Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в группе завершенных времен
1. A variety of exogenous agents have been regarded as possible causes of sarcoidosis.
2. The doctor had been examining an X-ray film for several minutes already when somebody knocked at the door.
3. The experiment will have been over by the end of the week.
4. The nurse had met this condition in her practice before she began to work in neurological department.
5. Blood sugar level had to be decreased before beginning a course of antigastritis therapy.
6. Having developed the plan of the operation the surgical team began to discuss the date suitable to perform it.
7. Before the operation all blood parameters have to be normalized.
8. The patient is supposed to have been discharged from the clinic last week.
9. It was a widely spread and generally accepted idea that all infections should be treated before the surgical intervention.
10. This condition has never been mistaken with cardiac insufficiency.
11. The substance will have to be thoroughly tested in other kinds of animals before it will be recommended for clinical trials.
12. The drug was being used for 2 weeks and then substituted for a more effective one.
13. The source of the pollution had been found before any harm to the environment was made.
14. Calcium level was shown to have increased as a result of previous treatment.
15. The patient didn’t come to the hospital until many months had passed since his last contact with TB patient.
16. The drug was discontinued being associated with serious episodes of indigestion.
17. No cases of poliomyelitis have been reported in Finland during the last two decades.
18. The method had been widely used in surgical practice for several years when the first remote results were reported.
19. He had been working over the problem for more than two months by the time when the results of screening test were published.
20. You will have to perform many experiments in animals before the drug will be presented for clinical tests.
21. Additional drinking of water, juices and other liquids is necessary to avoid dehydration.
22. Environmental pollution has significantly increased for the last 20 years due to the increased activity of man.
23. The patient to have been examined several week ago with the use of USI suffered severe gastroenteritis.
24. Provision of pure water has led to the eradication of cholera and enteric fever.
25. Dietician warned the patient that he will have to reduce his daily calories intake several times to normalize his body weight.
26. It was well known that the method suggested for this patient had in some cases poor results.
27. The vaccine having been tested in animals was recommended for clinical use.
28. Of all food proteins, protein from eggs has best amino acid content for human beings.
29. The rate at which oxygen must be taken into the body varies from 200 ml/min at rest to 30 times elevation during exercise.
30. Persons suffering from infectious diseases have to be isolated not to infect those with whom they contact.
31. Since the times of Hippocrates, fever has been recognized as a hallmark of disease.
32. More recently physiologists have added information concerning mechanisms responsible for the febrile reaction.
33. Airway obstruction having been caused by a foreign object in the respiratory tract was successfully corrected by suction.
34. The room had to be disinfected last week but it is still not disinfected till this day.
35. Epidemics of poliomyelitis have been reduced markedly since the development of polio vaccine in 1955.
36. When a large vein is cut, the blood also flows out rapidly, but the stream has very little force.
37. Neutrophils have been studied very intensively because they make up the large portion of the leukocytes.
38. In recent years, prolonged artificial ventilation has been achieved by employing variously designed devices.
39. Interferon has the capacity to stop the development of some diseases in the human body.
40. Being very hepatotoxic the mixture could not be recommended for clinical use.
41. Nobody knew what had to be done to prevent this undesirable response.
42. To eliminate this microorganism from living tissues we had to use highly concentrated solutions.
43. To complete the course of treatment our specialists had to have the continuous supply of the drug.
44. This method was shown to be effective only if we had no postoperative complications.
45. The experiment was said to have been finished 2 days ago.
46. Bacterial endotoxin has great affinity for polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
47. For thousands of years man had known that certain diseases attack man only once.
48. Some mothers believe they will have really healthy babies if they give them a teaspoon of vitamin A every day.
49. Observations have shown that prolonged deprivation of sunlight leads to disorders in human body.
50. Plants have no nervous system, but nonetheless they respond to external stimuli.
51. Doctors have to be very careful in prescribing antibiotics.
52. The operation was known to have little effect, but still it was necessary to try this opportunity.
53. A combined chemical and chromatographic method has been developed for identification of this factor.
54. This vaccine was shown to induce the production of antibodies that persist for three to five years.
55. The patient who has already had measles is not likely to fall ill for the second time.
56. Specialists from the USA have carried out research on many aspects of biomagnetism to establish the usefulness of magnets in treatment of different diseases.
57. Having found this effect in the solution under the study we decided to try to apply it in treatment of the disease.
58. While writing the account I accidentally noticed some discrepancies in the data obtained.
59. Whether or not to have the patient X-rayed depends on the severity of symptoms and the previous course of the disease.
60. The results of the study had been reported several months before the Conference began.
61. The patient had had all the signs of acute hepatitis when he applied for the doctor’s help.
62. The results of histological analyses will have been ready next week by Tuesday.
63. A substantial body of information has been accumulated about the pathogenesis of the disease.
64. Thirty to sixty per cent of patients have no symptoms of the disease at the time of examination.