Topic 52. A case of poisoning
Review the given words.
1.the attack of disease 2. nausea 3. pains in the stomach 4. vomit 5. examination 6. put in bed 7. give medicine 8. take to the hospital 9. strict diet 10. bed regimen 11. apply
Read the text and find English equivalents of the words below.
1. быть не свежим
2. сильные боли
3. пищевое отравление
4. вводить желудочный зонд
5. большое количество кипяченой воды
6. прикладывать грелки с горячей водой
7. почувствовать облегчение
8. машина скорой помощи
9. ослабленность
10. выписывать из больницы
11. в хорошем состоянии
ACase of Poisoning
A doctor came to see a family of three persons. Half an hour before the attack of disease all of them had eaten some food which was not fresh.
All the members of the family had nausea and violent pains in the stomach. They also vomited. At the examination the doctor diagnosed food poisoning. He instituted gastric lavage with large amounts of boiled water. Two patients were put in bed and given some medicine.
The doctor applied heating pans to their feet. They felt immediate relief and could get up.
The third patient was taken to the hospital in an ambulance because he had persistent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and prostration. A strict diet, bed regimen and a proper therapy helped the patient. In a week he was discharged from the hospital in a good condition.
Fill in the table
What’s the problem? | The cause of poisoning | The symptoms of poisoning | The doctor’s treatment |
Match two parts of the word combinations together.
1. to diagnose … 2. to institute … 3. large amounts of … 4. to apply … 5. a marked … 6. a strict … 7. a proper … 8. The symptoms of poisoning are … 9. violent pains in … 10. to discharge from … | 1. prostration 2. the stomach 3. a gastric lavage 4. the hospital 5. poisoning 6. therapy 7. nausea 8. heating pains 9. vomiting 10. diet 11. boiled water |
Make up a dialogue completing the sentences with the necessary words from the text above.
- What’s the problem?
- I have …
- Have you eaten anything?
- Yes, maybe the food was …
- Let me examine you. I think it is … … . We must … … … . Stay in bed and … this medicine. Apply … … to the feet. How do you feel?
- I feel …, doctor. Will you take me to the hospital?
- There is no need to do it. Follow a … diet and a … regimen.
- Thank you, doctor.
- Get well.
Study the new words
1.incised wounds – резаные раны
2. lacerated wounds – рваные раны
3.puncture wounds – колотые раны
4.abrasions – ссадины, истирание
5.avulsion – отрывание, отрезание
6. inflict - наносить
7.inception - начало
8.contaminate - заражать
9.remove - удалять
10.incision – надрез, разрез
11.edges - края
12.ragged - рваный
13.devitalized – мёртвый, безжизненный
14.crutches - костыли
15.tetanus antitoxin – противостолбнячная сыворотка
16.friction - трение
17.subcutaneous – подкожный
Read the text about the wounds and their treatment
Types of Wounds and their Treatment
There are several types of wounds: incised wounds, lacerated wounds, puncture wounds, abrasions and avulsion.
Incised wounds
An incised wound is a wound inflicted by a sharp instrument. These wounds are always contaminated.
You should treat the skin around an incised wound with antiseptic solution. If the wound is filled with dirt and foreign material, you should rinse it with sterile saline to remove contamination. Hydrogen peroxide will sometimes bubble out large amounts of dirt and debris and causes minimal damage to tissue cells. If an incised wound has been contaminated with virulent organisms or has been open for several hours, you should pack it open and close several days later, when it is certain that infection will not develop.
Lacerated wounds
Lacerated wounds are caused by blunt instruments or by blows which tear the tissues. The edges of lacerated wounds are ragged, and there is more damage to the tissues than in incised wounds. There is usually more marked contamination, and the susceptibility to infection is greater.
You should cut away flaps of devitalized skin if the blood supply is insufficient. You should remove all foreign material and control bleeding. The treatment of lacerated wounds is identical to incised wounds.
Puncture wound.
Puncture wounds are wounds inflicted by pointed instruments such as a nail. They require no surgical treatment unless important structures have been damaged. But it is necessary to immobilize the part.
In puncture wounds of the foot the patient should use crutches. If he walks on the foot, infection will occur. A tetanus antitoxin should be given. If infection occurs, it is necessary to open the patient’s wound without delay.
Puncture wounds through the soft tissues if the arm or leg may be treated by immobilization of the extremity and application of a pressure dressing.
Puncture wounds of the abdomen should be explored if there is any possibility that the peritoneal cavity has been entered.
Abrasions are caused by friction. The epidermis and some of the deeper layers of the skin are lost. The base is left and it is identical to a second degree burn. You should treat these wounds as burns, wash clean to remove any dirt and cover with a bland ointment or vaseline gauze dressing. A pressure bandage and immobilization will hasten healing. If there is no infection of the wound, the dressing should be left in place for ten days by which time complete epithelization will have occurred. The early removal of dressing is painful and disturbs the new epithelium, which adheres to the dressing.
When pieces of skin and subcutaneous tissues are avulsed, the defect should be closed by primary suture or covered with a skin graft. A skin graft will grow on periosteum, tendon sheath, fat, or fascia and it should be applied even if the blood supply to the base of the wound is not very promising. Skin is nourished by the lymph and will survive well if not much contamination is present.