Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. You are seeking for a job but you don't know how to write a good resume. Mr. Green is in the same situation. An expert of Recruitment Agency provides him with some advice in this sphere. Read the notes by Ashleigh Morris ("The Career Forum"). Consult the vocabulary given below for better comprehension. Think over the structure of fu­ture resume using advice Mr. Green has got recently.

What is it a right resume?

So, Mr. Green, you are going after a good position, you have a clear career objective and are ready to con­tact Human Resource Agency, but you haven't your resume written.

A resume is an introduction, one page, one short chance at proving you are a qualified and experienced candidate who should be hired by a company. It wraps up all your life experiences, needs to be professional, to the point and perfect. A resume must present a clear picture of the candidate. For this you should know what a potential employer expects.

They look at a person's experience with a company, how long the person has worked for a company or to see if he is a "job jumper". The person should be able to present himself in a resume. Your resume must be right, standard format, typed. To offer details about spouses and children is not necessary and not professional.

So what should be in a resume?

Begin with the basics. Your name, address and phone (fax) number should always go at the top of your re­sume. There is no need to include the words "resume" or "c/v" — they take up precious space.

State a resume objective. It should be below the name, address and phone number and be a clear and concise job objective. Using it forces you to tailor your re­sume to a particular position or company, as well as provides an immediately clear sense of direction to those people who will be reviewing your resume. The main objective of your writing a resume — to demonstrate your abilities for a particular position — so state it clearly at the top. Focus on the position and career path you are going after, and state exactly what you want. It should be more than "Objective: To work in a challenging environment."

Talk about your accomplishments in your "Experi­ence" section. Focus on achievements at your present and previous jobs, especially those that involve prob­lem-solving, management skills, critical thinking and initiative. These should be listed chronologically, be­ginning with your most recent position and then mov­ing through previous jobs, as long as they provide applicable experience to the position you are seeking. Always use action verbs in your job description: words like "administered", "analyzed", "coordinated", "evalu­ated", "negotiated", "reviewed" and "supervised" offer a stronger presentation of your abilities. But keep the description short and to the point, and also make sure everything listed is relevant.

Include a section about your education, list it before your experience only if your educational history is stronger than your work background. This is often best for first-time job seekers who don't have much work experience. Make sure to list any additional cours­es you have taken that might be relevant to the job you are seeking, including specific company training pro­grams or language courses.

Personal data should be included in a short section at the end of your resume. Including information about your marital status, number of children, health and physical characteristics is always unnecessary. Include such categories as language fluency, extensive travel history or specific computer skills. Don't include ref­erences in your resume.

