Укажите номера предложений в которых – ing-форма переводится на русский язык деепричастием оканчивающимся на – а или – я

1. When filling in a case history the doctor paid attention to the description of the patient’s subjective feelings.

2. Starting the experiment we were aware in final positive results.

3. Being used by the experienced doctor the drug resulted in quite opposite outcome.

4. Without being a practitioner Celsus was, however, a friend of physicians, a man of vast culture.

5. We found this property of the drug while studying its chemical properties in acidic medium.

6. Not knowing the results obtained by another group they tried to use all the available means to improve the condition.

7. The workers of the department had been carrying out the study for about 5 year period when they accidentally read the article.

8. Preventing germ diseases we must destroy the germs that come from the bodies of the sick.

9. Using the facial mask of an anesthetic device mouth-to-mouth respiration can be performed.

10. It is common idea that disease germs spring from unclean and decaying matter.

11. To prevent germ diseases take care of wounds, protect yourself from biting insects and guard the mouth and nose.

12. We achieved these results experimenting with bacterial culture.

13. Coughing and sneezing we expel thousands of microbes into the surrounding air.

14. Exocrine glands are classified according to the complexity of their ducts and the shape of their respiratory units.

15. Having finished the study of these cultural media we recommended them for use.

16. Being too numerous and too powerful the germs killed the blood corpuscles and the body died.

17. Trying to confirm our results we performed a number of similar experiments using other nutritional media.

18. Systemic physical training plays an important part in increasing working capacity.

19. These conditions leading to the body weakening and sometimes to its death should be thoroughly studied.

20. The experimental conditions were improved by using new equipment and shortening the time after the operation.

21. People living or working in poorly ventilated rooms are often attacked by different infectious diseases.

22. The man suffering from unknown infectious disease was isolated and treated in a separate ward.

23. Influenza the most devastating of all modern plagues appearingin recurrent waves.

24. During quiet breathing only a small percentage of the respiratory neurons are activated.

25. Protoplasm is a very complex mixture of many substances, which are in constant activity carrying out the processes of life.

26. The germ causing the infection was thoroughly studied in previous years, but still the disease cannot be prevented.

27. This substance prevented investigators from studying the tubercle bacillus with ordinary staining.

28. I have never heard about this effect before I found it myself while studying the substance for its toxicity.

29. The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year.

30. Repeated injections of tuberculin cause a state of tolerance similar to that developing in endotoxin fever.

Раздел II. Заполните пропуски:

1. Nearly everyone _____ exposed at one time or another to tobacco smoke.

2. An infection _____ caused by a living agent, which penetrates the human organism.

3. At the beginning of the century ТВ ____ widely spread all over the world.

4. Microorganisms _____ intensively studied in the ХVIII century.

5. Soon air pollution _____ controlled by new methods.

6. Viruses _____ been studied for the last 10-20 years.

7. Every disease _____ its nature.

8. The drug _____ been tested in clinic and only after that introduced into practice.

9. This drug _____ tested in clinic within the next three months.

10. The experiment could _____ been over already if all the conditions were observed.

11. It _____ found that human body consists of more than 400 skeletal muscles.

12. The body _____ known to have long, short and broad muscles.

13. Body muscles _____ thoroughly studied by many scientists at the beginning of the century.

14. Data of anatomic investigations _____ widely used now by practitioners.

15. All the muscles _____ divided into voluntary and involuntary.

16. Microbiology _____ connected with the study of microorganisms.

17. Microbiologists _____ studied many microorganisms by the end of the last century.

18. Microbiology _____ a rapidly developing science at the beginning of the century.

19. Microbiology _____ its own methods of investigation.

20. The task of any clinician _____ to reveal and prevent infectious diseases.

21. My friend _____ a student.

22. Every day he _____ four lessons.

23. This year he _____ passed entrance examinations and now he is a student.

25. He _____ to examine this patient.

26. Microbiology _____ to study pathogenic microorganisms.

27. These observations _____ used for the production of medical sera against botulism.

28. In veterinary science bacteriology _____ concerned with microorganisms responsible for diseases of domestic animals.

29. Viruses _____ properties similar to those of microbes.

30. The virus _____ released from the cell in different forms.

31. Many diseases of man, animals and plants _____ caused by viruses.

32. Filterable viruses _____ responsible for number of important human and animal diseases.

33. There _____ a close relationship between the viruses and bacteria.

34. Health education _____ become an increasingly significant activity of all people interested in prevention of infectious diseases.

