Ex.2. Choose the right form of the adjective. Write down the number of the sentence and the form required

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Grammar Test №2

Functional Grammar


This time the material you need to study carefully deals with English morphology (the Adjective, the Adverb and the Oblique Moods) and syntax, which embraces subordinate parts of the sentence, word order, types of the composite sentence. The test that follows consists of practical tasks enabling you to check your understanding of the above-mentioned elements of the language system. The key attached to the test will highlight your strong points and help you analyse what area has been overlooked. To avoid your skipping some relevant details we’d rather you examined rules and examples and did exercises intended for independent work in the following text-books:

1. Прокофьева Е.В., Сычевская Н.С. и др. Практическая грамматика современного английского языка Учеб. пособие. ― Мн.: МГЛУ, 2004. (pp. 69 -119)

2. Дмитриева И.В. Сборник таблиц по практической грамматике английского языка. Мн, 2000. (pp.21-42).

3. Прокофьева Е.В. Тестыпо грамматике английского языка = Tests in English Grammar. ― Мн.: МГЛУ, 2004. (Part II, Tests 1-5).

Do not forget to compare your answers with the key. Success attend you!


Ex. 1. Complete the conversation, using the correct form of the adjective.

Pam: So how are you enjoying living in the new place?

Debbie: Great! The house is much (1) … (spacious) than the flat we had in London and one of the (2)… (good) things is walking out into our own garden.

P: So all in all, it isn’t much (3)… (bad) than London, is it?

D: I’m not sure. It’s certainly (4) … (polluted) here and it’s (5)… (stressful). But it’s just so much (6) .. (quiet) here and I still haven’t got used to it. Going out shopping in London was so much (7)… (interesting) than it is here. The people here are so much (8) … (varied) than they are in London.

P: But it’s so much (9) … (busy) on the streets here in London. It must be nice to walk around somewhere that is a great deal (10)… (crowded).

D: Sometimes it is. Anyway, perhaps I’ll feel (11) … (settled) here after a few months. Who knows?

Ex.2. Choose the right form of the adjective. Write down the number of the sentence and the form required.

1. His office is (farther, further) away than mine.

  1. I went into town to buy a present for my (oldest, eldest) sister.
  2. Three of my (better, best) friends are triplets.
  3. The (late, latest) writer was particularly renowned for his short stories.
  4. Have you heard the (last, latest) news yet?
  5. Max is the (more, most) charming of the two brothers.
  6. I thought you were the (younger, youngest) in the family. – No, actually I’m (older, elder) than my siblings.
  7. Sting’s (last, latest) album sold like hot cakes.
  8. In the (near, nearer, nearest) future we’ll get more dependent on computers.
  9. Do you happen to know what her (nearest, next) book will be about?

Ex.3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentence with a suitable adverb/adjective form from the following, adding -ly as necessary. Write the number of the sentence and the form required.

sharp close high right short deep

1. They divorced _______ after their marriage.

2. I think you act ______ towards your younger sister. You should be more tolerant of her behaviour.

3. The rocket landed some 100 metres ______ of its target.

4. He thinks very ______ of you.

5. The clouds drifted _______ above our heads.

6. The train left _______ on time.

7. The film keeps _______ to the text of the novel.

8. She feels her friend’s death _______ .

9. If I remember ______ your name is Katherine Moor.

10. _______ in my heart, I sympathise with him.

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