2. Read the lexical commentaries to the text and learn the words and word-combinations given below.

candidate — кандидат challenging — благоприят­ный
applicant — кандидат, претен­дент environment — окружение
application — заявление, за­явка focus on — сосредоточиться на чем-л.
resume — резюме involve — включать
c/v (Curriculum Vitae) — автобиография problem-solving skills — спо­собности к разрешению проблем
go after a position — пре­тендовать на должность accomplishments — положи­тельные свойства; совер­шенство; завершенность
recent position — последняя должность solve a problem — решать проблему
career objective — цель ка­рьеры achievement — достижение
Personnel Manager — ме­неджер по работе с персо­налом, кадрами management skills — спо­собности к управлению
Human Resource Manager — менеджер по кадрам critical thinking — критичес­кое мышление
recruitment agency — бюро по трудоустройству initiative— инициативный  
prove smth — доказать что-либо list chronologically — пере­числить в хронологичес­ком порядке
be qualified — быть квали­фицированным seek a position — искать ме­сто, устраиваться на ра­боту
experienced — опытный offer — предложить
provide applicable experi­ence — обеспечить необ­ходимый опыт first-time job seeker — впер­вые устраивающийся на работу
have experience in some fi­eld — иметь опыт в какой-то области educational history — све­дения об образовании
be hired by smb — быть наня­тым кем-либо work background — профес­сиональная квалифика­ция
employ— нанимать relevant— соответствую­щий
employee — работник, слу­жащий education — образование
employer — наниматель take language courses — за­ниматься на языковых курсах
recruiter — наниматель additional course — допол­нительный курс
employment — занятость, трудоустройство specific company training program — подготови­тельная программа опре­деленной компанииpersonal
job jumper (changes positions every 6—10 months) —тот, кто меняет работу каждые 6—10 месяцев wrap up additional informa­tion — содержать допол­нительную информацию
present oneself in a resume — представить сведения о себе в резюме expert — эксперт  
type — печатать marital status — семейное положение
handwritten — написанный от руки data — личные све­дения
objective — объективный; цель fit (fit) — подходить
concise — краткий; сокра­щенный; выразитель­ный; четкий language fluency — бег­лость речи  
tailor to a particular posi­tion — рассчитывать (пре­тендовать) на конкретную должность specific computer skills— специальные компьютер­ные навыки
post, appointment, position — должность travel history — поездки
review a resume — просмот­реть резюме refer — касаться
present job — работа в на­стоящее время reference — рекомендация  
previous job — предыдущая работа quantify — определять ко­личество
job description — описание работы concrete testimony — кон­кретное доказательство, свидетельство
demonstrate abilities — про­демонстрировать способ­ности impressive client — впечат­ляющий клиент
state clearly — четко заявить hesitate — колебаться
award— награда hold a post — занимать должность
special recognition — особен­ное признание, награда dismiss smb — освободить ко­го-либо от занимаемой должности
bring attention to impor­tant details — привлечь внимание к важным де­талям proofread — корректиро­вать, исправлять, редак­тировать
bullets of information — блоки информации sufficient— достаточный  
support candidacy for a par­ticular position — под­держать кандидатуру на конкретную должность   convince — убеждатьcover letter (letter of inqui­ry) — письмо, посылае­мое нанимателю с целью выяснения требований к конкретной должности



Phone/fax number


Personal data

7. Look at the plan and draft resume Mr. Green has writ­ten recently. Use it as an example to write your own resume.


1. Name, address, phone/fax number.

2. Particular position, company (job objective).

3. Experience (achievements, skills).

4. Education + additional courses, specific company training programs, language courses.

5. Personal data.


Mr. Paul Green

112 Kingston Road October, 25, 2005

3477 London,

Great Britain

phone 22758-53

fax 22758-52

Job objective:Finance and Administration Manager

Company:Jaar International Inc.


Recent position: 2005—1997 Finance and Administration Manager. Supervised Development of Management Infor­mation systems. Coordinated development of Logistics. Proved to have management skills. International Trade Com­pany "MARS", Great Britain.

Previous jobs: 1997—1995 Finance Manager. IBM comput­ers Inc. Analyzed budgeting and forecasts programs. Evalu­ated as having problem-solving skills. French Branch, IBM computers Inc., France.

1995—1990 Bookkeeper. Glaxo International Co. Coordinated costing, budgeting programs, branch department. Ukraini­an office, Ukraine.

Education:1990 Degree with Honors in Finance and Econ­omy, Oxford University, Finance and Administration. 1989—1990 Special training program (Glaxo International Co.).

1986—1989 special language courses (French: Finance and Economy in France — Ukrainian: Ukrainian Tax Policy). 1984—1986 Computer systems for Finance and Economy.

Personal Data:age 32, fluent in French, Ukrainian.

Travel history:France, Ukraine.

Profound computer skills:WinWord, Excel, Finance pro­grams.

8. Situations for further discussion.

1. Imagine that your friend has decided to write down a resume because he is seeking a new job. Give him/her advice how to write it clearly.

2. You are working at the Human Resources Office and you deal with applicants' resumes. You know well how to write a good resume. Explain how to do it to an applicant for a position "Sales Manag­er" at a famous-Food Company.

9. Using the information provided by this chapter try to write down your own resume. Make up the plan.


1. You want to continue your studies abroad or to partic­ipate in the work of an international conference. For this you should fill in a special application form. Mrs. Smith is work­ing at the University of International Trade and Business Administration. She knows perfectly well what an application form is. She shows us different forms and gives advice how to fill them in. Look through the application forms. Read the notes by Mrs. Smith. Consult the vocabulary given below.

