Abu ali ibn-sina (avicenna)

Abu ali ibn-sina (avicenna) - student2.ru Abu ali ibn-sina (avicenna) - student2.ru Запомните:

-ity - суффикс существительных

un- ( in-, im-, il-, ir-) - префикс, обозначающий отрицание

I. Прочтите и переведите слова:

1. ability, activity, reality, particularity, humanity, nationality

2. uncommon, unfortunately, uncertain, unable, uncomfortable, impossible,

irrregular, illegal

II. Прочтите слова, определите части речи и переведите их:

nation, scientist, truly, contribution, different, famous, early, remarkable, mostly, section, nature, assessable, comprehensive, prevention, particular, composition, presence, treatment, gastric, development, scientific, progressive

III. Запомните произношение следующих имен собственных и названий:

Avicenna [Avi’sJnq], Tajic [tR’Gik], Bukhara [bou’kRrq], Koran [kO’rRn], Arabic [‘qerqbik], Europe [‘juerqp]

IV. Прочтите слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

Philosopher [fi’lOsqfq], author [‘LTq], geometry [Gi’Omitri], logic [‘lOGik], nature [‘neiCq], astronomy [qs’trOnqmi], dietetics [,dQii’tetiks], composition [,kOmpq’ziSqn], bacteriology [bqek,tiqri’OlqGi], pulse [pAls], correct [kq’rekt], regimen [‘reGimqn], consult [kqn’sAlt], astrology [qst’rOlqGi]

V. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

memory [‘memqri] - память

mind [mQind] – ум

to enrich [in’riC] – обогащать

to sum up – суммировать

branch [brRnC] - отрасль

remarkable [ri’mRkqbl] - удивительный, замечательный, выдающийся

common [‘kOmqn] - частый. распространенный. общий

to confine [kqn’fQin] - ограничивать

merchant [‘mWCqnt] - купец

to devote [di’vout] – посвящать

to derive [di’rQiv] - происходить, извлекать

comprehensive [,kOmpri’hensiv] - всесторонний, исчерпывающий

ailment [‘eilmqnt] - недуг, болезнь

poison [‘poizn] - яд

remedy [‘remidi] - средство, лекарство

edition [I’diSqn] - издание

to declare [di’klFq] - объявлять, заявлять

to spread [spred] (spread, spread) - распространяться

valid [‘vqelid] - действительный, имеющий силу

regimen [‘reGimqn] - режим

VI. Прочтите и переведите следующие пары слов:

to devote – devotion, to derive – derivation, to prevent – prevention, to edit – edition, to declare – declaration, to spread – spread, to administer – administration, to memorize – memory

VII. Прочтите и переведите:

branch [brRnC] - branch of knowledge, branch of surgery, branch of science,


remarkable[ri’mRkqbl] - remarkable memory, remarkable results, remarkable

work, remarkable abilities

common[‘kOmqn] - common diseases, common symptoms, common drugs,

common methods, common mistakes

to devote [di’vout] - to devote one’s life, to devote to medicine, to devote to

science, to devote to people

ailment [‘eilmqnt]- common ailments, cardiac ailment, different ailments,

dangerous ailment

remedy [‘remqdi] - effective remedy, common remedies, different remedies,

particular remedies

to spread [spred] - to spread to the heart, to spread within the body, to spread

among people, spread of the disease, widely spread

regimen [‘reGimqn] - bed regimen, particular regimen, to administer regimen, to

follow regimen

VIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

to live in the memory, to have encyclopaedic mind, different branches of knowledge, remarkable ability, common ailments, to devote oneself to the study of medicine, to be derived from Arabic language, to administer remedies, to be spread by water, remarkably accurate, a correct regimen, a contribution to world culture

IX. Назовите причастие II следующих глаголов и переведите:

to administer, to translate, to write, to make, to devote, to spread, to confine

X. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

administered remedies, works translated into Latin, books written in Arabic, a contribution made to world culture, sections of the book devoted to anatomy and physiology, diseases spread in this country, confined to particular organs

XI. Переведите предложения:

1. Назначенное лекарство оказалось неэффективным.

2. Книга, изданная на английском, была переведена на многие языки.

3. Это заболевание не является распространенным в развитых странах.

4. Я прочитал статью, посвященную новым методам лечения заболеваний


5. Теория, обогащенная практикой, является наиболее важной.

6. Новый метод, используемый в этой клирике, дал хорошие результаты.

7. Пациент, которого лечили данным препаратом, стал чувствовать себя


XII. Сравните пары предложений и переведите их:

1. The student asked many questions. The student was asked many questions.

2. The doctor operated in the clinic. The doctor was operated in the clinic.

3. He used an example. He was used as an example.

XIII. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое:

1. The book is devoted to the famous physicians of the past. 2. The text was translated by the students. 3. At the lesson I was asked many questions. 4. This remedy is administered to the patients with heart diseases. 5. This method is not used in surgery. 6. Medical science was enriched by his discovery. 7. A great discovery was made in the field of microbiology. 8. The patient will be helped by this specialist.

XIV. Прочтите и переведите предложения с пассивным сказуемым:

1. New methods used in cardiosurgery are very effective. 2. This problem is often discussed by us. 3. When we came in they were discussing the problem. 4. The doctor administered her new tablets. 5. She was administered a new remedy for her ailment. 6. The work will be finished in some days. 7. He was very attentive to his patients.

XV. Прочтите и переведите текст А:

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