Work in groups of four. Read the letters written by members of your group and decide which is the most effective. (Discuss ways of making the letters clearer)

4.23 Match the expressions in the list below which are similar in meaning:

enclose, job, currently, any more you need to know, now, occupation, any further information you require, I can come, consider, the story of my life, look at, date of birth, curriculum vitae, I am available, aim to achieve, health, birthday, put in, medical history, hope to pass.

Unit 5 Writing a course paper

5.1 Discuss the following questions in pairs:

1. Would you like to carry out some scientific research?

2. How often do you go to the library?

3. What sources of information do you use getting ready for seminars?

5.2 What qualities and skills should a good researcher have? Which of them do you personally have? Compare your answers with your partner.

Qualities:patient, intelligent, quick-thinking, logical, sensitive, creative, funny.

Skills: computer skills, mathematical skills, language skills, musical skills.

Think of some more skills and qualities needed for a good researcher.

5.3 Read and translate the text:

Writing a course paper

My name is Michael. I am a student of Berlin University. I study at the faculty of Science and Engineering. I like studying here. The teaching staff is friendly and well-organised. Our dean is very competent. He knows how to cope with different people and problems. During my study here I got acquainted with new books and scientific ideas. Our library with its electronic catalogue impressed me.

I am a second year student and this term I have to write a course paper. My scientific supervisor is Professor Davidson. Professor is a very experienced supervisor. The theme of my course paper is ”Computer today.”

It consists of 3 chapters. First I want to statethe problem. I begin with the fact that the computer is a defining symbol of 20th century technology - a tool that has transformed businesses and lives around the world, increased productivity, and opened access tо vast amounts of knowledge. I aim to show that in the first half of the 20th century, a steady stream of technical innovation transformed people's lives. I want to underline that In many ways, new technologies were no longer a surprise when came a new machine - the computer - which astonished the world and promised to remove other forms of drudgery from life, such as tedious calculations.

In the second chapter I describe how the computer soon evolved from an elaborate calculator to a complex system of enormous capability. I pay attention to the fact that before the century was over; the computer had become an integral part of every major industry.

In the third chapter I present the history of computer. For a better understandingof some problems I consider the earliest digital machines, beginning with ENIAC and continuing into the late 1950s based on vacuum tubes. Moreover, in this part I discussthe next phase that required the development of a whole range of components used in computers today. Then I pass overto 1981 when IBM introduced the PC, a key event in the development of the consumer computer industry. It was based on an Intel microprocessor and the operating system DOS, licensed from Microsoft.

In the last part I focus on the result of my research and touch upon the future of the computer. I also explain that graphically driven software makes computers easy to use and has begun to open new worlds through the Internet. I state that the real computer revolution is not one of numbers and bytes, but one in which people, regardless of geography and politics, can share information and learn from each other. At the end I present a list of books as well as tables and charts.

Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B


1. to manage 2. experienced 3. to increase 4. innovation 5. to evolve 6. enormous 7. to introduce 8. competent a) efficient b) change c) to handle d) endured e) vast f) to present g) to enlarge h) to produce

5.5 Explain in your own words how you understand the following sentences:

1.The teaching staff is friendly andwell-organised.

2. He knows howto cope withdifferent people and problems.

3. The computer is a defining symbol of 20th century technology.

4. Before the century was over; the computer had become an integral part of every major industry.

5. The real computer revolution is not one of numbers and bytes, but one in which people, regardless of geography and politics

5.6 Read and translate the dialogue. Pay attention to the italicised phrases:

Dialogue I

- Martin, whose supervision are you elaborating your theme under?

- My supervisor is Mr. Smith, a professor of Physics at our University. He is famous for his numerous publications devoted to the pressing problems of molecular physics, which have been published in different scientific magazines. What about you, Paul?

- As for me, I’m elaborating my theme under the supervision of Tom Hadson, probably you know him

- Of course, I know him. More than 30 researchers have successfully received their Doctorate degrees under his supervision. By the way, what specific traits of character does he possess?

- To my mind, he is a talented and experienced research supervisor. Moreover, he employs different techniques to involve the students into an independent work.

- What character traits do you appreciate most?

- He is a very sociable, creative person, who shows a consistent approach to problems.

- You’re lucky, I should say, because the personality of a research supervisor is very important for students.

- I completely agree with you. I’m really happy with my research supervisor and I hope that under his supervision my research will contribute to the accelerating progress of thermal physics.

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