
Вариант № 1.

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются

сбуквА - Н).

Раздел 1.


1.1. (5 points) Phonetics. Find in which line ‘A’ has the same pronunciation in every word. Tick (√) the correct variant(s) in the boxes.

1: to estimate, baby, fate, bakery, to bathe

2: to appreciate, to evaluate, separate, private, to prevaricate

3: certain, aim, bait, fatal, bail, to separate


1.2. (10 x 1 points) Supply the articles where necessary. Write your answers (a, an, the or ‘−’) in the boxes.

a) It’s __(1)__ plant of __(2)__ telephone equipment. ___(3)__ plant is outside Mos­cow. It's __(4)__ very large plant. __(5)___manager of our company is going to visit __(6)__ plant with __(7)__ Chief Engineer of GML on Friday.

b) ___(8)___ demand for ___(9)___ latest model of cars is very big in ___(10)___ Japan.

1. a   6. the
2. - 7. the
3. The 8. the
4. a 9. the
5. the 10. -

X 1 points) Supply the prepositions where necessary. Write your answers in the boxes.

a) They offered to deliver the first lot___(1)___ four months after they signed the contract and the balance ___(2)___ 22 motors – eight months later. Rossexport guaranteed the delivery ___(3)___ each lot ___(4)___ any delay. Mr. Smith agreed ___(5)___ the terms ___(6)___ the Russian company.

b) They wanted to buy 60 motors ___(7)___ the Russian company. Rossexport was interested ___(8)___ selling their goods ___(9)___ Smith and Co and they were going to invite Mr. Garsell, the manager ___(10)___ the company, to come to Moscow to have talks.

1. in   6. of
2. of 7. from
3. of 8. in
4. without 9. to
5. to 10. of

X 1 points) Supply the correct tense-forms. Write your answers in the boxes.

a) Tom ___(1)___ (to sit) in the corner with a book. I told him that he ___(2)___ (to read) in very bad light.

b) She's flying to Rome tomorrow. She ___(3)___ (to send) her family a tele­gram as soon as she ___(4)___ (to arrive).

c) Voronin seldom ___(5)___ (to watch) TV. In the evenings he usually ___(6)___ (to do) his homework. Now he ___(7)___ (to read) an English book. He ___(8)___ (to like) the English language and he ___(9)___ (to want) to speak this language well.

d) Vanessa, you ___(10)___ (to invite) people from ВАСto our today's confer­ence?

1. Is sitting   6. does
2. Was reading 7. Is reading
3. Will send 8. like
4. Arrives 9. wants
5. Watches 10. Have you invited

X 2 points) Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech. Write your answers in the boxes.

1. Mr. Smith said, “I flew to Moscow by an Aeroflot plane last month.”

2. Henry said to me, “I didn’t throw stones at your dog.”

3. Jack asked, “Who has taken my pen?”

4. Mary's mother asks her, “Are you hungry or thirsty?”

5. Betsy says, “I’m leaving for London next week.”

1. Mr. Smith said that he had flown to Moscow the previous month
2. Henry said to me that he hadn’t thrown stones at my dog.
3. Jack asked who had taken his pen.
4. Mary’s mother asks her if she is hungry or thirsty.
5. Betsy says that she is leaving for London next week.

X 1 points) A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Write your answers (letters A, B, C or D) in the boxes.

1. The latest series of advertisements are much … the original ones.

(A) appealing than (C) more appealing than

(B) as appealing as (D) most appealing as

2. Although they finally decided to open the new office in Amsterdam, they …any other major European city.

(A) could choose (C) could be chosen

(B) could have chosen (D) chose

3. Significant improvements in productivity have resulted … the introduction of the new order processing software.

(A) in (B) from (C) into (D) about

4. An organization … ours needs to develop new markets in order to survive.

(A) as (B) like (C) look like (D) unlike

5. Janet Henderson is the person who looks all our contracts with foreign suppliers.

(A) for (B) on (C) after (D) up


Х 2 points) Translate into English.

1. Вчера у нас была встреча с предпринимателями, которые интересуются нашей продукцией.

2. Мы согласны с условиями оплаты, но нам хотелось бы уточ­нить условия поставки.

3. Наш директор уезжает в Лондон послезавтра. Он будет вести переговоры с несколькими фирмами. Он пробудет там месяц.

4. Г-н Блейк сказал, что обсуждение цены не заняло у них много времени.

5. Я закажу номер в гостинице, прежде чем поеду в команди­ровку.

1. Yesterday we had a meeting with entrepreneurs who are interested in our products.

2. We agree with the payment terms, but we would like to clarify the delivery terms.

3. Our Director left for London the day after tomorrow. He will hold talks with several companies. He will stay there for a month.

4. Mr. Blake said that discussion of prices will not take them much time.

5. I book a hotel room before a business trip

Раздел 2.

Business Etiquette.Telephoning and Business Letters.

Points) Telephone conversation. The following dialogue is in the wrong order. Rearrange it to make a natural flow of conversation. Write your answers in the boxes. Translate the conversation into Russian.

A: Thank you. Good bye.

B: Hello, Mr. Brook.

C: I’m sorry I couldn’t phone you as I had some urgent business in the assembly shop. What can I do for you, Mr. Cherry?

D: Well, its capacity is higher and it’s easier to operate.

E: Hello, Mr. Cherry, this is Brook.

F:Good. And one more thing, Mr.Brook, will it be possible to see the tests of the new model?

G: The fact is we’ve received a drawing from you. How does this modified model compare with the previous one?

H: Yes, certainly. I’ll contact the test department and make all necessary arrangements for your visit.


Раздел 3.

Reading and comprehension.

X 1 points) Read this text in which someone is describing the different people who work in her company, then match the names of the different people with their positions. Write your answers in the boxes.

Our company makes computer components, and we need to make sure that production keeps up with demand. Stephen Bird is the man who supervises the production process, and he is helped in this job by Ray Harrison. In addition to our Bristol office and factory, we also have an office in Birmingham: Mary Myers is responsible for the company's work there. Richard Giddings is the one who makes sure people know about our products and services. To tell you the truth, I don't think he's doing a very good job; the company doesn't seem to have made much money for quite a long time now.

1: Stephen Bird 2: Ray Harrison 3: Mary Myers 4: Richard Giddings   A: advertising manager B: area manager C: assistant manager D: personal assistant E: production manager

Вариант № 1.

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются

сбуквА - Н).

Раздел 1.


1.1. (5 points) Phonetics. Find in which line ‘A’ has the same pronunciation in every word. Tick (√) the correct variant(s) in the boxes.

1: to estimate, baby, fate, bakery, to bathe

2: to appreciate, to evaluate, separate, private, to prevaricate

3: certain, aim, bait, fatal, bail, to separate


1.2. (10 x 1 points) Supply the articles where necessary. Write your answers (a, an, the or ‘−’) in the boxes.

a) It’s __(1)__ plant of __(2)__ telephone equipment. ___(3)__ plant is outside Mos­cow. It's __(4)__ very large plant. __(5)___manager of our company is going to visit __(6)__ plant with __(7)__ Chief Engineer of GML on Friday.

b) ___(8)___ demand for ___(9)___ latest model of cars is very big in ___(10)___ Japan.

1. a   6. the
2. - 7. the
3. The 8. the
4. a 9. the
5. the 10. -

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