Ex.1. Write the degrees of comparison.

a) long _______________________ old __________________________
short _______________________ few __________________________
large _______________________ young __________________________
big _______________________ easy __________________________
fine _______________________ light __________________________
straight _______________________ clean __________________________
new _______________________ small __________________________
thin _______________________ thick __________________________
high _______________________ fat __________________________
poor _______________________ heavy __________________________
busy _______________________ near __________________________
late _______________________ weak __________________________
pale _______________________ bright __________________________
clever _______________________ gay __________________________
rich _______________________ full __________________________
red _______________________ silly __________________________
b) interesting ________________________________
famous ________________________________
careful ________________________________
important ________________________________
expensive ________________________________
active ________________________________
difficult ________________________________
comfortable ________________________________
good- looking ________________________________
expensive ________________________________
practical ________________________________
cunning ________________________________
intelligent ________________________________
beautiful ________________________________
c) good ________________________________
bad ________________________________
little ________________________________
far ________________________________
much ________________________________
many ________________________________
4. Translate the following adjectives.
самый старый ________________________________
величайший ________________________________
длиннее ________________________________
самый красивый ________________________________
веселее ________________________________
самый толстый ________________________________
выше ________________________________
сильнее ________________________________
менее важный ________________________________
самый темный ________________________________
менее удобный ________________________________
более сухой ________________________________
самый интересный ________________________________
удобнее ________________________________
ветренее ________________________________
тяжелейший ________________________________
важнее ________________________________

Ex.2. Make up sentences with the correct comparative and superlative forms.

Example:1.My room is big. My room is bigger than yours.

My room is the biggest in the house.

2. My arm-chair is comfortable. My arm-chair is more comfortable.

My arm-chair is the most comfortable in the room.

1. My room is cold. (in the house) ___________________________

2. My garden is nice. (in the street) ___________________________

3. My desk is tidy. (in the office) ___________________________

4. My task is easy. (in the class) ___________________________

5. Your news is important. (today) ___________________________

6. Pushkin is a famous writer. (in Russia) ___________________________

7. Victor is a cunning boy. (in the class) ___________________________

8. My car is expensive. (in the shop) ___________________________

Ex.3. Complete the sentences.

1. As the day went on, the weather got ______.
A: badder B: worse
2. That was _______ day in my life.
A: the most memorable B: the more memorable
3. She makes dresses _____ than me. She studied fashion design.
A: more good B: better
4. He is ______ player in the team.
A: the most good B: the best
5. Ann’s _______ sister is still at school.
A: younger B: the younger
6. That was ______ interesting film I've ever seen.
A: the little B: the least
7. He is _______ than me.
A: older B: elder
8. Your watch is _____ than mine.
A: moderner B: more modern
9. His illness was ______ than we thought.
A: more serious B: the most serious
10. She is _______ student in the class.
A: more intelligent B: the most intelligent
11. What is ______ city in your country?
A: the most large B: the largest
12. My toothache is even ______than it was before I went to the dentist’s.
A: more painful B: the most painful

Ex.4. Correct the mistakes if necessary.

Example: I’m busier than my little sister. right

London is more old than New York. wrong. London is older than New York.

1. She is my goodest friend. _____________________________
2. It’s the most sharp pencil I have. _____________________________
3. Do you know the shortest way to the station? _____________________________
4. This exercise is more difficult than that one. _____________________________
5. Be activer at your lessons, please. _____________________________
6. She is the most pretty girl I’ve ever known. _____________________________

Ex.5. Translate into English.

