Meeting Your Group Mates


Алтайский государственный университет

Кафедра иностранных языков естественных факультетов

Методические рекомендации по обучению

Английскому языку на материале тем “I’m a Student”,

“My University” и “Higher Education”

Meeting Your Group Mates - Барнаул 2014

Авторы - составители: И.Ю. Артёмова, Е.В. Астахова.

Рецензенты: канд. пед. наук, доцент Т.В. Скубневская

доцент О.В. Растягаева

Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов 1 курса естественных факультетов и студентов СПО. Издание преследует цель развития навыков говорения (монологической и диалогической речи), аудирования, чтения и письма на английском языке.

Речевой материал и задания к нему организованы в уроки по тематическому принципу. На материале тем“I’m a Student”, “My University”и “Higher Education”даются коммуникативные задания и предлагаются методы ведения диалога и монолога на английском языке.

Unit 1.

Meeting Your Group Mates.

Speaking: Introducing yourself

Reading: Conversational Phrases, Text 1.

Listening: Communicating

Vocabulary: Personal Information, University

Grammar: Word Order, to be, pronouns


1a. Listen and read the words after the teacher. Learn them by heart.

finish school закончить школу

like нравиться

speciality специальность

degree program направление подготовки

faculty факультет

hostel общежитие

be(am/ is/ are) fond of smth./ be(am/ is/ are) interested in smth. интересоваться ч-л

student студент

study учиться

choose (chose - chosen) выбирать

1b. Match and make up word combinations:

1) finish a. a speciality

2) study b. school

3) be fond of c. in music

4) faculty d. at the University

5) choose e. of Biology

6) be interested f. sport

Grammar Focus:

Word order:

В отличие от русского языка, порядок слов в предложении в английском языке задан относительно жестко. Очень важно соблюдать правильный порядок слов, т.к. от этого зависит смысл Вашего высказывания.

1) Утвердительное предложение:




I get ready for my classes every day.


Every day I get ready for my classes.

Такой порядок слов называется прямым. Обстоятельство в начальной позиции показывает важность данной информации для говорящего.

2) Вопросительное предложение:


Are you busy today?


Do you like to study?

В специальных вопросах на первое место ставится вопросительное слово:

What is your degree program?

Такой порядок слов называется обратным или инвертированным.


Personal Pronoun - Subject I you he/she/it we they
Personal Pronoun - Object me you him/her/it us them
Possessive Pronouns my your his/her/its our their
Reflexive Pronouns myself yourself himself/herself/itself ourselves themselves

Глагол to be:

I am (‘m) a student.
He/She/It is (‘s) from Barnaul.
You/We/They are (‘re) at the University.

2. Complete these sentences, define the word order and pronoun type, explain your choice:

1) Hello! My name __ Paul.

2) Their names ___ Irene and Kate.

3) What __ your name?

4) My friend __ interested in sports.

5) I __ fond of books.

6) What ___ you interested in?

7) She __ from Moscow.

8) How old ___ you?

9) What __ your degree program?

10) My degree program ___ Social and Cultural Service.

3. Tell your group mates about yourself answering the questions below:

1) What is your name?

2) Where are you from?

3) What school did you finish?

4) Do you like your degree program?

5) What is your hobby?

4. Listen and read Conversational Phrases Part 1:

Приветствия/ Прощания:

1) Hello. How are you? / Hi. How are you doing? Привет! Как дела?

2) Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Доброе утро/день/вечер.

3) Goodbye./ Bye. До свидания. / Пока.

4) See you. Take care. Увидимся. Береги себя.

5) Nice/Pleased to meet you. Приятно познакомиться.

5. a) Write the responses. Use the expressions:

And you. Bye. Hi. Fine, thanks.

A: Nice to meet you.

B: ______________.

A: Hello.

B: ______________.

A: How are you?

B: ______________.

A: Goodbye.

B: ______________.

b) Listen and check your answers.

Listen and repeat.

6. Listen and read Conversational Phrases:

Выражение согласия/ несогласия:

1) Yes./ Good./ O’K. Да./ Хорошо.

2) Certainly./ Sure. Конечно.

3) By all means. Конечно. / Пожалуйста.

4) That’s so true! Вот именно/Совершенно верно.

5) Exactly. Точно.

6) I don’t think so. Нет. / Я так не думаю.

7) I’m afraid I disagree. Боюсь, я не согласен(а).

8) Not necessarily. Не обязательно.

9) No, I’m not so sure about that. Нет, я не уверен(а).

10) No way! Ни за что!