Mrs. Smith:Any application form is a special form developed by University, Institute, College, Congress, Conference to provide more specific information about the applicants and to formalize all the information about them for better data processing.

The application form usually includes the follow­ing sections: general information about the institu­tion, benefits, responsibilities, applicants' criteria, clos­ing date for applications.

The application form contains usually:

• Personal details(data): Family name/Legal name

(last, first, middle)

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Dr.)

Sex (male, female)

Permanent home address, phone/fax number or Pre­sent address

Place and date of birth

Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)

Military status

• Academic backgroundusually includes all academic qualifications obtained since completing secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Usually the applicants attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are issued in another language.

• Professional backgroundlisting all positions held since completing secondary education.

• Residency issues(citizenship, permanent residence status, previous country of residence).

• Proposed course of study:What qualifications would you like to obtain, in what subjects?

At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? Are you applying for a fully funded scholarship?

Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from two referees(both of whom should be professional or academic) in support of the application, sometimes it's necessary to attach the Personal Essays.The Personal Essay provides individualized information about the applicant, his/her ambitions, interests.

• At the end you can find applicant's obligationswhile studying. All the application forms should be filled in clearly or typed.

Last First Middle

Permanent Mailing Address:...............................................

City: Laredo....State:.......Zip code:.... Country: The USA........

Telephone-home:................ Office: 44599-21...................

2. Tell us about your plans:

Will you seek teacher certification from TAMIU? ..+..Yes .... No

Applying for.,.2...(year)

Admission for...Winter ...+...Fall ...Spring ...Summer

Are you enrolled at another University/College? .... Yes .... No

If Yes, where? Alabama Finance University........................

3. Tell us about your educational background:

Please list all Colleges and Universities you have attended beginning with the most recent:

Attended Degree

Alabama Finance University Alabama................ 1997-2000

Degree in Finance and Economy

Texas Administration College...................1995-1997........

What exams have you taken?

Exam Date Taken Mark

1. Economy and Finance..................................excellent



4. Residency issues:

I. Are you a US Citizen?...+...Yes (Go to 2) ...No (Com­plete 1)

Do you have U.S. Temporary Resident status? ...Yes ...No

If Yes, Visa type:.................. Date issued:.......................

Visa No.:............................. Expiration Date:...................

2. Are you a resident of the State of Texas?...+...Yes ...No (Go to B)

3. Will you have been residing in Texas for 12 consecutive months prior to your first enrollment at TAMIU?

....+Yes (Go to part B) .....No (Go to 4)

4. Upon whom are you basing your claim for residency: ............Parent/Legal Guardian...................Spouse

Your Oath of Residency:

I understand that the information submitted herein will be relied by Texas A & M International University officials to determine my status for admission and residency eligibility. I authorize TAMIU to verify the information I have provided. I agree to notify the proper officials of TAMIU of any chang­es in the information provided. I certify that the information on this application is complete and correct, and I under­stand that the submission of false information is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, or appropriate dis­ciplinary action.

Westwood Kate Mary 20 August, 2005

Print name Signature Soc. Security No. Date

7. Using the application form from the previous task fill this application form in as if you were the applicant.

British Chevening Scholarships


Part A. Personal Details

Family name:…………………………………….

(as onpassport)

Other names: ..................................................

Title: …………........Mr.........Mrs..........Miss...........Ms……….........Dr

Sex: …………...........................Male............................. .....Female

Place of birth:......................Date of birth:........................



Address for correspondence in home country:..................

Telephone number............................................................

Part B. Academic Background

Please list all academic qualifications obtained since com­pleting your secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Please indicate with an aster­isk * those courses which were entirely or mainly English medium — i.e. where the language of instruction or supervi­sion was English:

Qualification Institution Subject From To

(including class or level)


Please attach photocopies of all relevant academic certifi­cates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are written in another language.

First Referee

Title and name.................................................................. Position............................................................................


How long have you known this referee?.............................

What is his/her professional relationship to you? ..............


Practical achievements.

How long have you known the applicant?

