Future Simple (Indefinite)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
... + shall/will + Inf Shall/Will ... + Inf ? ... shall/will not + Inf
I shall/will study = ( I'll study) Я буду учиться. Shall/Will I study ? Я буду учится? I shall/will not study = (shan't study) Я не буду учиться.
We Shall/Will study Shall/Will I we study We will/shall not study
He / She It / You They will study =(...'ll study) Will he / she / it / you/ they study? He / She It / You They will not study =(won't study)

Временная форма Future Simple (Indefinite) используется для обозначения:

1) Регулярно повторяющихся действий в будущем.

He will take English lessons twice a week.

I’ll write to you every day.

2) Однократного действия в будущем. На будущее время могут указывать обстоятельства времени, например: tomorrow завтра, next week на следующей неделе, next year в будущем году, in a week через неделю, in a few days через несколько дней, some day когда-нибудь, one of these days на днях (по отношению к будущему).

I’ll see you tomorrow.

We will help him.

He will return to Barnaul in a few days.

3) Ряда последовательных действий в будущем:

He will take a book, open it and begin to read it.

NOTE! Will в вопросе с you может означать вежливую просьбу:

Will you please open the window? Откройте, пожалуйста, окно.

7. Make the statements interrogative and negative.

1) She’ll come tomorrow.

2) We’ll have 3 credits next week.

3) I’ll go to the library.

4) They’ll take a course in Ecology.

5) I’ll be here tomorrow.

8. Derek is 18 years old now. What will he be like in 10 years from now? How will his life be different then? Complete what Derek says using will/won’t.


I hope I | have a job in 10 years’ time. --->I hope I’ll have a job in 10 years’ time.

1) Perhaps I | have a good job.

2) I probably | not | be very rich.

3) I | not | look the same as I do now.

4) I think I | be married.

5) I | probably | have children.

9. What about you? What will you be like in 10 years?

10. Before reading the text discuss the questions with your group mates.

1) What speciality within your faculty have you chosen? Why?

2) What fields of investigation does it offer?

3) Are there any applied fields of science connected to your speciality?

4) What facilities does it offer? Are you satisfied? Why?

5) Are there any innovations connected to your speciality? What are they?

11. What is English for the following words? Mind your pronunciation:

факультет, алтайский, специальность, курс, математика, алгебра, кибернетика, информатика, радиофизика, уникальный, химия, биология, южно-сибирский, социально-культурный сервис и туризм.

12. Read and translate the text.

Text 8.

There are 5 faculties of natural sciences in Altai State University. Every faculty has a dean as its head. A number of chairs within a faculty makes it possible to choose a degree program and optional courses.

The Faculty of Mathematics was founded in 1974 and has the following chairs: the Chair of Mathematic Analysis, the Chair of Differential Equations, the Chair of Algebra and Logics, the Chair of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics. This faculty has a full-time form of education and offers academic, postgraduate and doctorate courses. It provides such degree programs as Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Mathematics and Computer Science. Graduates of the faculty are trained to conduct research in the variety of fields widely employing methods of applied mathematics and computer technologies, to develop and apply modern mathematical methods and software purposed to solve scientific, technical, economic and managerial problems; to apply information technology in the sphere of design, management and finance.

The Faculty of Physics and Technology was founded in 1974 and has the following chairs: the Chair of Theoretical Physics, the Chair of Experimental Physics, the Chair of Applied Physics, Electronics and Information Safety. It offers a full-time form of education and provides such degree programs as Computer Science and Technology, Information Safety, Radio Physics, Physics. Graduates of the faculty get unique education that combines knowledge of fundamental sciences and applied aspects of electronics and computer technology. The faculty pays special attention to scientific research in different fields of physics, radio-physics and electronics, the results of which are widely acknowledged both in Russia and abroad.

The Faculty of Chemistry was founded in 1974. It offers full-time and part-time forms of education. Within the faculty there are chairs of Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Safety of Life in the Technogenic Environment. It offers a full-time form of education and provides such degree programs as Chemistry, Technogenic Safety, Fundamental and Applied Chemistry. The teaching staff consists of 34 people, including 7 Doctors of Science, 24 Candidates of Science.

The Faculty of Biology was founded in 1974 and has the following chairs: the Chair of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, the Chair of Botany, the Chair of Zoology, the Chair of Physiology, and the Chair of Ecology. It offers full-time and part-time forms of education and provides such degree programs as Biology, Ecology and Nature Management. The facilities of the faculty include the Museum of Zoology, vivarium, South-Siberian Botanical Garden. Graduates of the faculty are trained to work in educational, scientific and production, design, control and expertise institutions, environmental agencies and nature management departments. Students can also get additional qualification of a teacher of Biology and of Ecology.

The Faculty of Geography was founded in 1981. There are the following chairs within the faculty: the Chair of Physical Geography and Geoinformation Systems, the Chair of Economic Geography, the Chair of Recreational Geography and the Chair of Nature Management and Geo-ecology. It offers full-time and correspondence forms of education. The faculty provides the following degree cources: Geography, Ecology and Nature Management, Tourism, Social and Cultural Service, Hotel Business. Its facilities include: GIS-centre, Evolutional Geography Laboratory, Landscape Planning Laboratory, Geological Museum, and Training Meteostation. The teaching staff includes 37 teachers with 10 Doctors of Science and 11 Candidates of Science.

13. Answer the questions:

1) How many faculties of natural sciences are there in Altai State University?

2) What forms of education do they offer?

3) Who stands as a head of each faculty?

4) What chairs are there within each of the faculties?

5) What specialities do these faculties provide?

6) How many chairs are there within the Faculty of Chemistry?

7) What facilities do these faculties provide?

14. Match the words with their definitions.

Dean the mechanical and electronic parts of a computer
Software for or during the whole of the working day or week
Hardware working or studying only for part of the day or week
Full-time the head of a faculty
Part-time the data, programmes, etc not forming part of a computer but used when operating it

15. Read these definitions and guess the sciences which are defined.

1) The scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals is …….

2) The scientific study of the earth’s surface, physical features, divisions, climate, population, etc is ……

3) The science of numbers, quantity and space is ……..

4) The scientific study of properties of matter and energy, heat, light, sound, gravity, and the relationships between them is …….

5) The scientific study of the structure of substances, how they react when combined or in contact with one another and how they behave under different conditions is ……

16. Translate from Russian into English using the new words and construction there is/ there are:

1) На факультете математики есть кафедра математического анализа, кафедра прикладной математики, теоретической кибернетики и другие.

2) В университете есть музей зоологии.

3) На каждом факультете есть курсы по выбору.

4) На химическом факультете есть кафедры органической и неорганической химии.

5) Университет предлагает очную, заочную и вечернюю формы обучения.

17. Imagine and discuss with your partner what your faculty was like 20 years ago and what will happen with it in 20 years.

18. Supplementary – Reading for Fun.

One day a student was taking a very difficult essay exam. At the end of the test, the prof asked all the students to put their pencils down and immediately hand in their tests. The young man kept writing furioulsy, although he was warned that if he did not stop immediately he would be disqualified. He ignored the warning, finished the test 10 minutes later, and went to hand the test to his instructor. The instructor told him he would not take the test.

The student asked, "Do you know who I am?"

The prof said, "No and I don't care."

The student asked again, "Are you sure you don't know who I am?"
The prof again said no. So the student walked over to the pile of tests, placed his in
the middle, then threw the papers in the air.

"Good" the student said, and walked out. He passed.

Unit 7.

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