SYMPTOMS. Match the following symptoms of disease with their definitions.

1. belching 2. colic 3. constipation 4. cramp 5. diarrhea 6. dizziness 7. faint 8. fatigue 9. fever 10. heartburn 11. hiccups 12. indigestion 13. inflammation 14. insomnia 15. itch 16. jaundice 17. nausea 18. neuralgia 19. pus 20. rash a. difficult or infrequent emptying of the bowels b. weariness from bodily or mental exertion c. to become senseless and motionless d. feeling as if everything were turning round e. act of sending out gas from the stomach noisily through the mouth f. a burning sensation in the stomach from indigestion g. pain in a nerve h. feeling of sickness as caused by bad food i. yellowness of the skin and the whites of the eyes j. inability to sleep k. a sensation in the skin causing a desire to scratch l. the soft yellowish substance formed in and coming out from a poisoned place in the body m. patch of tiny red sports on the skin n. severe pain in the stomach and bowels o. too frequent and too watery emptying of the bowels p. sudden and painful tightening of the muscles q. condition of the body with temperature higher than usual r. a spasm of the respiratory muscles s. a redness and swelling attended with heat, pain t. difficulty in digesting food

SYMPTOMS. Choose words from the group below to complete the sentences. It may be necessary to change the form of the given words.

dizzy feverish queasy rash runny seedy sore
swollen to cough to vomit        

1. I haven’t taken her temperature yet but her face is flushed and she seems ….. .

2. It’s hard to describe. I just feel generally ….. . Can you prescribe a tonic?

3. When I stand up the room seems to be going round. I feel really …… .

4. I’m not in pain but the glands in my neck seem to be ….. .

5. I’ve got a tickle in my throat. I can’t stop ….. .

6. I feel a bit queasy. I think I’m going to …… .

7. I’ve come out in a ….. all over my chest and arms. I think I may be allergic to strawberries.

8. It’s like being sea-sick. I feel …… whenever I move about.

9. My throat is awfully ….. I hope it’s not bout of tonsillitis.

10. I’ve got a ….. nose. I suppose it’s a cold coming on.

SYMPTOMS. Choose the correct answers.

1. You should put your hand in front of your mouth when you …..

a) sniff b) snore c) swallow d) yawn

2. Six people were overcome by ….. from a container in the laboratory.

a) fumes b) leaks c) odours d) outflows

3. She has been working so hard she feels quite ….. .

a) careful b)dull c) exhausted d) wasted

4. The dog was in a terrible ….. when we found it.

a) condition b) danger c) illness d) sickness

5. His illness made him ….. of concentration.

a) incapable b) incompetent c)powerless d) unable

6. I felt a sharp ….. when I put my hand in the boiling water.

a) ache b) harm c) pain d) suffer

7. If you have got measles, your body is covered in ….. .

a) blots b)dots c)freckles d) spots

8. Every time she eats shellfish, she comes out in ….. .

a) a blush b) a bruise c) an itch d) a rash

9. The baby is very fretful: he must be ….. some teeth.

a) cutting b)grinding c) making d) producing

10. There is a small hard ….. on my wrist. I think I’d better see the doctor.

a) bruise b)limp c) rash d)swelling

11. I have a bad cold, and have lost all ….. of smell.

a) degree b) scent c) sense d)skill

12. He ….. from rheumatism.

a) hurts b) pains c) suffers d) troubles

13. Women seem able to ….. pain better than men.

a)bear b) carry c) support d) wear

14. I couldn’t go to the party because of a ….. cold.

a) fast b) hurried c) sudden d) surprising

15. He fell heavily and was immediately conscious of ….. pain in his right arm.

a) acute b) hard c) raw d) strong

16. Left on his back, an unconscious casualty may ….. in his own vomit.

a) drown b) sink c) submerge d) suffocate

17. I have a ….. headache.

a) burning b) raving c) spitting d) splitting

18. Her sister’s ….. kept me awake for half the night.

a) blowing b) coughing c) flowing d) swallowing

19. His stomach began to ….. because of the bad food he had eaten.

a) ache b) be hurt c) harm d) pain

20. You can die from breathing the ….. from a car engine for too long.

a) air b) fumes c) smoke d)steam

21. He says he had got ….. in his stomach.

a) aches b) hurt c) pains d) suffering

22. I’ve got such a ….. throat I’m sure I must be going to have a cold.

a) hurt b) irritable c) sensitive d) sore

23. I think you should see a doctor about that ….. .

a) belch b) blister c) inflammation d) pimple

24. I’m not really ill, but I have a ….. headache.

a) delicate b) pale c) slight d) weak

25. Colour-blind people often find it difficult to ….. between blue and green.

a) compare b) contrast c) distinguish d) separate

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