Evaluation of an applicant as a student.


Professional background.

Potential for further study.


13. You are a referee to one of your colleagues. Write a letter of recommendation for him/her using the vocabulary provided below.

active generous reliable
adaptable gifted resourceful
ambitious good natured self-confident
broadminded hardworking serious
cheerful helpful sociable
competitive honest successful
cooperative imaginative supportive
creative mature tactful
curious motivated talented
determined optimistic thorough
eager organized trustworthy
easygoing original independent
energetic outgoing personality intellectual
enthusiastic patient leader
enterpreneurial progressive
flexible purposeful
friendly quick

14. Situations for further discussion.

1. How can an application form influence your admis­sion to the institution?

2. Is it important to write a good Personal Essay?

3. What a potential referee should write about an applicant? How can a referee influence the future of the applicant?


1. You want to send a business letter but you don't know the rules how to do it, and whether it differs from a per­sonal letter or not. Read the notes by Mrs. Anderson who has been working for 5 years as Sales Manager at the well-known company.

The layout of the business letter differs in some respects from that of the personal letter.

Not only the sender's address is given (as in personal letter) but also the name and address of the person or organization to which the letter is being sent. This is written on the left-hand side of the page against the margin slightly lower than the date (which is on the opposite side). It should be the same as the name and address on the envelope.

A letter written to a man should be addressed to, for example, Mr. D. Smith or to D. Smith Esq. (Esquire). A letter to a woman, should be addressed to, for example, Mrs. C. Jones or Miss C. Jones. If you do not know the name of the person for whom your letter is intended you may address it directly to the company, e.g.:

The Branded Boot Co.Ltd.,

5 Rubberheel Road,




Co.and Ltd.are the usual abbreviations for Companyand Limited.However it's better to address your letter to some individual — The Managing Director, The Personnel Manager, The Secretary, The Branch Manager, The Export Manager — followed by the name of the company.

If the person you are writing to is known to you, you should begin with, for example, Dear Mr. Thompson, Dear Mrs. Warren, etc. Otherwise you should begin Dear Sir(s), Dear Madam, or Gentlemen: (Am.). Note that Gentlemen is followed by a colon.

The body of the business letter usually includes: a) Reference, b) Information, c) Purpose, d) Conclusion.

You should begin your letter with a referenceto a letter you have received, an advertisement you have seen, or an event which has prompted the writing of your letter.

e.g.: Thank you for your letter of May 3rd. In your letter of January 13th you inquire about ....

It was a great pleasure to receive your letter of July 1st that.....I recently called your agent in this country to ask about .... but he was unable to help me.

It is sometimes necessary to add some detailed in­formation related to the reference, in a subsequent paragraph.

Purposeis the most important part of the letter, where you are expected to state clearly and concisely what you want and answer carefully and clearly all the questions that you have been asked.

Conclusionusually consists of some polite remark to round the letter off.

e.g.: I look (I am looking) forward to hearing from you soon.

I sincerely hope you will be able to help me in this matter.

I should greatly appreciate an early reply.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the trouble this mistake has caused you.

We apologize sincerely for the trouble caused to you, and will take all possible steps to ensure that such a mistake does not occur.

Then usually follows the complimentary close.If you begin your letter with Dear Sir(s) or Dear Madam you may end it with the words “Yours faithfully”. If you address a person by name the words “Yours sincerely” are preferable. There is a modern tendency however to use “Yours sincerely” even to people you have never met.

The signature:sign you name clearly, in full, as it should appear on the envelope of the letter addressed to you.

The connectivesplay an outstanding role in writing a business letter. They are used for better comprehension of the contents.

e.g.: Owing to, Unfortunately, However, We should be delighted, We do hope, It is possible that, We should be pleased, For this reason, We regret about, Taking into account that, Hopefully.

