VII. Speak on the problems of children and adolescents.

The words you may need: children and adolescents, list of the most important problems, resolve these concerns, an able student, parents were divorcing, self-esteem improved, to feel more secure, difficulty in reading, in verbal form, collaborated with his parents and teachers


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

organ, system, process, information, motivation, emotion, to control, abstract, concrete, dominant, artistic.

II. Read and translate the derivatives. Mind the suffixes.

Nerve - nervous – nervously

Sensor - sensory

To divide – division

Sphere – hemisphere

Verb - verbal - non-verbal

To think – thinking

To solve - solving

III. Active vocabulary:

  1. brain - мозг
  2. central nervous system – центральная нервная система
  3. processing - обработка
  4. coding - кодировка
  5. sensory – восприятие органами чувств
  6. mediation – посредничество, связь
  7. memory - память
  8. hemisphere - полушарие
  9. speech - речь
  10. thinking - мышление
  11. left-hander - левша
  12. right-hander - правша
  13. lateral thinking – нестандартное мышление

IV. Read and translate the text:


The brain is the organ of the central nervous system responsible for the processing and coding of sensory and sensory information, for the control of regulatory processes in the body, and for the mediation of complex processes, such as motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.

The brain is divided into two halves which are called hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and directs speech, writing and abstract thinking. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and directs the non-verbal memory, emotions and concrete thinking.

That is why the left hemisphere is dominant in right-handed people and vice verse the right hemisphere is dominant in left-handed people. As a result, left-handers are sometimes considered to be better at lateral thinking and problem solving and to be more artistic.


I. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

responsible for, processing and coding, sensory information, mediation of complex processes, to be divided into two halves, to direct speech, writing and abstract thinking, the non-verbal memory, vice verse, to be better at lateral thinking, problem solving.

II. Suggest the English for:

ответственный за, переработка и кодирование информации, связь сложных процессов, информация, поступающая от органов чувств, полушарие, преобладающий, наоборот, левша, правша, управлять речью, абстрактное мышление, невербальная память, нестандартное мышление, решение проблем.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following using:

Yes, you are right (= it is correct)

No, you are not right (=you are wrong)

1. The brain is the organ of the central nervous system.

2. The brain is divided into two halves which are called hemispheres.

3. The right hemisphere controls the right side of the body and directs speech, writing and abstract thinking.

4. The left side of the body the non-verbal memory, emotions and concrete thinking are controlled with the left hemisphere.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. The brain is … responsible for the processing and coding of information.

2. The brain is … which are called hemispheres.

3. The … controls the right side of the body.

4. The right hemisphere … the non-verbal memory, emotions and concrete thinking.

5. Left-handers are considered to be better at … and to be more artistic.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. The brain is …

2. Two halves of the brain are called …

3. The left hemisphere controls …

  1. The right hemisphere directs …

5. Left-handers are sometimes considered to be …

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the brain?

2. What does the brain control?

3. How many parts is the brain divided into?

4. What does the left hemisphere control?

5. What does the right hemisphere direct?

  1. Left-handers are considered to be better at concrete thinking and problem solving, aren’t they?

VII. Speak on the brain.

The words you may need: organ of the central nervous system, motivation, emotion, learning, and memory, hemispheres, directs speech, writing, abstract thinking, non-verbal memory, concrete thinking, dominant in, left-handers, lateral thinking, problem solving.


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

emotion, psychological, positive, negative, to communicate, biological, social, cognitive, stress.

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