Active vocabulary of the text.

to occupy [′okjupai] занимать
write down carefully [′kεəfli] записывать аккуратно
to record all the findings [ri′ko:d] записывать все данные
to point out   указывать
glassware [′gla:swεə] стеклянная посуда
a vessel [′vesl] сосуд
a test-tube [′testtju:b] пробирка
a funnel [′fΛnl] воронка
a flask [fla:sk] колба
a retort [ri′to:t] реторта
a burette [bjuə′ret] бюретка
analytical balance [′ænəlitikl ′bæləns] весы
a burner [′bə:nə] горелка
to increase [in′kri:s] увеличивать
impurities [im′pjuəritiz] примеси
to melt [melt] плавиться, таять
to boil [boil] кипеть
an alkali [′ælkəlai] щёлочь
an acid [′æsid] кислота
to obtain [əb′tein] получать

The course of training at any pharmaceutical institute is impossible without practical classes in chemistry. They are held in the chemical laboratories. Students of our academy carry out various experiments with different chemical substances there.

Active vocabulary of the text. - All members of my group prefer to attend practical classes. That’s why we work in the chemical laboratory with great pleasure. We try to improve our knowledge in practise. Our chemical laboratory occupies a large and light room. It is well-ventilated because chemists often work with substances having strong and unpleasant odour. During our practical classes in chemistry we study chemical and physical properties of inorganic substances. Our students carry out different experiments and carefully record all the findings. Usually they point out the title of the experiment and the date, the substances, describe reagents and the results.

The laboratory has its own equipment. It is equipped with special laboratory tables besides the demonstration table which stands between the two rows of tables and in front of them. In our experiments we use laboratory vessels and glassware of different kinds. There are three groups of them in the laboratory: glassware for general use, glassware for special use and glassware for measuring. Students carry out experiments using test-tubes, funnels, flasks, retorts, burettes, graduated cylinders, measuring glasses and pipettes. They also have microscopes, analytical balances, distillators, burners to heat solutions and thermometers at hand. The most widely available reagents at our laboratory are acids (nitric, sulphuric), alkalis (potassium solution, sodium solution), oxides, organic salts, indicators (phenolphthalein, methylene orange). Among the subjects students study in the laboratory are density, viscosity, vapour pressure and others.

There are a lot of laboratories in our academy. The laboratory of inorganic chemistry is for identifying the properties of elements and inorganic substances. The first-year students have their practical classes there. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic and inorganic substances can be obtained in the laboratory of analytical chemistry. The laboratory assistant carries out experiments in the laboratory of organic chemistry. Here we can study the properties of organic substances and ways of their synthesis. There are two more laboratories in our academy: the laboratory of quality control and the laboratory of juridical chemistry. In the latter one students can obtain the toxicological analysis.

The work in the chemical laboratory is of great importance. The findings obtained help people to keep their health and to increase their knowledge. It’s well-known that the running water contains various impurities. We learn how to obtain distilled water with distillators. Our students also like to work with special vessels for the determination of molecular weights and for the determination of melting and boiling points.

Summary:Practical classes in chemistry are usually held in the chemical laboratories where students carry out various experiments using different chemical substances. Moreover, the work in the chemical laboratory is of great importance because it helps students to increase their knowledge and to get more practical training.

Exercise 11:Answer the following questions:

1. Where are the practical classes in chemistry held?

2. What do students do in the chemical laboratories?

3. What kind of room does our laboratory occupy?

4. What do students study during our practical classes in chemistry?

5. What is the chemical laboratory equipped with?

6. What groups of vessels and glassware do you know?

7. What do students use when they carry out experiments?

Exercise 12: Make your own short report about your classes in the chemical laboratory.

  Active vocabulary of the text. -
Active vocabulary of the text. -

Active vocabulary of the text. -

Exercise 13:Listen to the song “Lab Safety” and fill in the missing information using the words given below:

lab experiment without food accidents safety goggles work through directions eyewash exits

Wait, you’ve gotta make sure that your lab is safe

Before you make a measurement, scope out the space

Got your gloves pulled up, got your goggles on

Don’t want to be another ___________________ gone wrong

Go with goggles, go with the gloves!

Go ___________________, and spit out your gum!

Go safe! Go safe! And get into it

Go safe scientists, no ___________________!

You know the science lab can be a pretty dangerous place

You gotta wear ___________________ to protect your face

And just in case you still end up with stuff in your eye

You should know how to find the ___________________ nearby.

And as a matter of fact, know where the ___________________ are too

‘Cause if a fire starts, you better know what to do

And you don’t have to be a hero, try to break the mold

Be sure to follow all directions and just do as you’re told.

It reminds me of this time I was sitting in lab

Trying to ___________________ the experiment and give it a stab

When my partner started grabbing chemicals from the shelves

Started mixing up some liquids with unusual smells.

Before he could stop, it began to bubble up

In a couple of seconds he was in deep, deep trouble

So maybe mixing crazy potions didn’t go as he’d planned

He didn’t follow the ___________________ and he burned his hand (ouch!).