Summarizing all the above said it should be stressed that any business letter can be written using the following general scheme:

1. Heading (writer's address, date of the letter).

2. Inside address (name and address of the person or company receiving the letter).

3. Greeting (Dear Sir:).

4. Body of the letter (reference, information, pur­pose, conclusion).

5. Closing or complimentary close (saying good-bye).

6. Signature.

2. Read the words and word-combinations for better comprehension.

margin — поле (страницы) apologize — извиняться
envelope — конверт take steps — принимать меры
address — адресовать occur (about the mistake) — случаться (об ошибке)
intend — иметь намерение Yours faithfully — Искренне Ваш
otherwise — в противном случае Yours sincerely — Искренне Ваш
colon — двоеточие owing to— благодаря
prompt — заставлять unfortunately— к сожалению
inquire — выяснять be delighted— быть в восхищении
be unable — быть не в состоянии regret — сожалеть
subsequent — последующий take into account — принимать во внимание
polite — вежливый cause trouble — вызвать не приятности
accept apologies — принять извинения  

3. You have found different parts of many letters. Choose what phrases you should use: a) at the beginning of a business letter; b) in the middle; c) at the end. Complete the phrases where it is necessary.

We have pleasure in informing you....…………………………..............…………….....

Yours sincerely

In reply to your letter dated................…………………………………………................

We look forward to a visit of the President......………………………………………......

We wish to inform you....................…………………………………………...................

Further to our telephone conversation.........………………………………………...........

Yours faithfully

We thank you for your letter dated 23rd March, 2002…………………………………...

We have to inform you....................................…………………………………………...

I'm looking forward to meeting you soon

We enclose with the letter the design documents.

Best regards

We highly appreciate the work you have done for us.

It allows us to make a decision.

Please, contact us as soon as possible.


Your letter has been forwarded to us by DHL.

You are kindly requested to study this material and inform us about the decision at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you

We are ready to assist you in this endeavor.

We have attached the payment documents to the letter.

We assure you that we shall fulfil our obligations.

In confirming our talk with your representative ........……………………………...........

In connection with your inquiry.....…………………………………………....................

We should like to stipulate the fact that...………………………………………..............

4. Join the ideas using the connectives.

e.g. We should be delighted to take a group of your students/Our company regulations limit maximum numbers of groups to twenty.

We should be delighted to take a group of your students, however (please, take into account that) our company regulations limit maximum number of groups to twenty.

We should like visiting groups to report to our office on the date of the visit/Do please contact at the above address at 8 am.

We have received your message concerning the date of the visit/Arrange your visit for early 2002.

Our company makes a small visiting charge/This includes the price of lunch. Our company reserves the right to send off the pre­mises any members of the group who misbehave/It should not happen.

5. You are working at a big company as a Personal Assistant to Managing Director. In a month two representatives of your company will arrive in Vermont, the USA and plan to be there for a week. Using examples given below try to write:

a) your own letter of inquiry to the best hotel in the city;

b) book seats on a plane.

15 Maple Street,




6th May, 2005

The Manager,

Park Hotel,




Dear Sir:

The name of your hotel has been given to me by the Hotel Association, and I shall be very much obliged if you let me know whether you have the following accommodation available for 3 weeks, from 15th July:

One double room, if possible with private bathroom, and one single room.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Yours faithfully,

W.D. Throp

Win Mouk Co.,

302 Barr Street



7th July, 2005

Scandinavian Airline System

12, Chelsey Street,



Dear Sirs:

Our Technical Director, Mr. Thuong, will be arriving in London next week and will then go on to Sweden and Fin­land. We shall therefore be obliged if you book a seat for him on a plane leaving Britain for Stockholm on or about the 21st.

We thank you in advance for your kind attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Win Kyu


6. You work at the Organizing Committee of International Finance Conference which will take place in Kyiv, Septem­ber 25—30, 2005. Write the letters of invitation to the par­ticipants of the conference using the model given below.


United States Department of Commerce

International Finance Conference

Washington, D.C.,

20658, USA

June 2nd, 2004

Prof. Petrov,

Finance Manager,

Zepter Inc., Kyiv branch,

63, Volodymirska Str,



Dear Professor Petrov:

On behalf of the American Finance Society it is an honour for us to welcome you and to be your host in Washington during the International Finance Conference, May 20—27.

