Learn the active vocabulary of the lesson.

English Russian
acknowledgement благодарность
an outline slide слайд с планом презентации
to attend a conference принимать участие на конференции
bullet points ключевые моменты
clear results точные результаты
context of your work содержание работы
to define central message определить основные положения
to discuss topical issues обсуждать актуальные вопросы
to draw the listeners’ attention to certain points обращать внимание аудитории на определенные положения
flow chart диаграмма
general research objectives основные цели исследования
hypothesis гипотеза
to keep in touch with поддерживать связь с
logical flow логичное изложение мысли
oral presentations устная презентация
to prepare effective presentation подготовить успешную презентацию
to present your research представить свое исследование
questions from the floor вопросы из зала
to re-cap the research findings перечислить основные моменты презентации в заключении
relevant актуальный, важный
scientific approach научный подход
to share research interests разделять научные интересы
to stand out in the crowd выделяться из толпы
strict time limit жесткое ограничение времени
target audience целевая аудитория
title slide титульный слайд
visual aid наглядный материал

Vocabulary task 1

Match the phrases with their translation.

  1. questions from the floor
  1. благодарность
  1. to draw the listeners’ attention to certain points
  1. основные цели исследования
  1. stand out in the crowd
  1. ключевые моменты
  1. prepare effective presentation
  1. слайд с планом презентации
  1. acknowledgement
  1. выделяться из толпы
  1. visual aid
  1. вопросы из зала
  1. general research objectives
  1. наглядный материал
  1. bullet points
  1. логичное изложение мысли
  1. logical flow
  1. обращать внимание аудитории на определенные положения
  1. an outline slide
  1. подготовить успешную презентацию

Vocabulary task 2

Match the word combinations from vocabulary list with their definitions.

1. general research objectives
  1. main statements
2. title slide
  1. to repeat the most important points
3. bullet points
  1. distinct outcome
4. visual aid
  1. to make the oral presentation of your paper
5. to attend a conference
  1. idea or explanation that you test
6. to draw the listeners attention to certain points
  1. people listening to you, scholars
7. to present your research
  1. illustration, exemplification, supplement material
8. an outline slide
  1. something that includes the agenda of your speech
9. clear results
  1. to participate in a scientific meeting
10. hypothesis
  1. the main goals of your work
11. to re-cap the research findings
  1. something that includes your name, your affiliation, and the title of your talk
12. target audience
  1. to pay attention of the audience to some important statements

Vocabulary task 3

Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

Oral presentations, to define the central message, stand out in the crowd, general research objectives, the strict time limit, share our research interests, discuss topical issues, attending a conference, to present your research, to keep in touch with.

Giving a Good Scientific Presentation

There are various reasons for _____________. One is to meet scientists whose research you are interested in and for those who have attended previously; it functions as a method _____________ old friends and colleagues. Annual meetings give scientists the chance to share ideas on an informal basis. We also make contact with new colleagues who might _________________, and this often leads us in new and fruitful directions. But one of the most important goals of a conference is _______________. In the course of the conference, literally hundreds of papers and posters will be presented, and thus you must work hard to make your material stand out in the crowd. _______________ are challenging to design and execute effectively. One of the greatest obstacles is ______________. For many sessions, each speaker is allowed just 10 minutes, which must include time for introduction and questions, leaving the speaker no more than 7 minutes to present the work. That is why it is so significant ________________, be ready to present concise and clear results and _________________.

Vocabulary task 4

Learn the active vocabulary of the lesson. - student2.ru

The teacher will read you a list of words to test your memory.

You will need to listen carefully and cannot write any of the words. Later the teacher will test and see how many words you remember.

Watch the instruction for the exercise in the syllabus.


Discuss in groups of three.

  1. Learn the active vocabulary of the lesson. - student2.ru Why is it important to follow a certain structure when you prepare an academic presentation?
  2. What is the purpose of the academic presentation?
  3. How does the purpose depend on the target audience?
  4. What are the compulsory parts of the presentation?
  5. What parts can be considered optional?
  6. How do you think what information should be included into various sections of presentation?
  7. Do you know any ways to hook the audience?
  8. What are the ways to grasp the audience attention?


Task 1

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