Body. Choose one of the possibilities that best completes the sentence.

1. He must be terribly strong! Look at his ….. .

a) skin b) limbs c) muscles d) nerves

2. He stood with his hands on his ….. daring me to go past him.

a) ankles b) knees c) shoulders d) hips

3. Every tooth in my upper ….. seemed to be aching.

a) chin b) cheek c) jaw d) forehead

4. When Mary twisted her ankle, John carried her home on his ….. .

a) shoulders b) knees c) hands d) arms

5. His shoes were so old that his ….. were sticking out of them.

a) fingers b) thumbs c) tips d) toes

12.Ideas for discussian:

1. Structure of our body.

2. Functions of the organs.

Read the text again and analyze its paragraph structure. Write down topic sentences from each paragraph of the text and combine them into a short summary.


At the Doctor’s

1. Study the vocabulary:

[1] regarding – осматривая

[2] occasionally – временами

[3] the best cure for – лучшее лечение от …

[4] I have come to see you about – Я пришел к Вам на осмотр

[5] for years – в течении лет

[6] so I am used to that – поэтому я привык к такому

[7] has been bothering me a good deal lately – очень беспокоит меня в последнее время

[8] It comes and goes – Она приходит и уходит

[9] any number of things – и многое другое

[10] without first giving you a series of tests – не сделав сначала серию анализов

[11] exercise too little – слишком мало двигаетесь

[12] Could that be the case ? – Может быть в этом причина?

[13] all day long – весь день

[14] to check blood-pressure – проверить кровяное давление

[15] but nothing to worry about – не о чем беспокоиться

[16] for about – в течение (приблизительно)

[17] later it moves down into my ankle – позже перешла в лодыжку

[18] it is more like – это больше похоже на …

[19] avoid getting chilled – избегать простуды

[20] stay out of drafts – избегать сквозняков

[21] to build yourself up in general – укреплять здоровье вообще

[22] I want you to be sure to get in touch with me every two or three days – Обязательно связывайтесь со мной через каждые 2-3 дня.

[23] You take only one a day – Принимайте только по одной в день

[24] try to take it easy – постарайтесь проще смотреть на вещи

[25] In the matter of sleeping – что касается сна

[26] to take your mind off your business – не думать о деле

[27] find yourself – оказаться (очутиться)

Read the dialogue; and the pay attention to the new vocabulary.

At the doctor’s office

- (Doctor, regarding [1] his patient) You don’t look very cheerful today, Mr.Liss.

- I don’t feel very well, Doctor.

- What seems to be the trouble?

- Well, for one thing I haven’t bee sleeping so well. I feel a little tired. I also have pain occasionally. [2]

- You mean that you have insomnia. You know the best cure for [3] insomnia, don’t you? A good night’s sleep. Have you tried drinking a little warm milk and eating a few crackers before going to bed?

- Six months ago you told me not to eat anything before I went to bed.

- (Smiling) That just goes to show you what great progress medical science has made recently.

- Anyway, it’s more the pain in my leg that I have come to see you about. [4] I haven’t slept well for years, [5] so I am used to that. [6] But this pain has been bothering me a good deal lately. [7] It’s not a steady pain. It comes and goes. [8] It is in my right leg. Do you think it might be a little rheumatism?

- It might be rheumatism, neuritis, arthritis, poor circulation, kidney trouble, and heart trouble – any number of things. [9] It is hard to say what it is without first giving you a series of tests. [10] How do you feel in general? You say that you are tired. How is your appetite? Do you eat well?

- Very well.

- You seem a little overweight. Maybe you eat too much and exercise too little. [11] Could that be the case? [12]

- Naturally, I’m not as active physically as I used to be. I’m at my office all day long. [13] I have my own business, and I work pretty hard at it.

- I suspect maybe you work too hard at it. Take off your coat and roll up your sleeve, please. I want to check your blood pressure. [14] How old are you, Mr.Liss – about fifty?

- I’m fifty-two.

- (Doctor, testing blood pressure) Your blood pressure is slightly above normal – but nothing to worry about. [15] Have you ever had any trouble with your heart – any shortness of breath? Any dizziness after climbing stairs?

- No, I’ve never had any trouble of that sort.

- How long have you had these pains in your leg? You say the pain comes and goes. Would you say that you feel it more in the joints or in the muscular part of your leg?

- I believe it is more in the joints. I’ve had it now for about [16] three months. At first I felt it more in my knee; then later it moved down into my ankle. [17]

- Do your knee or ankle swell?

- I believe they swelled a little. I didn’t notice particularly. I know they were sore to the touch. Generally, it is a steady ache that I feel, but sometimes it is more like [18] a series of sharp pains.

- It sounds to me like the beginning of a little arthritis. I don’t think it is anything serious, but you naturally have to be careful. You should avoid getting chilled. [19] Don’t get your feet wet, and stay out of drafts. [20] You should also try to get a little more rest and to build yourself up in general. [21] I’ll give you some tablets that will help you. However, I want you to be sure to get in touch with me every two or three days [22] to let me know whether you feel any particular reaction. The pills are something new and rather potent. You take only one a day. [23]

- Shall I come to your office or can I just telephone you?

- You can telephone me. However, I’m giving you only enough pills to last you three weeks. Then you’d better come in again to see me. If there has been no improvement, I will give you some further tests. In the meantime, try to take it easy. [24] Don'’ work so hard. In the matter of sleeping [25] you can do a great deal to help you self. Try going to bed every night an hour earlier than usual. Read or do something relaxing each evening in order to take your mind off your business [26] and your personal problems.

- I’m glad you think it’s nothing serious.

- These things are not serious if you catch them in time. But you must also learn to take care of yourself. You are a man of fifty-two years of age. You can’t work as hard as you used to do. Take it easy. Otherwise one day you may find yourself [27] in a wheel chair all crippled up with arthritis. That’s not a very happy prospect – is it?

3. Questions for discussion:

1. Does the above dialogue take place in the office of a dentist or in the office of a doctor?

2. What is insomnia?

3. What does the doctor say is the best cure for insomnia?

4. What does the doctor recommend that Mr.Liss do in order to help him sleep better?

5. Has Mr. Liss been suffering from a pain in his back or a pain in his leg?

6. Does Mr. Liss say that it is a steady pain, or a pain that comes and goes?

7. What, in medical terminology, is meant by “poor circulation”?

8. What is the opposite of “overweight”?

9. Does the doctor feel that Mr. Liss’ blood pressure is above normal or below normal?

10. In periods of stress or excitement does the blood pressure usually rise or fall?

11. What is normal body temperature?

12. During serious illness or attacks of fever, to what heights will body temperature sometimes go?

13. What are some of the symptoms of heart trouble? Of rheumatism? Of arthritis?

14. What treatment does the doctor recommended to Mr. Liss?

15. When you go to a doctor, do you always or seldom follow his advice?

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