For example for instance namely

a) Study the following pattern sentences and learn to distinguish between «for example» and «namely»:

There are quite a few problems which are referred to as global: for example, food, population, energy, etc.

We discussed two problems: namely, food and population.

b) Complete each of the following with «for example» or «namely»:

1) There are several techniques which I use in my experiments: ...

2) There are two foreign languages that I’d like to master: ...

3) My supervisor assists me in many ways: ...

4) I have to take three exams: ...

1.3.3. Answer the following questions giving your opinion, exam-ples, details. You may use the following:

In my view ...

In my opinion ...

I think that ...

I suppose that ...

to give you an example ...

for example ...

that is to say ...

1) What in your view is the purpose of a postgraduate course?

2) At the end of the postgraduate course many young people become self-reliant scientists, don’t they?

3) I suppose there are some significant developments in your branch of science, what are they?

4) Would you agree that the language of mathematics is universal, and no science can develop fruitfully without using mathematics?

5) I suppose your thesis is developing successfully?

1.3.4. (A) Complete the following sentences:

1. My field of research is ...

2. The problem I am studying concerns …

For example for instance namely -

study … investigate …

I do research …

carry out an investigation of … undertake a study of …

    the activity  
    the function  
    the nature  
  studying the structure  
I am engaged in investigating the effects of
  researching into the action  
    the causes  
    the influence  
    the properties  

          to find out …  
          to discover …  
3. The main aim of my investigation         to obtain …  
The chief purpose of my work   is     to assess …  
The primary objective of my research         to demonstrate …  
          to show …  
          to test …  
          to check …  
          to verify …  
4. The problem I am trying to solve   is      
The problem I am studying            

interesting fascinating important

For example for instance namely - For example for instance namely - The investigation I am carrying out is of practical importance of fundamental value

involves certain difficulties presents some difficulties

        turn for help to my supervisor    
        turn for advice to my colleagues    
5. In my work I   consult with my fellow workers    
        discuss things with co-workers    
        consult standard reference books    
            to determine the parameters of    
            to examine facts about / questions    
            concerning …    
            to measure the rate of / the amount of    
  carry out         to obtain data on …    
6. I make   experiments   to test the validity of …    
  perform             the idea    
            to confirm   the theory that  
                the hypothesis    
            to provide evidence for …    
            to reveal the causes of …    
            to find out whether …    

      strong         showing    
  to give sufficient         suggesting    
7. I managed to present convincing   evidence indicating that  
  to provide interesting   data     which show(s)    
  to obtain important         suggest(s)    
      promising         indicate(s)    
    is     certain   theoretical importance  
8. This evidence seem(s) to be of some   practical interest    
These data   are     great   experimental value    

9. The techniques I use / apply are as follows: ...

10. The procedure I follow in my experiments is like this: …

11. The facilities I need for my work include: ...

(B) Restate the following questions:

PATTERN: What education did you get? Could you tell me

For example for instance namely - Would you tell us what education you got? I’d like to know

I wonder

1) What is your branch of science?

2) What is your field of research?

3) What are your scientific interests?

4) What activities does your programme of study and research in-


5) What are the basic requirements for a higher degree thesis?

6) How does your supervisor assist you?

7) What techniques do you use in carrying out your experiments?

8) How is your thesis developing?

(C) Answer the restated questions using «for example» and «namely» to give details.

(D) You are having a talk with your fellow-students. Ask them about their research and tell them about the research you are doing.

1.3.5. Prepare interviews with your fellow-students on the follow-ing topics. Use the key words in brackets to guide your conversation. You may introduce your questions using:

First of all I’d like to know ...

Then, I’m interested in ...

I also wonder ...

And finally, could you please tell me ...

1. A postgraduate programme of study and research:

(study, reading, seminar, colloquium, examination, investigation, publication, thesis).

2. A higher degree thesis:

(topic, draft, originality, application, submission, acceptance, de-fence, award, degree).

3. Research publications:

(article, paper, report, abstract, contribution, co-author, joint publication). 4. Research:

(theoretical background, investigation, skills, techniques, procedures, hypothesis, data, correlation, computation, facilities, equipment).

5. Supervision:

(assistance, advice, discussion, criticism, problem, review, comment, publication).

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