Сводные упражнения на модальные глаголы

Упражнение 558

1.Он, должно быть, продал свое пианино.

2. Он, возможно, продал свое пианино.

3. Может быть, он и продал свое пианино (хотя вряд ли).

4. Не может быть, что он продал свое пианино.

5. Ему следовало продать пианино.

6. Ему не следовало продавать пианино.

7. Он мог и не продавать пианино.

8. Ему не понадобилось продавать пианино.

9. Ему пришлось продать пианино.
10. Ему предстояло продать пианино.

Упражнение 559

1.They must have gone to New York.

2. They may have gone to New York.

3. They might have gone to New York.

4. They can't have gone to New York.

5. They should have gone to New York.

6. They should not have gone to New York.

7. They need not have gone to New York.

8. They did not have to go to New York.

9. They had to go to New York. 10. They were to go to New York.

Модальные глаголы

Упражнение 560

1.can, must. 2. сап. 3. could. 4. сап. 5. could. 6. can, must, can, need. 7. must. 8. can (may), must. 9. can (may), must (may, can), must. 10. must, need, can. 11. must, need, can. 12. can, can, must. 13.can.

Упражнение 561

1.need. 2. need, must. 3. can, shall be able to. 4. need. 5. may, can, must. 6. must. 7. can, can. 8. had to, could. 9. have to. 10. can. 11. can. 12. has to. 13. could, had to. 14. must, must, must, can, can, need, must, must.

Упражнение 562

1.You may take this book if you like. 2. You can take this book: it is not heavy. 3. You need not take this book. 4. I cannot take this book. 5. Just think: we need not have gone there! 6. You need not agree at once: think a few days. 7. You may go there today. 8. You need not go there today. 9. You need not re­write the composition. 10. You can stay: you have time, don't you? 11. You may stay if you like. 12. You need not stay if you don't want to. 13. You need not tell him about it. 14. You may tell him about it. 15. We need not repeat these rules: we know them. 16. We need not have written the composition. 17. He need not have come: everything had already been done.


1. You may go there: I don't mind. 2. You can go there: it is quite near. 3. You cannot go there: you don't know the address. 4. You need not go there: I can ring them up. 5. You must not go there: they are


very bad people. 6. You need not have gone there yester­day. 7. You should go there: they are waiting for you. 8. You should have gone there yesterday. 9. You should not have gone there yesterday. 10. She must be at home now. 11. She must have been at home yesterday. 12. We may come to see you tomorrow. 13. They may have come to our place, but we were out. 14. He must have seen this monument when he was in your town. 15. He may have seen this monument when he was in your town. 16. He can't know this picture. 17. He can't have seen this picture. 18. He might know the problem, so he might know the answer to this question, but I am not very sure (not quite sure). 19. Where are they living? — They might be living abroad, but I am not so sure of it. 20. You must be asking for trouble.

Упражнение 564

1. I must buy a cake today. 2. My brother cannot speak English. 3. My sister can speak French. 4. May I see your photo? 5. Can you show me your photo? 6. He can't be forty: he looks much younger. 7. He can't have forgotten to come. He must have been very busy. 8. We may go to the country if the weather is fine. 9. If my sister does not buy me any coffee, I shall have to go to the shop myself. 10. I cannot find my watch. — You may have left it at work. — No, I can't have left it at work: I never take it off my wrist. 11. Will you be able to speak to him tomorrow? 12. I must have lost my way. Can you tell me how to get to the Hermitage? 13. I had to read a lot of books when I was getting ready for my report. 14. I could not remember the last lines of the sonnet, and I had to ring up my friend. 15. You can't watch TV until you have done your homework. 16. We must keep in touch. 17. You should listen to him and try not to worry about it.

Контрольное упражнение 283

Контрольное упражнение

Terrorism has been a global problem for decades. However, although security at airports has always been tight, the 9/11 attacks made it clear that new mea­sures were necessary. As a result, many new security procedures have been put into place. A good rule is to plan ahead and prepare for the strictest security poli­cies. Common sense and wise planning are the keys to a successful trip.

One of the most important security measures at an airport is confirming the identity of travellers. This is done by checking a photo ID, such as a driver's license. If you are travelling internationally, you need to pre­sent your passport. Simply taking a look at a photo ID isn't enough, however. The high-tech buzzword in air­port security today is biometrics. Biometrics essential­ly means checking fingerprints, retinal scans, and fa­cial patterns using complex computer systems to determine, if someone is who they say they are — or if they match a list of people the government has deter­mined might be potential terrorists.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind for passing car­ry-on security screening:

1) Check with your air carrier for specific check-in times if you are a carry-on traveller. Remember screen­ing lines will be longer during peak travel time and Holidays.

2) Prepare for security screening, not just your carry-on items but your check-in luggage and your person as well.

3) Be ready to answer any questions and do not accept items from strangers. Keep your luggage and personal belongings with you at all time.

4) Any metal item (buttons, zippers, hair acces­sories, etc.) can set off metal detectors. You can


minimize screening time by reducing the number of these items on your person.

5) You should carry proper identity to indicate any medical metal implants.

6) Shoes can trigger alarms. You may be asked to remove your shoes.

7) Be prepared to open and activate carry-on
electronic items such as: laptops, cameras, cell
phones, etc.

8) Avoid further delay by waiting to lock carry-on luggage until you've passed through screening areas. Any wrapped packages may be searched, so wait to wrap any gifts or, if possible, pack such items in check-in luggage.

9) Avoid additional scrutiny by not carrying pro­hibited items, such as all cutting and puncturing items, flammable liquids and containers under pres­sure such as aerosols, matches and lighters, toy weapons, etc.

All rules and practices regarding security, cany­ons, and other airline/airport practices are subject to change without notice, so it is best to call your airline or check with the airport just before the departure for the latest updates.


Артикль.............................................................................. 3

Существительное............................................................ 48

Местоимения some, any, по, every

и их производные....................................................... 54

Much, many, (a) litlle, (a) few........................................... 60

Степени сравнения прилагательных............................. 62

Предлоги ......................................................................... 68

Употребление времен..................................................... 76

Passive voice................................................................... 125

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь...................... 141

Инфинитив ................................................................... 170

Причастие...................................................................... 176

Герундий ....................................................................... 189

Причастие, герундий и отглагольное

существительное...................................................... 204

Сложное дополнение (Complex object)....................... 209

Сложное подлежащее (Complex subject).................... 225

Условные предложения. Сослагательное

наклонение после / wish.......................................... 231

Модальные глаголы...................................................... 245

Контрольное упражнение............................................ 283

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Голицынский Юрий Борисович, Голицынская Нина Антоновна



К сборнику упражнений Ю.Б. Толщынского (VI изд.) Верстка Е.К. Лебедевой

Издательство «КАРО», ЛР № 065644 195027, Санкт-Петербург, Свердловская наб., д. 60, (812) 570-54-97


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