks, he is in full possession of his critical genius.

З.б.7. 8ГЛУБЬ- into the depths of, into the heart ofЭкспедиция зашла вглубь страны.The expedition went into the певп of the country.


80 8СЕОРУЖИИ- in full capacity of, fully armed with (archaic)

8 ДЕЛЕ- for the cause of, for the business of, in the matter of

Учителя принимают большое участие в деле образованиядетей. Teachers play а major role in the cause ofthe education of children.

з.б.9. 8 ДУХЕ- in the spirit of

Его произведения написаны в духе любви кродине. His works are written in the spirit of love for his native land.

Этот роман написан в духе времени.This novel is written in the spirit of time.

3.6.1 О. 8 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ- in conclusion

В заключение семинаравыступил профессор Никитин.

At the conclusion of the seminar professor Nikitin took the floor.

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