Treatment methods in psychoanalysis: free association, interpretation, dream analysis, analysis and interpretation of resistance, analysis and interpretation of transference

Methods of therapy in psychoanalysis: free Association, interpretation, analysis of dreams, analysis and interpretation of resistance analysis of resistance and transference.

A method of psychotherapy based on the study of the unconscious. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, the causes of neuropsychiatric disorders are traumatizing the psyche of the patient any of the events in his the sexual sphere that occurred in childhood, the memory of which is repressed outside of awareness, and, consequently, the goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to find these reasons and make these events a fact of consciousness. Thus, the suppressed energy of this event, manifested in the symptoms of the disease, is released and, thus, the patient recovers.

The writer Stefan Zweig figuratively compared the psychoanalyst with the hunter, which is barely noticeable traces can identify the breed and size of the beast and hunt him down, only to shrink the footprints are not footprints, Association, erroneous actions, reservations, dreams. Analyzing them together with the patient, the analyst gradually comes to the fact that the patient reconstructs the traumatic event in his memory and experiencing it again, it leads him to catharsis - purification, and as a result, disappearance of painful symptoms. Psychoanalysis has emerged as a method for the study and treatment of neuroses. In the previous sections it was shown that in accordance with the structural theory psychoneurosises based on neurotic conflict – the clash between ID impulses seeking discharge, and defenses of the Ego, and simultaneously prevent undesired actions, and the painful access of the material to consciousness. The outside world also plays an important role in the formation of neurosis, but in order to have any neurotic conflict, it must be perceived as an internal conflict between the derivatives of the Ego and the ID. Super-Ego performs a more complex task. The court makes the instinctive impulses and socially unapproved actions forbidden to the Ego, causing a painful feeling of guilt even for a nominal discharge. Ego is forced to constantly spend energy to prevent dangerous trends to break through to the consciousness. The ego becomes less and less able to cope with the increasing voltage and eventually becomes crowded with them, ushering in a "load". Involuntary discharge experienced by the person as a decrease in conscious control, and clinically – like symptoms of psychoneurosis. The term "neurotic conflict" is used in the singular, although each patient at every stage of life there is more than one conflict.

Psychoanalysis (it. Psychoanalyse) is a psychological theory developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, as well as an extremely influential method of treating mental disorders based on this theory.

The goal of psychoanalytic therapy according to Freud: "to Transform the excessive suffering of neurosis in the normal, ordinary tribulations of everyday life".

Psychoanalysis involves finding hidden lesions in the cortex of the brain that occurs when the repression of unacceptable desires, and careful help in the realization and revaluation disturbing his experiences.

It includes:

• search focus (memoirs);

• the autopsy itself (the translation of information into verbal form);

• revaluation (changes in systems, relationships) experiences in accordance with a new significance;

• eliminate the source of excitation;

• normalization of the mental state of the person.

In psychoanalysis, uses the techniques of free Association, dream analysis, transference and countertransference, resistance. It is applied most successfully from 15 to 50 years, effective for intellectuals and young people.

Psychoanalysis includes the following methods: establishing a deep emotional relationship of therapist and patient in order to allow the transfer of positive or negative experiences of the patient on the therapist as a kind of projection of the patient's attitude to his father or mother.

Apply the methods of dream interpretation, free Association, search, hesitation and resistance of the patient to identify his main problems. The explanations of the therapist encourages the person to re-experience childhood events and correlate them with symptoms that occur at this time. This catharsis leads to the disappearance of symptoms, complexes, deviations.

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