Medical Service in Britain

In Britain there is a National Health Service (the NHS), which is paid for by taxes and national insurance, and in general people do not have to pay for medical treatment. Every person is registered with a doctor in their local area, known as a general practitioner or GP. This means that the patient’s name is on the GP’s list, and the patient may make an appointment to see the doctor or may call the doctor out to him if he is ill. People sometimes have to pay part of the cost of drugs that the doctor prescribes. GPs are trained in general medicine but are not specialists in any particular subject. If a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, he must first go to his GP and then the GP will make an appointment for the patient to see a specialist at a hospital or clinic.

Although everyone in Britain can have free treatment under the NHS, it is also possible to have treatment done privately, for which one has to pay. Some people have private health insurance to help them to pay for private treatment. Under the NHS people who need to go to hospital may have to wait for a long time on a waiting list for their treatment. If they pay for the treatment, they will probably get it more quickly. Anyone who is very ill can call an ambulance and get taken to hospital for free urgent medical treatment. Ambulances are a free service in Britain.

Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста:

1. Является ли здравоохранение платным для граждан Великобритании?

2. Каким образом пациент может обратиться к узкому специалисту?

3. Существует ли частное медицинское страхование в Великобритании?

4. Можно ли вызвать машину скорой помощи бесплатно?

Задание 4.Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. In Britain people do not have to pay for…...

2. Every person is registered with a doctor known as…….

3. If a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, he must first go to his ……

4. Some people have private health…..

5. Anyone who is very ill can call an ambulance and get free …..


Задание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значение:

1. to do smb’s best сделать все возможное,


2. in-patient стационарный больной

3. As far as I know. насколько я знаю.

4. kindergarten детский сад

5. prevention профилактика

6. cure лечение

7. staff штат

8. as for … что касается …

9. to meet the requirement удовлетворять потребности

Задание 2.Прослушайте диалог и воспроизведите его в парах:

A.: - A lot of people in Britain don’t know very much about the Russian Health Service. Could you tell me some words about its structure?

B.: - I'll certainly do my best. As you know, I’m a medical student and know the system of medical aid in our country. Well, where should I begin?

A.: - First of all, I’d like to know something about Hospital Service. Is it free of charge?

B.: - If you have Insurance Policy you can get medical services free of charge with the exception of some types of stomatologic aid.

A.: - What departments are there in the hospital?

B.: - As far as I know there are many departments in each hospital: therapeutic, neurology, cardiac, burns, etc. There are also specialized clinics: mental, oncological, infectious and others.

A.: - That’s excellent. But what about children? Where are they treated?

B.: - There are special children’s hospitals where they have got all sorts of treatment. Besides in kindergartens and at schools children are given regular medical examination. “Prevention is better than cure”, as we say.

A.: - You are quite right. What’s the medical staff at the hospital?

B.: - As a rule, medical staff consists of a chief-doctor, therapeutists, surgeons, cardiologists, neurologists and many other specialists. They work in the departments. As for nurses, they assist the surgeons during operations, take the patient's temperature, provide medical procedures.

A.: - I suppose, a general hospital has necessary equipment, hasn't it?

B.: - Yes, of course. Each hospital is modern equipped and has necessary instruments.

A.: - I know your state is doing all it can to meet the requirements of a modern Health Service. Thank you for the information. Good-bye!

B.: - Good-bye!

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