Запрос информации:

1) I’d like to ask… Я бы хотел(а) спросить…

2) Could you tell me… Не могли бы Вы сказать…

3) What about… Как насчет…/ Что насчет…

Выражение собственного мнения:

1) As far as I know… Насколько мне известно…

2) The thing is that… Дело в том, что…

3) On the one hand./On the other hand. С одной стороны /С другой стороны.

4) Good for you. Молодец!

5) By the way,… Кстати, …

6) It depends. Как сказать./ Зависит от обстоятельств.

7) I see. Понятно.

8) I’m serious. / I mean it. Я серьезно!

9) Excellent!/ Marvelous!/ Great! Замечательно! / Великолепно!

10) That’s a good idea! Это хорошая идея!

7. a) Read and practice the conversation between Olga and Anna.

Anna: Hello. My name’s Anna.

Olga: I’m Olga. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you too. Almost a week of study and I didn’t have enough time to meet everyone in the group.

O: Yeah. That’s so true!

A: So, Olga, where are you from?

O: I’m from Rubzovsk. What about you?

A: I’m from Barnaul. How do you like the city so far?

O: Oh, on the one hand, it’s beautiful and friendly, on the other hand, it’s very noisy and big.

A: Well, it depends. By the way, do you live in the hostel?

O: Right now I do, but I want to rent.

A: I see. The thing is, I live with my parents and want to rent as well, I just need a room mate.

O: It sounds like a good idea! And what are you interested in? I hope it’s not drums!

A: No way! I prefer reading and doing sports.

O: Great! I like sports too!

A: Good. Meet me after the classes, we’ll discuss everything in detail. See you.

O: Bye!

7.b) Choose a partner and ask him/her about his/her life and study following the questions. Use as many conversational phrases as you can.

· Where are you from?

· Do you live with your parents or in a hostel?

· Do you like Barnaul?

· What are you interested in?

8. Read Text 1 and choose the best title for it.

· Kate’s life

· Kate’s study

· Kate’s interests

Text 1.

Kate is seventeen. She is from Biysk. Last year she finished school and entered Altai State University in Barnaul. Now Kate studies at Altai State University at the Faculty of Geography. The faculty provides the following degree programs: Geography, Ecology and Nature Management, Social and Cultural Service, Tourism, Hotel Business. Kate is interested in tourism, so her degree program is Tourism. Kate thinks that her native region, Altai Krai, is very attractive for tourists both from Russia and abroad.

Kate is a freshman. Several days ago all first-year students received their credit books and student passes and now they do their best to get only good and excellent marks. Kate studies Biology, Ecology, Geomorphology and other subjects. Her favorite subjects are Ecology and English. As a rule she has three or four classes a day. Kate finds seminars and laboratory classes in Physics and Geomorphology very interesting.

Kate lives in the hostel because she is a non-local student. The University Campus has several student hostels with almost 1,000 places. Health centre, laundry facilities, shops and sports grounds are at the students’ disposal. Kate finds living in the hostel very convenient and affordable.

Recently she has made friends with her neighbors. Their names are Mary and Jane. They also study at Altai State University. All three girls try to help each other and not to quarrel. Now they are good friends.

9. Read the text once again using the vocabulary given below and try to catch all information about Kate.

10. Answer the questions to the text:

1) Where does Kate study?

2) What faculty does she study at?

3) What specialities does this faculty provide?

4) When did Kate receive her credit book and student pass?

5) What are Kate’s favorite subjects?

6) Does Kate like seminars?

7) Where does Kate live? Why?

8) Who are Kate’s good friends?

11. Listen and read the words after the teacher. Learn them by heart.


enter the university поступить в университет

study at the university учиться в университете

freshman (first-year student) первокурсник

receive a credit book получить зачетную книжку

receive a student pass получить студенческий билет

favorite subject любимый предмет

seminar семинар

neighbor сосед(ка)

laundry прачечная

be (am/is/are) at the disposal of быть в распоряжении

non-local иногородний

class занятие, пара

12. Read and complete the sentences using the words from the vocabulary (ex. 1a and ex. 11):

1) After finishing school Peter … … …. .

2) Yesterday all freshmen received their … …. and … …..

3) I study … … … .

4) As a rule we have three … a day.

5) Today I have a … in Biology.

6) Ecology and Geomorphology are my … … .

7) Julia studies in Moscow and lives in a … .

8) We have a … in our hostel.

9) The hostel is … … … … non-local students.

10) My friends and I … … in Natural Sciences.

13. Make up your own sentences using the words form the active vocabulary.

14. Tell your group mates about your study using the conversational phrases.

1) Why did you enter this university?

2) What made you choose this faculty?

3) What are your favorite subjects?

4) Do you like lectures or seminars better? Why?

5) Where do you live?

6) Do you have friends among your group mates? Who are they?

15. Supplementary – Reading for Fun

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