35. It was concluded that each disease _____ its own specific agent which produced diseases.

36. The bacillus of whooping cough _____ poor resistance in external environment.

37. The incubation period _____ five or seven days, sometimes up to 12 days.

38. For years there ______ been a tendency to look upon streptococci as playing either a primary or secondary role in the cause of the disease.

39. The patient _____ most contagious in the first stage of the disease.

40. Diagnosis of tetanus _____ made on the basis of its specific clinical picture.

41. I _____ not filling in a case history now.

42. The newborn infant _____ a temporary resistance only if the mother had measles.

43. This resistance at birth disappears by six month of age and _____ not reappear until the child has had an attack of measles.

44. It _____ Friday yesterday.

45. There _____ more than 400 skeletal muscles in the human body.

46. Each organ _____ blood vessels.

47. Clinical symptoms and signs _____ not permit early specific etiologic diagnosis.

48. The proportion of children who _____ measles varies with the opportunities for exposure.

49. Man's mental life _____ based on the physiological process operating in the brain.

50. All the bed-clothes of the dysentery patients should _____ boiled.

51. Virus В _____ mainly transmitted parenterally.

53. Shigella dysentery may _____ fatal in 12 hours.

54. When the disease invaded the Faroe Islands after absence for 65, all age groups _____ affected.

55. The death rate _____ declined strikingly during recent years.

56. He _____ no temperature and may go to the polyclinic himself.

57. The results _____ obtained in our laboratory last week.

58. The doctor _____ already examined the patient.

59. He _____ been translating the article for two hours when I came.

60. They _____ having their English lesson from 9 till 10.30 yesterday.

61. Sanitation _____ the science of how to protect health.

62. They _____ already measured the level of pollution.

63. We _____ two lectures yesterday.

64. The students _____ been writing the test for twenty minutes when I came.

65. They _____ second year students now.

66. I _____ worked in the hospital before I entered the Academy.

67. We _____ at the Academy now.

68. Hippocrates _____ considered to be the father of medicine.

69. The second year students _____ writing the test now.

70. Grippe _____ a lot of complications.

71. Grippe _____ caused by viruses.

72. The patient _____ all these symptoms yesterday.

73. A diagnosis can _____ made clinically.

74. Usually analgesics _____ helpful.

75. We _____ three classes every day.

76. This patient _____ just been examined.

77. The diet _____ usually developed both by the attending doctor and dietician.

78. Some years ago this disease _____ not heard about.

79. One should ______ very careful using this drug.

80. The surgeon ______ not operate the patient with gastric ulcer yesterday.

81. The cells of organs and tissues _____ separated from the blood by blood-tissues barrier.

82. The internal environment _____ no contact with the external environment, being separated from it by specific structures, called external barriers.

83. The osmotic pressure _____ produced by electrolytes and some low- molecular-weight non-electrolytes such as glucose.

84. Lipids _____ structural and energetic functions.

85. Two-way nervous conduction _____ described by Kukhne (1886) and Rabukhin (1887).

86. Measles _____ been reported from all parts of the world.

87. The cell culture _____ been infected by microbial pathogenic factor two days before the experiment began.

88. Bacteria _____ developed various means of self-defense against viruses attacking them.

89. The immunity _____ soon improved in this patient by injection of gamma-globulin.

90. Certain types of viruses _____ been involved in the etiology of several diseases.

91. Proteins _____ identified in bacterial cells.

92. Genetic studies performed _____ not reveal any inherited abnormalities.

93. Usually such types of analyses _____ not require special biochemical equipment.

94. Most poliovirus strains infect only primates and _____ not infect mice.

95. This new experimental animal model _____ a powerful tool for the determination of the quality of poliovirus vaccines in the nearest future.

