Exercise 30. Ask 5 types of questions to each sentence
e.g. Her brother goes to university every day. –
Does her brother go to university every day?
Does her brother go to university or to school every day?
When does her brother go to university?
Her brother goes to university every day, doesn`t he?
Who goes to university every day?
1. This director always invites famous actors to play in his films.
2. The students of the Art Department often visit old towns and cities.
3. The producer always controls film budget.
4. Every Friday we see old Russian films at VGIK.
Exercise 31. Translate the following sentences into English, using Present Simple.
e.g. Этот оператор любит снимать на натуре. – This cameraman likes to shoot on location.
1. Мой друг учится в университете.
2. Студенты нашей группы всегда принимают участие в международном фестивале
3. Этот актёр ведь не играет в зарубежных фильмах, да?
4. Эти музыканты часто выступают в консерватории?
5. Какие книги по искусству вы читаете перед экзаменом?
6. Художник-постановщик всегда выезжает на натуру вместе с режиссёром и продюсером.
7. Кто из студентов изучает второй иностранный язык?
8. Вы предпочитаете смотреть фильмы дома или в кинотеатре?
9. Как часто вы ходите в бассейн?
10. Моя сестра каждый день ходит на подготовительные курсы. (pre-study courses)
Exercise 32. In pairs. Talk about your likes and dislikes. Then report about your partner’s interests to the rest of the group.
to be into
to be fond of
to be keen on
to be interested in
to like to hate
to love can’t stand
to adore
Example: I really hate getting up early.
I’m really into animation.
N really hates getting up early.
He’s really into animation.
Exercise 33. 1) At home write about the other students’ likes and dislikes using each
expression from Exercise 32 once. Begin with:
As far as I can judge – насколько я могу судить
You can use these ideas or come up with your own.
to go clubbing to play chess to meet new people to listen to classical music
to fly to learn foreign languages to be alone to do jigsaw puzzles
to get up early to go to the dentist to walk in the rain to wear formal clothes
to be the centre of attention to do English homework to dance to sing
to have rehearsals at weekends
modern art babies new challenges family holidays green tea
Read out in class what you did at home. See whether you were right.
e.g. As far as I can judge, N loves playing chess. – That’s true. or
I’m afraid you’re not quite right.
Exercise 34. Do you know these international words? If not, try to learn them.
actor актёр
actress актриса
artist художник
assistant ассистент, помощник
budget бюджет, смета
business дело
camera камера
conception концепция, замысел
costume костюм
composition композиция
electrician электрик, осветитель
film фильм
figure фигура
history история
idea идея
interpretation интерпретация, трактовка
manager менеджер, администратор
operator киномеханик
person персона, человек
personnel персонал
photography фотография, операторская работа
problem проблема
producer продюсер
production постановка, производство
profession профессия
role роль
scene сцена (эпизод)
studio студия
style стиль
technician технический работник
to control контролировать
to form формировать
to interpret интерпретировать
to produce производить
to organize организовать
to unify объединять
active активный
adequate адекватный
artistic художественный
interesting интересный
final финальный, окончательный
technical технический
special специальный
professional профессиональный
Exercise 35. Learn some basic rules of word building.