Время Present Continuous (Progressive) Active

Прочтите § 11 Раздела Время Present ContinuousActive, стр. 288.

Ø Случаи употребления Present Continuous:

1. для выражения действий, происходящих в момент речи (часто со словами now, at present, at the moment).

Don’t bother me. I’m trying to concentrate.

Не отвлекай меня. Я пытаюсь сконцентрироваться.

2. для выражения нескольких действий, происходящих одновременно в момент речи (часто с временными указателями when и while.

While I’m doing chores he is sleeping.

Пока я делаю домашние дела, он спит.

3. для выражения действий, характерных для определенного периода в настоящем времени, включающем момент речи.

These days he is reading novels by Dickens.

В эти дни он читает рассказы Дикенса.

Note: следующие глаголы не употребляются в Present Continuous, а употребляются только в Present Simple:

love - любить

like - нравиться

prefer - предпочитать

want - хотеть

hate - ненавидеть

know - знать

understand - понимать

remember - помнить

depend - зависеть

need - нуждаться

mean - значить

believe - верить

forget - забывать

Ø Употребление Present Continuous вместо Present Simple.

Present Continuous употребляется для выражения:

1. Постоянных процессов с целью подчеркнуть их развитие. В подобных предложениях используются слова ever, for ever, constantly, always.

Mankind is forever developing its mental faculties.

Человечество постоянно развивает свои умственные способности.

2. Действий и процессов, вызывающих стойкие эмоции – часто негативные – у говорящего. В таких предложениях используются слова constantly и always.

You are always loosing something!

Ты постоянно что-то теряешь!

Ø Употребление Present Continuous вместо Future Simple.

Present Continuous употребляется для выражения:

1. Запланированных действий в будущем, особенно с глаголами to go, to arrive, to come, to leave, to return, to sail, to start.

Our ship is sailing next Monday.

Наш корабль отплывает в следующий понедельник.

2. В придаточной части условных предложений I типа после when, while, as long as, in case, if, unless и пр.

If they are working when I come, don’t bother them, I’ll wait.

Если они будут работать, когда я приду, не отвлекай их. Я подожду.

Задание 6.Найдите в каждом ряду глагол во времени Present Continuous:

1. Was placing, placed, is placed;

2. Bound, bind, is binding;

3. Were bend, are bending, bent;

4. Joins, is joining, were joined;

5. Are not including, will include, includes;

6. Is distinguishing, are distinguishing, distinguishes.

Задание 7.Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол стоит в форме Present Continuous:

1. The muscles are contracting under stimulation.

2. Striated muscle tissue consists of large fibres.

3. The walls of the blood vessels are contracting or expanding in response to a stimulus.

4. Striated muscles are necessary for manipulating the bones of the skeleton.

Задание 8.Переведите следующие предложения, определите временную форму глагола-сказуемого:

1. Smooth or unstriated muscles contract without any volition.

2. Blood vessels are contracting when they respond to the temperature.

3. The bones of our body make up the skeleton.

4. They are conducting their experiment now.

5. The students will learn the framework of the chest in the first term.

6. You are studying the functions of the heart.

7. We are going to the medical conference today.

Задание 9.Прочтите предложения, поставив глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Continuous. Предложения переведите:

1. The students (to work) in the physical laboratory from 9 to half past 10 yesterday.

2. When he came they (to classify) the bones of the upper extremities.

3. The walls of the blood vessels (to expand) when they respond to certain chemicals in the blood.

4. We (to discuss) the characteristic features of cardiac muscles now.

Задание 10.Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму:

Пример: We are working at the laboratory now.

We are not working at the laboratory now.

1. They are discussing the functions of brain for two hours running.

2. He is studying the bones of the palm for the whole day.

3. We are taking our examination in history now.

4. I am writing my report when she entered the library hall.

Задание 11. Выберите из скобок глагол в правильной форме. Предложения переведите:

1. He (works/is working) for a big medical company.

2. Water always (boils/is boiling) at 100 degrees.

3. I (wait/am waiting) for my doctor at the moment.

4. Bob, stop! You (eat/are eating) too fast.

5. She (has/is having) four brothers.

6. I know my bad habit: I often (talk/am talking) too loudly.

7. Why (do you pack/ are you packing ) your suitcase?

8. My sister (wears/is wearing) contact lenses every day.

9. He (plays/is playing football in the garden right now.

Задание 12.Постройте вопросы, используя времена Present Simple или Present Continuous. Дайте ответы.

Пример: Do you often wear jeans? –Yes, I do.

1. you | in | often | take part | conference?

2. you | in | take part | conference now?

3. it | rain | now?

4. it | often | rain | in your country?

5. you | study | English every day?

6. you | study | English at the moment?

Задание 13.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаго­лы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple:
1. I (to play) chess tomorrow.

2. I (not to play) chess tomorrow.

3. You (to play) chess tomorrow?

4. He (to play) chess every day.

5. He (not to play) chess every day.

6. He (to play) chess every day?

7. They (to play) chess now.

8. They (not to play) chess now.

9. They (to play) chess now?

10. Nick (to go) to the park now.

11. Nick (to go) to the University every day.

12. Nick (to go) to the University tomorrow.

13. You (to come) to my place next Sunday?

14. You (to read) this book next week?

15. You (to read) books every day?

16. You (to read) a book now?

17. I (not to see) him tomorrow.

18. What you (to do) tomor­row?

19. What your friend (to do) tomorrow?

20. Where you (to go) next summer?

21. Where you (to go) every morning?

22. Where you (to go) now?

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