It is a pleasure for us not only to invite you to a conference of the highest scientific standard but also to present Washington and, if you wish, other exciting places in the USA.

The scientific planning of the conference has resulted in a most exciting program with more than 40 major and assem­bly symposia not including the numerous free communication sessions.

I am glad to inform you that your abstract was accepted by our Committee, N 2256 for poster presentation.

We attach with the letter of invitation Reservation and Registration Form. The deadline for its submission: March 15, 2004.

If you have any questions or need additional information please contact us without hesitation.

Yours sincerely,

Jim Smith


7. You work at a big chemical plant as a Product Manager. Inform the well-known company-producer of chemical equipment that you would like to receive their quota­tion and the latest catalogue. Use the words and word combinations provided below.

Company: Blake & Co, Conduit Street, 40, London, Great Britain

We are the leading manufacturers for this article.………………………………......

We should be much obliged if..................…………………………………..............

to consider our request.......................…………………………………….................

to contact................................................……………………………………….........

in this context..........................................………………………………………........

Yours sincerely

We heard that your company is a reliable partner…………………………………..

8. You work at a big bank as a Computer Specialist. Let the company-supplier of the computers know that their terms of payment and delivery suit you, but you cannot place an order with them as their prices are too high. Use the following words and word combinations.


1. You are seeking for a job but you don't know how to write a good resume. Mr. Green is in the same situation. An expert of Recruitment Agency provides him with some advice in this sphere. Read the notes by Ashleigh Morris ("The Career Forum"). Consult the vocabulary given below for better comprehension. Think over the structure of fu­ture resume using advice Mr. Green has got recently.

What is it a right resume?

So, Mr. Green, you are going after a good position, you have a clear career objective and are ready to con­tact Human Resource Agency, but you haven't your resume written.

A resume is an introduction, one page, one short chance at proving you are a qualified and experienced candidate who should be hired by a company. It wraps up all your life experiences, needs to be professional, to the point and perfect. A resume must present a clear picture of the candidate. For this you should know what a potential employer expects.

They look at a person's experience with a company, how long the person has worked for a company or to see if he is a "job jumper". The person should be able to present himself in a resume. Your resume must be right, standard format, typed. To offer details about spouses and children is not necessary and not professional.

So what should be in a resume?

Begin with the basics. Your name, address and phone (fax) number should always go at the top of your re­sume. There is no need to include the words "resume" or "c/v" — they take up precious space.

State a resume objective. It should be below the name, address and phone number and be a clear and concise job objective. Using it forces you to tailor your re­sume to a particular position or company, as well as provides an immediately clear sense of direction to those people who will be reviewing your resume. The main objective of your writing a resume — to demonstrate your abilities for a particular position — so state it clearly at the top. Focus on the position and career path you are going after, and state exactly what you want. It should be more than "Objective: To work in a challenging environment."

Talk about your accomplishments in your "Experi­ence" section. Focus on achievements at your present and previous jobs, especially those that involve prob­lem-solving, management skills, critical thinking and initiative. These should be listed chronologically, be­ginning with your most recent position and then mov­ing through previous jobs, as long as they provide applicable experience to the position you are seeking. Always use action verbs in your job description: words like "administered", "analyzed", "coordinated", "evalu­ated", "negotiated", "reviewed" and "supervised" offer a stronger presentation of your abilities. But keep the description short and to the point, and also make sure everything listed is relevant.

Include a section about your education, list it before your experience only if your educational history is stronger than your work background. This is often best for first-time job seekers who don't have much work experience. Make sure to list any additional cours­es you have taken that might be relevant to the job you are seeking, including specific company training pro­grams or language courses.

Personal data should be included in a short section at the end of your resume. Including information about your marital status, number of children, health and physical characteristics is always unnecessary. Include such categories as language fluency, extensive travel history or specific computer skills. Don't include ref­erences in your resume.

