Fill in the blanks with prepositions. 1. Her lovely hair was done

1. Her lovely hair was done ... a knot ... the back ... her head. 2. I advise you to have your hair parted ... the left side. 3. Whenever she laughed or smiled two pretty dimples appeared ... her cheeks. 4. Her manner ... talking reminds me ... her father. 5. She was a big woman, bigger than my Grandpa, ... a long yellow wrinkled face. Her hair, still dark, was parted ... the middle. 6. Bert White was a pale-faced boy, fifteen years ... age and about four feet nine inches ... height. 7. There was a startled almost terrified look ... his face. 8. Although he was only fifty five, he looked much older. Indeed he was too old ... his age. 9. Two years ago she had to stand ... tiptoe to reach the door bell. 10. The father wanted his little daughter to take ... her mother. 11. You look fine and it seems to me that you have put .. weight.

Read the dialogues


Alice: I say Mike, I’ve just had a wire from Mary. She’s coming with the 5.30 train. And I have a meeting at 5. Will you do me a favour and meet her at the station?

Mike: I’ve never seen her, how could I possibiy recognize her?

Alice: Oh, it’s quite easy, she’s just like her mother.

Mike: Most helpfull I’m sure, but the trouble is I’ve never seen her mother either.

Alice: I’m sorry, I forgot. And I’m afraid I haven't any photos of her.

Mike: Try to describe her. What does she look like?

Alice: A tall slender girl of 18 with an oval face.

Mike: Compiexion?

Alice: Rather pale.

Mike: Hair?

Alice: Fair and bobbed. Light grey eyes, deep-set, a small straight nose, a big mouth with white, even teeth and a pleasant smile.

Mike: I’m sure there’ll be at least a dozen girls like that at the station.

Alice: Oh, I’d clean forgotten! There's a mole as big as a pea on her left cheek!

Mike: That’ll help me for sure. Go to your meeting. I promise to be on the platform at 5 sharp in search of a slender girl with a mole on her left cheek.


Grace: Why don’t you dance with Henry?

Beatrice: Because we make such a funny pair: he’s short and broad and strong, and I'm tall, thin and pale.

Grace: Nonsense, my dear. He isn't short, only medium height, and you are just a trifle above the middle size. And he dances perfectly, I can tell you.

Beatrice: I know he does. But I prefer dancing with Billy. For all his long legs and lean figure Billy's a very good dancer, isn't he?

Grace: Yes, he is, and I like his face. It may be ugly, but there's something awfully nice about it.

Beatrice: But he isn't ugly at an, especially when he smiles and shows those perfect teeth of his.

Grace: Still, Henry's decidedly handsome, which Bill is not.

Beatrice: But there's something unkind in the look of his grey eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me.

Give a detailed description of:

a) the appearance of your parents;

b) the appearance of one of your friends;

c) the appearance of a movie star;

d) a person whose appearance you admire and etc.

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