Медицинские инструменты и оборудование


Заполните пропуски в предложениях названиями медицинских инструментов и оборудования.

bandage повязка scalpel скальпель
catheter катетер sling поддерживающая повязка
curette кюретажная ложка splint лонгета, шина
drain дренаж stethoscope стетоскоп
forceps зажим, пинцет stretcher носилки
gag роторасширитель syringe шприц
hook крючок thermometer термометр
pipette пипетка tourniquet кровоостанавл. жгут
probe зонд, буж wheelchair кресло-каляска

1. A small, sharp, pointed knife used in surgery is called …

2. A device used to constrict an artery and reduce the flow of blood is called …

3. A device with two earpieces connected to a tube and a metal disc, used to listen to sounds made inside the body is called …

4. A folding bed with handles, on which an injured person can be carried by two people, is called …

5. A piece of cloth which is wrapped around a wound or an injured limb is called …

6. A chair with wheels in which an invalid can sit and move around is called …

7. A stiff support attached to a limb to prevent a broken bone from moving is called …

8. A thin glass tube used for taking and measuring samples of liquid is called …

9. A triangular bandage attached around the neck, used to support an injured arm and prevent it from moving is called …

10. A tube used to remove liquid from the body or the site of an operation is called …

11. A tube which is passed into the body along one of the passages is called …

12. A tube with a plunger which slides down inside it, forcing the contents out through a needle, or slides up the tube, allowing a liquid to be sucked into it is called …

13. An instrument for measuring temperature is called …

14. An instrument like a long thin spoon, used for scraping the inside of an organ is called …

15. An instrument similar to a pair of scissors, used for holding and pulling is called …

16. An instrument used to explore inside a cavity or wound is called …

17. An instrument which is placed between a patient’s teeth to stop him closing his mouth is called …

18. An instrument with a bent end, used for holding structures apart in operations is called …



Подберите определения к названиям медицинских специальностей.

dentist a physician who treats the diseases of the nervous system
therapeutist a specialist who treats the diseases of the inner organs
infectiologist a medical adviser who makes X-ray examinations and describes X-ray films
neurologist a doctor who treats our teeth
cardiologist a doctor who treats mental disturbances
roentgenologist a medical specialist who works in the field of infectious diseases
psychiatrist a physician who treats cardiac diseases
physiologist a doctor who operates on patients
general practitioner (GP) a scientist who works in the field of physiology
surgeon a doctor who treats different diseases and performs operations



Заполните пропуски в следующем тексте подходящими словами.






Blood pressure







When people have some problems like being (1) or having lost appetite, they go to see the doctor in his (2). Every doctor has a (3) to help him. When the doctor sees (4) in his surgery, first he listens to their problems, then he (5) them. He takes the patient’s temperature, listens to his (6), looks in his ears, eyes, takes his (7). Then, if the (8) isn’t so serious, he (9) some medicine. Later the patient will take the (10) to the (11). If something is seriously wrong with the patient, the doctor sends him to hospital for (12).



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