Match the words taken from the text with definition below
student houses subjects fraternities and sororities dissertation intellectual elite grant grades Doctorate working your way trough college gap year pecking order clubs and societies field trip degree student union bar | continuous assessment entry test redbrick universities private rented accommodation work placement recruitments fairs scholarship programme halls of residence tuition fees final tutorial lecture aptitude test Masters |
1. an examination to see if you are good enough to go to university __________
2. areas of knowledge you study at school ___________
3. a number or letter to symbolize how well you have done in an exam _________
Which one to go to
1. learning institutions built later than Oxford or Cambridge ___________
2. hierarchy ____________
3. the best minds in the country _________
1. money given by the state to help for e.g. education ______________
2. money you pay for a university course ______________
3. paying for our education by being employed while you are studying ________________
Where to live
1. houses bought by university and rented to their students ______________
2. houses rented to anyone _________________
3. communal accommodation built by university _______________
Year out
1. a year between school and university when you don’t study ______________
2. a temporary position with a company to gain employment experience ___________
3. money from a private organization to help with the cost of study ______________
Teaching & learning
1. study away from the classroom often to collect data or samples ______________
2. small group lesson based on discussing an area or problem _________________
3. lesson in the form of a formal speech using notes and visual aids _______________
How you are doing
1. a long, structured piece of writing exploring a subject in detail ______________
2. examinations at the end of a course _____________________
3. evaluating pieces of work during the course ________________________
Social life
1. organizations run by and for students to develop different interests _____________
2. a place for students to have a drink _
3. student membership organizations in the USA _________________________
Life after university
1. exam to see what kind of jobs would suit you ________________________
2. university qualification gained after a degree taking one or two years ___________
3. highest university qualification after a Masters taking four or more years of research ______________
4. the first university qualification you receive after 3 or more years of study __________
5. large ‘market place’ where employers try to interest students in working for them ___________________
Irregular Verbs
infinitive | past | past participle | перевод |
be | was/were | been | быть |
become | became | become | становиться |
begin | began | begun | начинать(ся) |
blow | blew | blown | дуть, выдыхать |
break | broke | broken | ломать |
bring | brought | brought | приносить |
build | built | built | строить |
burn | burnt | burnt | гореть, сжигать |
buy | bought | bought | покупать |
catch | caught | caught | ловить |
choose | chose | chosen | выбирать |
come | came | come | приходить |
cost | cost | cost | стоить, иметь цену |
cut | cut | cut | резать |
deal | dealt | dealt | иметь дела |
do | did | done | делать |
draw | drew | drawn | рисовать |
drink | drank | drunk | пить |
drive | drove | driven | водить |
eat | ate | eaten | есть |
fall | fell | fallen | падать |
feed | fed | fed | кормить |
feel | felt | felt | чувствовать |
fight | fought | fought | бороться |
find | found | found | находить |
fly | flew | flown | летать |
forbid | forbade | forbidden | запрещать |
forget | forgot | forgotten | забывать |
forgive | forgave | forgiven | прощать |
get | got | got | получать, становиться |
give | gave | given | давать |
go | went | gone | идти |
grow | grew | grown | расти |
have | had | had | иметь |
hear | heard | heard | слышать |
hide | hid | hidden | прятать |
hit | hit | hit | ударять(ся), попадать в цель |
hold | held | held | держать, удерживать |
hurt | hurt | hurt | причинять боль |
keep | kept | kept | хранить |
know | knew | known | знать |
lay | laid | laid | класть |
lead | led | led | возглавлять, вести за собой |
learn | learnt | learnt | учить |
leave | left | left | покидать |
lend | lent | lent | одалживать |
let | let | let | позволять |
lie | lay | lain | лежать |
lose | lost | lost | терять |
make | made | made | делать |
mean | meant | meant | значить |
meet | met | met | встречать |
pay | paid | paid | платить |
prove | proved | proven | доказывать |
put | put | put | класть |
quit | quit | quit | покидать |
read | read | read | читать |
ride | rode | ridden | ехать верхом |
ring | rang | rung | звонить |
rise | rose | risen | подниматься |
run | ran | run | бежать |
say | said | said | сказать |
see | saw | seen | видеть |
sell | sold | sold | продавать |
send | sent | sent | посылать |
set | set | set | устанавливать |
shine | shone | shone | светить, сверкать |
shoot | shot | shot | стрелять |
show | showed | shown | показывать |
sing | sang | sung | петь |
sink | sank | sunk | опускаться, погружаться |
sit | sat | sat | сидеть |
sleep | slept | slept | спать |
speak | spoke | spoken | говорить |
speed | sped | sped | двигаться быстро |
spell | spelt | spelt | писать/читать по буквам |
spend | spent | spent | тратить |
spill | spilt | spilt | проливать |
split | split | split | расщеплять, разделять |
spread | spread | spread | распространять |
stand | stood | stood | стоять |
steal | stole | stolen | красть |
swear | swore | sworn | ругаться, клясться |
sweep | swept | swept | сметать, мести |
swim | swam | swum | плавать |
take | took | taken | брать |
teach | taught | taught | учить |
tell | told | told | сказать |
think | thought | thought | думать |
throw | threw | thrown | бросить |
understand | understood | understood | понимать |
wake | woke | woken | просыпаться, будить |
wear | wore | worn | носить одежду |
win | won | won | побеждать |
write | wrote | written | писать |
1. Устное изложение любой пройденной темы (выбор по билетам).
2. Чтение, ответы на вопросы, передача содержания текста объемом 1500 печ. знаков. Время подготовки – 30 мин.
3. Двукратное прослушивание текста объемом 800 печ. знаков. Письменное формулирование трех вопросов к тексту и устное изложение содержания текста.
Устные темы, рекомендованные к зачёту I семестра:
1. About Myself (tell some words about your family, your study and your working day).
2. My University(tell some facts about foundation and development of Altai State University, pay attention to the research and extracurricular activities.
3. My faculty (give general information about Altai State University, tell about your faculty in details, explain your choice of the speciality).
4. Education in the UK (tell about the system of education in Britain, compare with the system of education in Russia).
5. Education in the USA (tell about the system of education in the USA, compare with the system of education in Russia).
1. Деуленко И.Г. Обучение говорению на материале тем «My university” и I'm a student. - Барнаул, 2006.
2. Beaumont D., Granger C. English Grammar. - The Heinmann, 1998.
3. Dooley J., Evans V. Grammarway 1. - Express Publishing, 2000.
4. English Listening On-line [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: – Заглавие с экрана.
5. North Star: Listening and Speaking, Intermediate, Second Edition. Teacher’s Manual and Achievement Tests by Laurie Barton, Tay Lesley. – NY, 2004.
6. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. - Cambridge Univrsity Press. - 1999.
7. Sidaway R., Universities [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http:// – Заглавие с экрана.
8. Universities in the UK [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: – Заглавие с экрана.
Unit 1. Meeting Your Group Mates …………………………………………... | |
Unit 2. I’m a Student ………………………………………………………….. | |
Unit 3. My Day at the University …………………………………………….. | |
Unit 4. My University ………………………………………………………… | |
Unit 5. Research and Extracurricular Activities …………………………….... | |
Unit 6. My faculty …………………………………………………………….. | |
Unit 7. Higher Education in the UK …………………………………………... | |
Unit 8. Higher Education in the USA ………………………………………..... | |
Unit 9. E-mail Friends (Pen Friends) …………………………………………. | |
Unit 10. Final Touches ………………………………………………………... | |
Irregular Verbs …............................................................................................... | |
Содержание зачета …………………………………………………………... | |
Bibliography…………………………………………………………............... |