  Active vocabulary of the text. -

Active vocabulary of the text. - Active vocabulary of the text. -

Exercise 14:Study the following rules carefully and be ready to retell them in brave:


  Active vocabulary of the text. - Active vocabulary of the text. -   Active vocabulary of the text. -     Active vocabulary of the text. -     Active vocabulary of the text. -     Active vocabulary of the text. -     Active vocabulary of the text. -   Active vocabulary of the text. -   Active vocabulary of the text. -   Active vocabulary of the text. -   Active vocabulary of the text. - When you study Chemistry you would probably have to do experiments. It is important to know what you're doing as to avoid doing something silly like poisoning yourself or blowing up the lab!Therefore you should first read and understand the below rules about working and behaving in the laboratory before doing any experiments. 1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory. 2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, ASK YOUR TEACHER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE ACTIVITY. 3. Never work alone in the laboratory. No student may work in the science classroom without the presence of the teacher. 4. When first entering a science room, do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so. 5. Perform only those experiments authorized by your teacher. Carefully follow all instructions, both written and oral. Unauthorized experiments are not allowed. 6. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory. Do not use laboratory glassware as containers for food or beverages. 7. Be prepared for your work in the laboratory. Read all procedures thoroughly before entering the laboratory. Never fool around in the laboratory. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited. 8. Always work in a well-ventilated area. 9. Observe good housekeeping practices. Work areas should be kept clean and tidy at all times. 10. Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Notify the teacher immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe. 11. Dispose of all chemical waste properly. Never mix chemicals in sink drains. Sinks are to be used only for water. Check with your teacher for disposal of chemicals and solutions. 12. Labels and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use. Set up and use the equipment as directed by your teacher. 13. Keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth, and body while using chemicals or lab equipment. Wash your hands with soap and water after performing all experiments. 14. Any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used, students will wear safety goggles. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! 15. Contact lenses may not be worn in the laboratory.   CLOTHING 16. Dress properly during a laboratory activity. Long hair, dangling jewelry, and loose or baggy clothing are hazard in the laboratory. Long hair must be tied back, and dangling jewelry and baggy clothing must be secured. Shoes must completely cover the foot. No sandals allowed on lab days. 17. A lab coat or smock should be worn during laboratory experiments. ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES 18. Report any accident (spill, breakage, etc.) or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to the teacher immediately, no matter how trivial it seems. Do not panic. 19. If you or your lab partner is hurt, immediately (and loudly) yell out the teacher's name to get the teacher's attention. Do not panic. 20. If a chemical should splash in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water for at least 20 minutes. Immediately (and loudly) yell out the teacher’s name to get the teacher's attention. 21. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. Avoid handling chemicals with fingers. Always use a tweezer. When making an observation, keep at least 1 foot away from the specimen. Do not taste, or smell any chemicals. 22. Check the label on all chemical bottles twice before removing any of the contents. Take only as much chemical as you need.   HANDLING CHEMICALS 23. Never return unused chemicals to their original container. 24. Never remove chemicals or other materials from the laboratory area.   HANDLING GLASSWARE AND EQUIPMENT 25. Never handle broken glass with your bare hands. Use a brush and dustpan to clean up broken glass. Place broken glass in the designated glass disposal container. 26. Examine glassware before each use. Never use chipped, cracked, or dirty glassware. 27. If you do not understand how to use a piece of equipment, ASK THE TEACHER FOR HELP! 28. Do not immerse hot glassware in cold water. The glassware may shatter.   HEATING SUBSTANCES 29. Do not operate a hot plate by yourself. Take care that hair, clothing, and hands are a safe distance from the hot plate at all times. Use of hot plate is only allowed in the presence of the teacher. 30. Heated glassware remains very hot for a long time. They should be set aside in a designated place to cool, and picked up with caution. Use tongs or heat protective gloves if necessary. 31. Never look into a container that is being heated. 32. Do not place hot apparatus directly on the laboratory desk. Always use an insulated pad. Allow plenty of time for hot apparatus to cool before touching it.

Active vocabulary of the text. - Active vocabulary of the text. -

Exercise 15:Study the information on how to write a Testimonial:

Writing Referrals and Testimonials

Guidelines for giving employee references:

· Be honest - the worst thing that you can do for a previous employee and their prospective employer is to give false information.

· Be specific - you need to make sure that your reference sounds as though you knew the employee or applicant well.

· Avoid giving personal feelings.

· Give relevant information.

· Do not give any information that might indicate race, age, disability status, religion, sex, marital status, or ethnic origin.

· Have documentation - if you are describing a situation, make sure that you have documentation to support the claim.

When you’re beginning to compile testimonials:

· Find customers or clients that have expressed their satisfaction - most will be glad to write a testimonial for you.

· Find your average customer and try to find out specific details as to how they were pleased with your product and/or service.

· Writing testimonials can be a great way to draw in new clients and provide credibility to the services and products that you provide.

Active vocabulary of the text. - Read the following extracts from the testimonial letters and fill in the missing information:


his work ability knowing excellent highly position

Active vocabulary of the text. -


dedicated patients Tom negotiation skills succeed confident

Write your own letter of referrence using the information:


To whom it may concern(if we don’t know the name of the recipient)

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