2. Read the lexical commentaries to the text and learn the words and word-combinations given below.

candidate — кандидат challenging — благоприят­ный
applicant — кандидат, претен­дент environment — окружение
application — заявление, за­явка focus on — сосредоточиться на чем-л.
resume — резюме involve — включать
c/v (Curriculum Vitae) — автобиография problem-solving skills — спо­собности к разрешению проблем
go after a position — пре­тендовать на должность accomplishments — положи­тельные свойства; совер­шенство; завершенность
recent position — последняя должность solve a problem — решать проблему
career objective — цель ка­рьеры achievement — достижение
Personnel Manager — ме­неджер по работе с персо­налом, кадрами management skills — спо­собности к управлению
Human Resource Manager — менеджер по кадрам critical thinking — критичес­кое мышление
recruitment agency — бюро по трудоустройству initiative— инициативный  
prove smth — доказать что-либо list chronologically — пере­числить в хронологичес­ком порядке
be qualified — быть квали­фицированным seek a position — искать ме­сто, устраиваться на ра­боту
experienced — опытный offer — предложить
provide applicable experi­ence — обеспечить необ­ходимый опыт first-time job seeker — впер­вые устраивающийся на работу
have experience in some fi­eld — иметь опыт в какой-то области educational history — све­дения об образовании
be hired by smb — быть наня­тым кем-либо work background — профес­сиональная квалифика­ция
employ— нанимать relevant— соответствую­щий
employee — работник, слу­жащий education — образование
employer — наниматель take language courses — за­ниматься на языковых курсах
recruiter — наниматель additional course — допол­нительный курс
employment — занятость, трудоустройство specific company training program — подготови­тельная программа опре­деленной компанииpersonal
job jumper (changes positions every 6—10 months) —тот, кто меняет работу каждые 6—10 месяцев wrap up additional informa­tion — содержать допол­нительную информацию
present oneself in a resume — представить сведения о себе в резюме expert — эксперт  
type — печатать marital status — семейное положение
handwritten — написанный от руки data — личные све­дения
objective — объективный; цель fit (fit) — подходить
concise — краткий; сокра­щенный; выразитель­ный; четкий language fluency — бег­лость речи  
tailor to a particular posi­tion — рассчитывать (пре­тендовать) на конкретную должность specific computer skills— специальные компьютер­ные навыки
post, appointment, position — должность travel history — поездки
review a resume — просмот­реть резюме refer — касаться
present job — работа в на­стоящее время reference — рекомендация  
previous job — предыдущая работа quantify — определять ко­личество
job description — описание работы concrete testimony — кон­кретное доказательство, свидетельство
demonstrate abilities — про­демонстрировать способ­ности impressive client — впечат­ляющий клиент
state clearly — четко заявить hesitate — колебаться
award— награда hold a post — занимать должность
special recognition — особен­ное признание, награда dismiss smb — освободить ко­го-либо от занимаемой должности
bring attention to impor­tant details — привлечь внимание к важным де­талям proofread — корректиро­вать, исправлять, редак­тировать
bullets of information — блоки информации sufficient— достаточный  
support candidacy for a par­ticular position — под­держать кандидатуру на конкретную должность   convince — убеждатьcover letter (letter of inqui­ry) — письмо, посылае­мое нанимателю с целью выяснения требований к конкретной должности

Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The candidates have arrived in time for the inter­view.

2. You should send your application form by fax.

3. Have you written the new resume yet?

4. What career objective have you got?

5. Do you go after the position of a bookkeeper?

6. Our Personnel Manager will see you tomorrow.

7. How can you prove being a qualified engineer?

8. This job provided him applicable experience in the sphere of computers.

9. The secretary was hired by Human Resources Manager.

10. This company is the biggest employer at the food market.

11. Are you a job jumper?

12. He'll review your resume the day after tomorrow.

4. Compound sentences with the following words and word-combinations.

to type (a document, a letter, a resume), a typist;

job (previous, present), job description, job jumper;

to focus on (accomplishments, achievements, lacks);

to solve (a problem), solution, problem-solving skills;

to seek (a position, assistance), job seeker;

to take (language courses, specific company train­ing program);

to support sb (candidacy for a particular position);

to refer, good references.

