Future perfect future perfect

Future perfect future perfect - student2.ru PROGRESSIVE

Future perfect future perfect - student2.ru

Tom will already havestudied Tom will have been studying

Chapter Four before he studies for two hours by the time his

Chapter Five. roommate gets home.


  Simple Progressive Perfect
Present Moscow is visitedby millions of people every year. I wake up early now. A big house is being built just in front of my window, and they start working at 5 a.m. I’ve got good news. We are moving soon. Our new house has already been built.
Past Some researchers think that Moscow was founded much earlier than in the 12th century When we were here last month, this house was being built, remember? Look, now it’s ready! We applied to that building company because it had a good reputation – lots of beautiful had already been built by them.
Future The newspapers say that several sports centers will be built in our city. Don’t call me tomorrow at 3 p.m. I will be watching TV as a new plan of the reconstruction the city will be being discussed. I don’t have a lot of opportunities to do sports now. But I hope that a big sports center with a swimming pool will have been built not far from my house by the end of this year.

* Passive voice doesn’t use Perfect Progressive tense.

CAN 1) физическая и умственная способность 2) возможность   3) разрешение 4) в отрицаниях – запрете (“нельзя”) 5) просьба I can swim quite well.   Everyone can make a mistake. Can I go home? You can’t cross the street here! Can I have some juice?
MAY 1) разрешение 2) возможность (также might) You may go now. I may/might become a doctor.
MUST 1) долженствование, исходящее от говорящего 2) в отрицаниях – запрете (строже, чем с can) You must do it right now.   Cars mustn’t be parked here.
SHOULD/ OUGHN TO 1) совет (следует, стоит)   2) моральное обязательство 3) с Perfect Inf. (have done) – упрек You shouldn’t eat so many sweets. Children ought to help their parents. You should have called me.  
NEED 1) необходимость (как модальный – только в отрицательных предложениях)   You needn’t do it right now.  
SHALL 1) предложение 2) намерения Shall we begin? He shall come to the party.  
WILL/ WOULD 1) желание, намерения 2) просьба, предложение 3) в отрицаниях – настойчивое сопротивление (“никак не”) I will/ would lend you some money. Will/ would you help me? The door won’t/wouldn’t open.


А. Префиксы

А1. Префиксы с отрицательным значением

un unhappy untie undress несчастный развязать раздеть
in inefficient indecent неэффективный неприличный
il illegal illiterate нелегальный неграмотный
ir irresistible irregular неотразимый нерегулярный
im immoral impossible аморальный невозможный
dis dishonest disappear несчастный исчезнуть
mis misunderstand misinterpret неправильно понять неправильно истолковать

А.2 Другие префиксы

re reread restart перечитать начать вновь
over overestimate overwork переоценить переработать перетрудиться
under underestimate underpay недооценить недоплачивать (платить недостаточно)
post Post-Impressionists post-war Пост-импрессионисты послевоенный
pre pre-war pre-historical довоенный доисторический
counter counteraction counter-offensive противодействие контрнаступление
ex ex-wife ex-President бывшая жена экс-президент

Б. Суффиксы

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