Переводится на русский язык с помощью слова «будучи» и страдательного причастия

1. This problem being discussed by the scientists attracted a lot of people.

2. The letter being received by the chief physician concerned the problem of gastric ulcer.

3. A new hospital is being built not far from my house.

4. Being convinced in the results of this work Professor Hopkins reported them at the International Conference of Cardiologists.

5. Being produced commercially the compound was widely used for decreasing gastric acidity.

6. The patient has been operated for gastric ulcer for three hours already.

7. Being completely treated the patient was discharged from the hospital.

8. Grippe being dangerous for its complications should be considered as a serious infectious disease.

9. The information being given to the chief physician allowed him to make a final conclusion.

10. Being very busy I couldn’t come to see you.

11. Being successfully operated the patient soon recovered.

12. Being well known among the specialists for its side reactions the drug was hardly ever used.

13. Besides being very large the wound was very dangerous since it was contaminated.

14. Having finished the experiment the scientist wrote a complete report of the results obtained.

15. Being a good specialist he is much spoken about.

16. Human being is one of the most important source and carrier of many infectious diseases.

17. Being highly satisfied by the results of the experiments performed he decided to write an article for American journal.

18. Being an experienced doctor he saw immediately that I must be hospitalized.

19. Being a child, he couldn’t understand how serious his situation was.

20. Being very important the problem attracted much attention on the side of all the specialists in this field of medicine.

21. My friend liked to speak paradoxes and enjoyed being misunderstood.

22. This man is being operated now for intestinal ulceration.

23. Being beautiful the girl attracted much attention.

24. Being inexperienced the doctor could not make a proper diagnosis.

25. Being naughty a little boy makes a lot of noisy.

15. Укажите номера предложений, в которых причастие II выступает в роли определения

1. Susceptibility to influenza is universal in persons who were not previously infected.

2. The drug was tested for five times but the results were still poor.

3. Prevention of infectious diseases is carried out in three ways.

4. The patient returned to the ward to take the drug prescribed by his doctor in charge.

5. Germs get into food from polluted soil, from flies, from washing in impure water, from disease animals.

6. The disease spread through milk was the cause of this intestinal disease among children.

7. Polluted air can produce depressing effects on human beings and may influence general attitude towards life.

8. Some infectious diseases can be spread only indirectly, usually through contaminated food or water, e.g. typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery.

9. Biology is a science of life and people who are engaged in it are called “biologists”.

10. The body produces complex proteins that are designed to combine with certain viruses and destroy them.

11. Mouth-to-mouth respiration can be performed using the facial mask.

12. It long has been known and can easily be demonstrated that blood is under different pressures in the various parts of the body.

13. Pasteur was convinced that rabies was caused by bacteria that attacked the central nervous system.

14. As a results of introduction of such weakened bacteria into the body the organism acquires the ability to fight the smallpox bacteria.

15. The exact etiological agent of this life-threatening disease is not known.

16. The initial attack of rheumatic fever is usually preceded by tonsillitis, scarlet fever, or some other streptococcal infections.

17. The disease revealed by this method was similar to that observed here several years ago.

18. So, the blood taken for sugar level analysis was transported to the nearest laboratory.

19. Medical examination has been carried out just at the time of the peak of the epidemics.

20. Being widely used the method was considered to be quite safe and the reliable.

21. Cardiac patients were examined by several specialists who did not know about their disorders.

22. Not long ago the experiment begun last year was over.

23. Findings obtained from investigations using conditional reflexes have demonstrated the role of the central cortex in regulation of respiration.

24. Persons infected with streptococci constitute the reservoir and source of infection.

25. The movement of blood from the heart to the body cells through arteries and capillaries is called greater circulation.

26. Group A streptococci are usually found in the upper respiratory tract in man.

27. Before returning to the heart blood passes through the lungs where it is cleaned and where it receives the supply of oxygen, that makes it bright again.

28. In case of pneumonia as a complication patients should be given a careful attention.

29. Pathogen isolated from the ward environment was thought to be the main cause of the infection among surgical patients.

30. Considering the unfavorable effects of the compound on vital organs and systems we decided to repeat our experiments.

31. The periodic table of elements invented by Mendeleyev resulted in a great progress in the field of chemistry.

32. There are many diseases caused by viruses.

33. Clinical symptoms of lead poisoning were described in the 1st century A.D.

34. Gastroenteritis may be accompanied by such severe disturbance of electrolyte balance and dehydration that irreversible brain damage may occur.

35. Mumps is one of the commonest causes of aseptic meningitis, though the neurological disturbances caused by the mumps virus are relatively benign.

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