Заполните пропуски подходящими прилагательными

deaf глухой
delicate тонкий
exhausted истощенный, изнуренный
infirm немощный, больной, слабый
inoperable неоперабельный
invisible невидимый
lame хромой, увечный
lethal смертельный
poisonous ядовитый
predisposed предрасположенный

1. All the members of his family are … to vascular diseases.

2. He has been …since damaging his leg in the accident.

3. My grandfather is quite … now.

4. Some mushrooms are good to eat and some are … .

5. The bones of a baby's skull are very … .

6. The microbes are … to the naked eye, but can clearly be seen under a microscope.

7. The patient was … after the second operation.

8. The surgeon decided that the cancer was … .

9. These fumes are … if inhaled.

10. You have to speak slowly and clearly when you speak to Mr. Jones because he’s quite … .

В каждом из данных предложений пропущено прилагательное, указанное в скобках. Найдите место в предложении, на котором оно должно стоять.

1. A outbreak of whooping cough occurred during the winter. (severe – зд. масштабный)

2. Cholera spread rapidly because of the conditions in the town. (unsanitary-антисанитарный)

3. He has an desire to steal small objects. (obsessive-навязчивый)

4. He was advised to make visits to the dentist. (regular-регулярный)

5. She suffered from a cough. (persistent- стойкий)

6. The body has an tendency to reject transplanted organs. (inborn-врожденный)

7. The psychiatrist gave a opinion on the patient’s problem. (subjective-субъективный)

8. The surgeons are trying to find a donor with a blood group. (compatible–совместимый)

9. The tumour is in an position for surgery. (awkward- неудобный)

10. This is a painkiller, with no harmful side-effects. (safe-безопасный)


6. Заполните пропуски подходящими наречиями:

awkwardly неудобно (о расположении)
efficiently рационально, квалифицированно, эффективно
excessively избыточно, чрезмерно
fairly довольно, четко, ясно, отчетливо
immediately сразу, непосредственно, тотчас же
loosely свободно, нежестко, без сцепления
medicinally в лечебных целях
mentally интеллектуально
mildly мягко, умеренно
physically физически, телесно
severely очень, сильно, весьма
urgently крайне, срочно, неотложно

1. He became ill … after he came back from holiday.

2. …, she is very advanced for her age.

3. He has been working as a doctor only for a … short time.

4. Her breathing was … affected.

5. … he is very weak, but his mind is still alert.

6. If the patient sweats …, it may be necessary to cool his body with cold compresses.

7. She manages all her patients very ….

8. The bandage was … tied around her wrist.

9. The herb can be used ….

10. The relief team … requires more medical supplies.

11. The tumour is … placed and not easy to reach.

12. This is a … antiseptic solution.



Выберите правильный вариант из пар синонимов.

1. The patient’s general condition has been (improving/recovering) gradually since he was administered streptomycin injections.

2. The most characteristic symptoms of primary tuberculosis such as loss of appetite and weight, short periods of fever and slow growth have been (developing/producing) in a child since the age of two.

3. As the patient’s temperature had been (enlarging/elevating) constantly since he was admitted to the hospital he had to follow a bed regimen.

4. When does the physician (expect, wait for) to discharge this patient from the hospital?

5. Please (wait for, expect) the doctor a little. He will be back soon.

6. The scientist (expected, waited for) that his investigations would enable him to determine the origin of the infectious process.

2. Замените выделенные слова близкими по смыслу словами и словосочетаниями:

1.Fever is one of the permanentsymptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

a) changeable

b) constant

2. In the presence of inflammation the discharge from the wound is usually purulent.

a) clear

b) contains pus

3. Permanent feveris often accompanied by loss of appetite and fatigue.

a) temperature

b) malaise

4. Within the thoracic cavity the pressure is lowerthan the atmospheric one.

a) higher

b) less

5. Inour country prophylacticvaccination is carried out against a number of infectious diseases.

a) preventive

b) supportive

6. Before making a blood transfusion the blood group is to be determined.

a) to be obtained

b) to be established

7. Jaundice may result fromthe impairment of the common bile duct.

a) to be due to

b) to result in

8. The pain was stated to radiate tothe left arm and shoulder.

a) tospread to

b) to lead to

9. The temperature was known to have risensuddenly at the onset of the attack.

a) to have decreased

b) to have elevated

10. The incidence of this disease varies in different age groups.

a) changes

b) exchanges



1. Выберите правильный вариант из пар антонимов (обратите внимание на образование слов с противоположным значением при помощи префиксов):

acute острый chronic хронический
alive живой dead мертвый
back задняя сторона front передняя сторона
consсious находящийся в сознании, сознательный unсonsсious без сознания, в обмороке
curable излечимый incurable неизлечимый
deteriorate ухудшаться improve улучшаться
fit находящийся в хорошей форме (о физическом состоянии) unfit находящийся в плохой форме
ill больной healthy здоровый
increase увеличиваться decrease уменьшаться
malignant злокачественный benign доброкачественный
open открытый closed закрытый
pasteurized пастеризованный unpasteurized непастеризованный
regular регулярный, равномерный irregular нерегулярный, неравномерный
rough грубый smooth гладкий
sanitary санитарный, гигиенический unsanitary негигиеничный, антисанитарный
stable стабильный unstable нестабильный
well хорошо unwell плохо

1. Cholera spread rapidly because of the sanitary/unsanitary conditions in the town.

2. He became excited, causing his pulse rate to increase/decrease.

3. He felt well/unwell and had to go home.

4. He is suffering from an curable/ incurable disease of the blood.

5. He was found сonsсious/unсonsсious in the street.

6. He was very ill, but now his condition has begun to deteriorate/improve.

7. Pasteurized/Unpasteurized milk can carry bacilli.

8. She had an acute/chronic attack of shingles.

9. She put cream on her hands, which were rough/smooth from heavy work.

10. She used to play a lot of football, but she became fit/unfit in the winter.

11. The calf muscles are at the back/front of the lower leg.

12. The doctor arrived too late: the patient was already alive/dead.

13. The hospital is open/closed to visitors from three to five o’clock only.

14. The nurse noted that the patient had developed an regular/irregular pulse.

15. The patient was showing signs of an stable/unstable mental condition.

16. The tumour is malignant/benign and so may reappear even if removed surgically.

17. There’s nothing wrong with you: you're completely ill/healthy.

2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. In the presence of anaemia the red blood cell count is considerably … .

a) increased

b) reduced

2. The shadow at the base of the left lung was particularly marked due to the … of the lymphatic glands.

a) enlargement

b) decrease

3. … forms of lobular pneumonia are difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy.

a) Mild

b) Severe

4. Luminal and bromide were prescribed to the patient … his sleep.

a) to improve

b) to impair

5. As the condition of the patient had been gradually improving his temperature … considerably.

a) reduced

b) rose

6. Severe attacks of angina pectoris are accompanied by … pain radiating down the arm.

a) sharp

b) moderate

7. If the patient is suffering from rheumatic endocarditis his pulse becomes … on physical exertion.

a) accelerated

b) slow

8. Partial arrest of blood circulation often results in … to brain cells.

a) the recovery

b) the damage

9. … tumours are known to cause numerous metastases involving various internal organs.

a) Malignant

b) Benign

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