Crabbe Thinks of a Plan But Keeps It to Himself
to be unable to get a word out of smb as to his intentions; first (second, etc.) stoppage; the boathouse; the tavern; the chemist's; to inquire about the terms of boat hire (whether smb keeps beds, a galvanic battery); to disappoint smb; to be satisfied with the information received; to set off in the opposite direction; to head for home
The Friends Prepare foi Zero Hour
to agree to risk one's life for one's friend's sake; to move to a hotel; to wake up; to swallow a cup of coffee; to set out; to catch sight of smb; to pass smb without sign of recognition; to hire a boat; to have smb row; to make an attempt to get hold of the oars; to pay no attention to the cry of warning; to insist; to lose balance; a sharp, melodramatic cry; to fall over into the water; to wish; not a pleasant feeling; to have the water close over one's head; to strike the bottom with one's feet; to shoot up to the surface; to imitate an accident; to be oversuccessful
The Boatman Does His Bit
to be caught by surprise; not to expect smth to occur; to keep one's head; to show presence of mind; to act quickly; without a fuss; to be used to dealing with such situations, to rescue smb; to hit smb a painful blow on the head; to seize by the hair; to drag smb to land; to have no suspicions
Crabbe Steps in
to turn up; to offer one's help; to introduce oneself; a physician; to inquire what has occurred; to give instructions that ,..; to insist; except for a dozen of the most respectable townspeople; to give smb a quick examination; to make an attempt to bring smb back to life; to try Marshall Hill's treatment; to push smb about; in a rough manner; to express one's fears; impossible to cure; a hopeless case; to be through with smb; to be up to the police; to get rid of the corpse
Crabbe Decides to Try His Own Method
to occur to smb; a possible hope; not to be put off by failure; to intend; to try electricity; to hesitate; to be doubtful that …; to have smb fetch a galvanic battery; the first to use electricity for this purpose, to warn; to produce surprising effects; harmless; to send a strong current through smb's body; to give smb a terrible shock; to add greatly to smb's suffering; extremely painful
The Treatment is Effective
the patient; to be unable to stand the pain; to give a loud cry; to jump out of bed; to lose one's temper; to suspect; to do smth on purpose; to shake one's fist in smb's face.
Crabbe; to calm smb; presence of mind; to save the situation; to explain; a miracle; to develop dangerous symptoms; to need rest; to lead the patient to the cab; to keep repeating one's name and address
The Plan is a Success
to succeed in getting one's name into the papers; a column and a half; to describe in detail; the extraordinary effects of electricity on a drowned man; a wonderful cure; to make a great impression on the public; to mark a turning point in smb's career; a financial success; lots of new names on the list; after all; to be worth the trouble; to send smb a letter of thanks; to offer one's services to smb.
Ex. 15. Translate the following sentences using "case", "incident", "accident", "chance" according to the sense.
1. Это необычный случай, на него следует обратить особое внимание. 2. Не волнуйтесь! Он приедет в любом случае. 3. Говорят, что на днях здесь произошел несчастный случай. 4. Ему следовало бы знать, как надо поступать в таких случаях. 5. В своей юридической практике ему пришлось иметь дело с разными случаями. 6. Это неприятный случай, и мне не хотелось бы вспоминать о нем. 7. За последнее время у них было только два случая заболевания скарлатиной. 8. Жаль, что вы упустили такой прекрасный случай. 9. Он не мог забыть о забавном случае, который произошел с ним однажды. 10. Это дело случая.
Ex. 16. Fill in the blanks with the verbs "to lie" or "to lay" in the correct form according to the sense.
1. You are young and a great future ... in front of you. 2. The agreement... the foundation for the development of future closer contacts between the two countries. 3. After he had made inquiries into the matter he ... the facts before the committee. 4. From the airplane we could see the valley ... below. 5. The mother ... her hand on the child's shoulder and he calmed down at once. 6. They are redecorating the flat and intend to ... the floors with carpets. 7. She picked up the book which ... open on the table and started reading. 8. He won't join us, he is ... up with the grippe. 9. He was half ... on the deck chair enjoying the sun. 10. The village ... in ruins after the bombing. 11. The scene of the tragedy "Hamlet" is ... in Denmark. 12. Some minerals ... deep in the ground.
Subjunctive Mood (continued)