XII. Подготовьте устное высказывание по теме «Addiction» (10-15 предложений).


В задании I установите соответствие между английскими и русскими

1. abuse 2. addiction 3. compulsions 4. crime 5. dependence 6. medication 7. obsession 8. overeating 9. gambling 10. withdrawal a) зависимость b) преступление c) азартная игра d) зависимость e) 1. навязчивая идея, 2. одержимость f) 1. лечение, 2. лекарство g) непреодолимое влечение, мания h) злоупотребление i) наркоман j) отвыкание, воздержание k) перегрев

В заданиях II – III выберите термин, который нужно поставить в предложение

II … is the inappropriate use of chemical substance in ways that are detrimental to one's physical or mental well-being..

1. drug abuse; 2. substance abuse ; 3. alcohol abuse.

III …is a disorder related to the unhealthy use of alcohol or drugs.

1. drug abuse; 2. substance abuse ; 3. alcohol abuse.

В задании IV выберите термин, являющийся синонимом подчеркнутому

IV substance dependence 1. addiction

2. abuse

3. withdrawal



Прочитайте текст. В задании Ч1 установите соответствие тем A-G абзацам текста 1 – 6. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. задании одна тема лишняя. Запишите в бланке ответов буквы, соответствующие темам абзацев.

A) Children being sent to children’s home are not taken care of by their parents.

B) A special department provides babies necessary medical and educational support.

C) Babies having illness stay in a hospital for medical reasons.

D) Children get excellent accommodation after the registration.

E) The publication of official report about babies problems.

F) Healthy children are kept at hospitals.

G) Special documents are needed to place the children in a children’s home.


1. Due to controversy over the issues and debates that hospital babies have sparked, besides our own reporting The Moscow News has decided to publish an official statement from the Health Ministry, in its own words, about the scope of the problem and how it is addressing it:

2. Pursuant to the existing normative documents of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, babies left without parental care will be sent to children's homes of the public health system.

3. Children received from maternity homes, families and hospitals will be sent directly to a quarantine (isolation) department, where the necessary medical, health-improving and educational activities are conducted with due regard paid to the children’s ages.

4.Children suffering from severe infectious or skin diseases and other diseases requiring hospital treatment will not be placed in a children’s home. Children left without parental care must stay in a hospital for medical and not social reasons.

5. However, according to data for late 2006 from the Russian regions, there is evidence that 280 children (of different ages) left without parental care were kept in hospitals without medical reasons for a period of eight days to two months. That was due to lengthy preparation of the necessary legal documents and to a lack of accommodation in the educational system's boarding houses and in a number of children's homes.

6. Registration of children in a children’s home requires, in addition to medical documents, papers confirming the absence of parents or the inability of the parents to bring up their children: A certificate of death of the parents (or of the mother), the relevant ruling of a law court, a paper certifying abandonment of the baby by the parents, the parents' written consent to the adoption of the child by someone (their renunciation of their parental rights), etc.


В заданиях Л1 – Л3 установите соответствие между английскими и русскими терминами. Запишите в бланке ответов.


1) rural social work 2) psychiatric social work 3) occupational social work 4) police social work 5) preventive social work 6) medical social work 7) school social work 8) gerontological social work 9) clinical social work 10) industrial social work a) социальная работа по месту занятости b) клиническая социальная работа c) превентивная социальная работа d) психиатрическая социальная работа e) социальная работа в полиции f) социальная работа в сельской местности. g) социальная работа в школе h) социальная работа на производстве i) геронтологическая социальная работа j)социальная работа в медицинских учреждениях


1) absolute poverty 2) primary poverty 3) relative poverty 4) secondary poverty 5) poverty datum line a) вторичная бедность b) относительная бедность c) первичная бедность d) горячая линия e) прожиточный минимум f) абсолютная бедность


1. runaway children 2. exceptional children 3. adultified children 4. stolen children 5. latchkey children a) исключительные дети b) украденные дети c) дети-инвалиды d) дети-беглецы e) дети, проводящие часть дня без присмотра взрослых f) дети, несущие обязанности, характерные для взрослых людей

В заданиях Л4 – Л6 выберите синоним к подчеркнутому термину. Запишите в бланке ответов его номер.


psychiatric social work: 1. hospital social work

2. independent social work

3. clinical social work

occupational socialwork: 1. industrial social work

2. international social work

3. voluntary social work


poverty datum line: 1. standard of living

2. minimum standard of living

3. standard of well-being

В заданиях Л7 – Л10 выберите правильный термин к данному определению. Запишите в бланке ответов его номер.


1. street work… …is oriented to helping people who live in agricultural areas.
2. rural social work…
3. youth social work …


1. medical social worker … … works closely with families and children to identify their needs.  
2. family supportworker …
3. school social worker …


1. relative poverty … … is used to demonstrate the poverty by referring to the cultural needs.
2. absolute poverty …
3. primary poverty …


1. drug abuse … … is a disorder related to the unhealthy use of alcohol or drugs.
2. substance abuse …
3. alcohol abuse …


1. Barker R. The Social Work Dictionary. 2nd ed. Silver Spring: NASW Press. 1991.- xv, 287 p.

2. New Encyclopaedia Britannica. - Chicago, Auckland, London, Madrid, Manila, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1994.- V. 1-29.

3. Social work in Russia: Материалы конф. «Association of Pedagogues and Social Workers of Russia».- 24-29 мая.- М., 1993.

4. Ж.Г. Жигунова. Англо-русский словарь терминов по социальной работе. - Омск: Издательство ОГМА, 2003.- 68 с.

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addiction

6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty

Unit 1 …………………………………………………………………………... Лексический тест 1 …………………………………………………………… Unit 2…………………………………………………………………………... Лексический тест 2…………………………………………………………… Unit 3…………………………………………………………………………... Лексический тест 3…………………………………………………………… Unit 4…………………………………………………………………………... Лексический тест 4…………………………………………………………… Unit 5…………………………………………………………………………... Лексический тест 5…………………………………………………………… Unit 6…………………………………………………………………………... Лексический тест 6…………………………………………………………… Контрольные вопросы ………………………………………………………... Литература …………………………………………………………………….  

Редактор Т.А. Жирнова

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