5. What would you say if you took part in these dia­logues? Dramatize them.

A. Is it necessary to type my resume?

B. I consider that ...........................................

A. I think you'd better write about your spouse and children in the resume. Do you agree with me?

B. I don't think so because ...............................

A. Is it obligatory to mention my educational histo­ry? Why?

B. I suppose that.............................................

A. I started with my personal data then passed to my experience. Is that right?

B. It's not right, you'd better............................

A. Did you list chronologically all your previous positions?

B. No, because.................................................

A. I think you should mention ..........................

6. Mr. Green found separate parts of a good resume's scheme. Help him to put the parts in a right order.

Position, company

Job objective


Additional courses, specific

company training programs,

language courses



Phone/fax number


Personal data

7. Look at the plan and draft resume Mr. Green has writ­ten recently. Use it as an example to write your own resume.


1. Name, address, phone/fax number.

2. Particular position, company (job objective).

3. Experience (achievements, skills).

4. Education + additional courses, specific company training programs, language courses.

5. Personal data.


Mr. Paul Green

112 Kingston Road October, 25, 2005

3477 London,

Great Britain

phone 22758-53

fax 22758-52

Job objective:Finance and Administration Manager

Company:Jaar International Inc.


Recent position: 2005—1997 Finance and Administration Manager. Supervised Development of Management Infor­mation systems. Coordinated development of Logistics. Proved to have management skills. International Trade Com­pany "MARS", Great Britain.

Previous jobs: 1997—1995 Finance Manager. IBM comput­ers Inc. Analyzed budgeting and forecasts programs. Evalu­ated as having problem-solving skills. French Branch, IBM computers Inc., France.

1995—1990 Bookkeeper. Glaxo International Co. Coordinated costing, budgeting programs, branch department. Ukraini­an office, Ukraine.

Education:1990 Degree with Honors in Finance and Econ­omy, Oxford University, Finance and Administration. 1989—1990 Special training program (Glaxo International Co.).

1986—1989 special language courses (French: Finance and Economy in France — Ukrainian: Ukrainian Tax Policy). 1984—1986 Computer systems for Finance and Economy.

Personal Data:age 32, fluent in French, Ukrainian.

Travel history:France, Ukraine.

Profound computer skills:WinWord, Excel, Finance pro­grams.

8. Situations for further discussion.

1. Imagine that your friend has decided to write down a resume because he is seeking a new job. Give him/her advice how to write it clearly.

2. You are working at the Human Resources Office and you deal with applicants' resumes. You know well how to write a good resume. Explain how to do it to an applicant for a position "Sales Manag­er" at a famous-Food Company.

9. Using the information provided by this chapter try to write down your own resume. Make up the plan.


1. You want to continue your studies abroad or to partic­ipate in the work of an international conference. For this you should fill in a special application form. Mrs. Smith is work­ing at the University of International Trade and Business Administration. She knows perfectly well what an application form is. She shows us different forms and gives advice how to fill them in. Look through the application forms. Read the notes by Mrs. Smith. Consult the vocabulary given below.

Mrs. Smith:Any application form is a special form developed by University, Institute, College, Congress, Conference to provide more specific information about the applicants and to formalize all the information about them for better data processing.

The application form usually includes the follow­ing sections: general information about the institu­tion, benefits, responsibilities, applicants' criteria, clos­ing date for applications.

The application form contains usually:

• Personal details(data): Family name/Legal name

(last, first, middle)

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Dr.)

Sex (male, female)

Permanent home address, phone/fax number or Pre­sent address

Place and date of birth

Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)

Military status

• Academic backgroundusually includes all academic qualifications obtained since completing secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Usually the applicants attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are issued in another language.

• Professional backgroundlisting all positions held since completing secondary education.

• Residency issues(citizenship, permanent residence status, previous country of residence).

• Proposed course of study:What qualifications would you like to obtain, in what subjects?

At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? Are you applying for a fully funded scholarship?

Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from two referees(both of whom should be professional or academic) in support of the application, sometimes it's necessary to attach the Personal Essays.The Personal Essay provides individualized information about the applicant, his/her ambitions, interests.

• At the end you can find applicant's obligationswhile studying. All the application forms should be filled in clearly or typed.

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