1. Его работа легкая. Его работа легче твоей. Его работа самая легкая. _____________________________________________ 2. Он хороший врач. Мой папа – лучший (более хороший) врач. Мой папа – наилучший врач. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3. Это красивый цветок (fine). Этот цветок красивее. Это самый красивый цветок. _____________________________________________ 4. На этой улице дома высокие. На той улице есть дома выше. На той улице самые высокие дома. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5. В этой стране есть глубокие реки. В нашей стране есть реки глубже. В той стране самые глубокие реки. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 6. На вашей улице магазины большие, но на нашей улице находится самый большой магазин. _____________________________________________ 7. Наш телевизор лучше вашего. _____________________________________________ 8. Этот текст самый трудный. _____________________________________________ 9. Февраль короче января. _____________________________________________ 10. Сегодня ветер слабее, чем вчера. _____________________________________________ 11. Его доклад был длиннее моего. _____________________________________________ 12. Эта квартира дешевле той. _____________________________________________ 13. Твоя ручка хуже моей ручки, а твой карандаш – самый плохой. _____________________________________________ 14. Вчера был самый короткий день в году. _____________________________________________  

Section 2. Reading

Text 1

Ex.1. Read the text.

Most English people who live in big cities like to get out of town for a day. Those who have a car find it easier, but you can also go by train where you want. It will take you about two hours to get to the south coast from London by train. People spend a Saturday or a Sunday at the sea, visit famous historical places or just have a picnic in the country. There are a lot of places to see so you’ll never be bored.

Some time ago the shops didn’t work normal hours. They opened quite late and closed early, at about five. Of course, they didn’t work at weekends. Now everything has changed. Most shops close at seven or eight and some of them even work twenty-four hours. But people still prefer to do their shopping on Saturday morning. They don’t have to worry, because most shops try to make shopping as pleasant as possible.

Ex.2. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. There are a lot of interesting places outside London. ______________
2. People can go to the countryside only by train. ______________
3. Some years ago shops had very short working hours. ______________
4. Shops don’t work at weekends. ______________
5. People in England like shopping. ______________

Text 2

Ex.1. Read the text.

People think that English food is bad, but it is not always right. The English like vegetables and potatoes. They also eat a lot of meat. If you don’t like traditional English food, you can go to one of numerous restaurants. These restaurants cook food of different countries of the world. You can have an English breakfast, a French lunch and an Italian dinner in one day.

The tea, of course, is one of the most famous things about England. Teas in this country are always very good and pleas­ant. There is a tradition to have tea at about five o’clock every day. The English usually drink their tea with some milk in it. You can have some biscuits or a lovely cake with your tea. And you usually talk about different things over a cup of tea with your family or friends.

Ex.2. Answer the questions.

1. What do people think of the English food? _____________________________

2. Where can you find foreign food in England? _____________________________

3. What is a traditional English meal? _____________________________

4. How do the English drink their tea? _____________________________

5. What do the English like besides tea? _____________________________

Text 3


Ex.1. Read the text.

A farmer’s wife had a dog and she liked him so much that she always spoiled him. All the animals on the farm were useful. The horse worked in the field, the cow gave milk and the sheep gave their wool. But the dog was very lazy and didn’t do anything. He didn’t guard the house because he slept in a warm kitchen and thought that the other animals were not so important as he was. He was selfish and greedy. “I am much better than you are,” the dog often said to the other animals. “You sleep in a cold shed and eat only dry grass, while I eat the best things at my master’s table and I sleep in the warm kitchen”. So all the animals on the farm didn’t like the dog.

Once the farmer was tired of this selfish creature and pushed him out into the yard. It was very cold and the dog ran to the shed and lay on the hay in a manger. This hay was ready for the horse that didn’t come from the field yet. The lazy dog fell asleep there. Then the horse came back from the field and wanted to eat the hay, but the dog began barking and said: “Go away, can’t you see I am trying to sleep”. “But I’m tired and hungry,” the horse said. “Please go away – you can’t eat hay”. “I’m tired too,” the dog said and closed his eyes again. The poor horse tried to pull some hay from under the dog, but the angry dog bit the horse on the nose and barked again. The farmer heard the noise and came to the shed. He pushed the dog out of the manger and said: “You are a lazy creature; you can’t eat the hay and you don’t let my horse have its supper”. And he gave the dog a good beating. And that’s why when a person is greedy and keeps something which he doesn’t need, but which somebody else needs, we say he is like the dog in the manger.

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