Definition of some sciences and specialities


-ic - суффикс, образующий прилагательные от существительных
science - наука scientific - научный

1. Guess the meaning and translate:

anatomy- - anatomic

a microscope - microscopic

therapy - therapeutic

physiology - physiologic

orthopaedy - orthopaedic

2. Translate the international words and the words of Latin origin:

oral, dental arch, periodontal, to practice medicine, orthopaedy, membrane, microscopic structure, cure

3. You'll come across these words and word combinations in the text:
dental surgery - зубоврачебная хирургия
at the same time - одновременно

to describe - описывать

to deal with - обращаться, иметь дело с к/л, ч/л

a living being - живое существо

a gum - десна

4. Read the text and be able to answer some questions:

Medicine is a science and an art at the same time. Its aim is to treat (cure) and recognize different diseases. To get the necessary knowledge, the medical students have to study various branches of medical science. They attend lectures on Anatomy, Histology, Biology, Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, and other subjects.

At the Stomatology institutes the students of the senior years attend lectures on special subjects, for example: on dental surgery (stomatological surgery), dental therapy (stomatological therapy), orthopaedy, general surgery, pathological physiology and anatomy.

Anatomy is the science or branch of knowledge that deals with the parts and structure of human or animal bodies. Anatomy of man describes the structure of the human body.

Physiology is the science of the functions or actions of living organisms in their gross or minute structures. Physiology seeks out and tells what each part of the body does. In other words: Anatomy discloses what is present,. Physiology tells how it works (functions). Pathology explains why it doesn't work (diseases), Histology or Microscopic Anatomy is the science which deals with microscopic structure of animal tissues. Biology is the science of life, the study of living beings. Stomatology is the science which deals with human teeth, gums, dental arches, mucous, fibrous and periodontal membranes of the oral cavity. The knowledge of the structure and functions of the human organism is necessary to those who practice medicine. In order to get

knowledge in various fields of medicine, medical students attend lectures of their professors, they dissect corpses, animals, examine organic tissues under the microscope, and make experiments on aminals. One who devotes himself to science and pursues studies in some branches of knowledge is a

scientist. A professor is one who publicly teaches and delivers lectures on any branch of science. Those who attend lectures at a university or an institute are students. A physician is a medical man who treats and cures diseases.

1. Is medicine a science and an art at the same time?

2.What does Anatomy describe? '

3.What does Physiology seek out?

4.What science deals with human teeth?

5.Who treats patients?


Ex. I. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and prepare the fast reading of it.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:

лечение и распознавание болезней, приобретать знания, отрасли медицинской науки, посещать лекции, биохимия, фармакология, стоматологическая хирургия, ортопедия, иметь дело с чем-либо, ставить опыты на животных.

Ex. 3. Choose the correct form of the verb and translate:

1. The students (attend, are attended) lectures on Anatomy every day.

2. The structure of the human body (is described, describes) in the text-book of Anatomy.

3. Eight experiments (were made, made, was made) by these students yesterday.

4. This professor (delivers, is delivered, delivered) lectures on Biology.

5. This dangerous disease (was recognized, were recognized) by the physician some days ago.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian:

1. Те студенты, которые посещают лекции регулярно, сдают экзамены успешно.

2. Эта лекция по гистологии была прочитана на высоком научном уровне.

3. Он был врачом несколько лет назад, а теперь занимается только наукой.

4. Стоматология имеет дело с зубами человека, деснами, слизистой, фиброзной и периодонтальными оболочками ротовой полости.

5. Эти опыты будут сделаны студентами завтра.

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions and check your answers:

1. What is medicine?

2. What is the aim of medicine?

3. How do the students acquire the necessary knowledge of medicine?

4. What lectures do the students of the senior years of Stomatology Institutes attend?

5. What does Histology deal with?

6. What is Physiology?

7. What does Stomatology deal with?

8. Who is a physician?

Lesson 6


1. Guess the meanings of the words of Latin and Greek origin:

the incisors, the canines, the molars, the premolars, a tubercle , lateral, medial, substance, a foramen, to be composed of, anterior, posterior.

2. Study the pictures and name the dental structures of the tooth and its parts:

Definition of some sciences and specialities - Definition of some sciences and specialities -

Parts of the Tooth:Dental Tissues:

1. a crown 1.the enamel

2. a neck 2. the dentine

3. a gum 3. the cement

3. a root 4. the pulp

3. While reading the text pay your attention to the use of the
Infinitive as attribute: give the correct translation of them.

1. The first deciduous tooth to erupt is one of the incisors.

2. The first permanent tooth to erupt is one of the molars.

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