96. In future these methods _____ used for the characterization of immunological structure of a population in a more objective way.

97. Zinc _____ also necessary for the functioning of all forms of life.

98. Self-reproduction _____ a major requirement for microbial pathogenicity.

99. All infections _____ characterized by the manifestation of a spectrum of clinical signs of the disease.

100. Every living organism must _____ defenses against aggression in order to survive.

101. Studies _____ shown that about 1-1,5 liters of blood are transported to the liver every minute via the circulatory system.

102. The main functions of carbohydrates _____ rapid supply and provision of energy for the body.

103. Cirrhosis of the liver _____ defined as advanced destruction of metabolically-active liver cells.

104. Together with the kidneys, the liver _____ the detoxifying organ for the body.

105. Since liver fulfilled its functions dietetic treatment _____ not required.

106. If you suffer from indigestion _____ not use foods which are capable of producing symptoms.

107. About 70% of patients with chronic liver disease ___ a wrong diet.

108. The diet _____ being developed and tried for 2 weeks in a group of patients with liver disorders.

109. When your symptoms improve you _____ able to eat common food again.

110. Usually this drug _____ not produce any side-effects.

111. Esophageal glands _____ irregularly distributed and small, and contain only mucous cells.

112. Gastric distension _____ the only factor regulating gastric emptying.

113. Detailed information concerning equipment and parameters _____ given above.

114. The data from 173 patients _____ analyzed last week.

115. Different investigation techniques _____ been developed to detect this abnormality and its consequences.

116. Medical treatment _____ been greatly improved in recent years.

117. In future preference _____ given to concervative treatment of this condition.

118. The first report of peptic oesophagitis _____ published in 1828.

119. The first subdivision of the gastrointestinal tract _____ the mouth.

120. Corticosteroids _____ prescribed to three of our four patients.

121. Factors which account for clear differences in ventilatory responses between patients _____ been studied for years.

122. On clinical examination the single diagnostic finding _____ tachycardia.

123. In patients with chronic active hepatitis B, long-term therapy with glucocorticoids _____ not only effective but also sometimes harmful.

124. If the patient _____ not apply for therapy in time the outcome may be fatal.

125. The sugar blood level may _____ elevated and indicative of the early diabetes.

126. Approximately 70% of patients treated medically ____ remissions of acute symptoms within 2 to 7 days following hospitalization.

127. Much _____ known now concerning factors that contribute to the development of duodenal ulcer.

128. A variety of substances _____ been used to stimulate maximal acid production by the stomach.

129. The main purposes of duodenal ulcer therapy _____ relief of pain and

acceleration of ulcer healing.130. It is well known that antihistamines _____ not inhibit histamine-stimulated gastric secretion.

131. Men _____ more frequently severely affected than women by this disease.

132. The history and sequence of symptoms _____ among the most important diagnostic features of appendicitis.

133. The condition _____ accompanied by the acute increase in blood pressure if stimulating therapy is used.

134. The pathogenesis of this pain _____ poorly understood.

135. Jaundice due to increased pigment production also may _____ seen as a consequence of blood accumulation in tissues.

136. All forms of the disease may _____ associated with elevation in erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

137. The therapy _____ not do any good to the patient and was discontinued (отменять).

138. Often many patients _____ not agree for this kind of therapy because of the possible complications.

139. Drug-induced abnormalities _____ not rare in such cases.

140. The results _____ not been tested in the clinic yet.

141. Genetic factors ______ found to contribute to susceptibility to a certain disease.

142. Women _____ affected slightly more often than men.

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