Traditional ukrainian food.

Ukrainian cuisine is varied and rich in taste and nutritional value. Its development was influenced by the same factors as the development of material culture: geography and climatic conditions, plant cultivations and animal domestication, technological change, culture influences, and economic relations with other countries.

Since ancient times Ukrainians have practiced a settled form of life based on farming. Archeological evidence shows that wheat, barley and millet were grown in Ukraine 3,000 years ago. Rye was introduced about 2.000 years ago, and then buckwheat was imported from Asia in the 11th century AD. At that time cattle, sheep, and poultry were already raised. Beekeeping, hunting, and fishing were practiced.

As a result of Ukraine’s trade relations with other countries, the cultivation of a new plant, particularly from eastern and central Asia (egg, melons and eggplants) was introduced into Ukraine. The potato reached Ukraine from America through Europe in the 17th century, followed by corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans, cayenne peppers, cocoa and other plants. The introduction of these new products greatly enriched the variety of Ukrainian foods.

Since ancient times bread has held a special, primary position in the cuisine of the Ukrainian people. In general sour rye bread is the common type of bread produced in Ukraine, Expert in the southern and Southeastern regions, were white- wheat bread is more common.

Cooked cereal – whether wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, oat, or corn grits – is an ancient Ukrainian food. The most commonly eaten cereals are buckwheat (kasha), millet, and, in the Hutsul and Trascarparthian regions, cornmeal (mamalyga or kulesha).

The favorite dishes made or flour are dumplings (varenyky) with various types of filling: cheese, potato and cheese, cabbage, meat, fish, buckwheat. Noodles, made of egg dough, are also frequently used, served either with soup or separately with cheese.

The potato is most widely used vegetable in Ukrainian cooking. It is a necessary ingredient in all soups, particularly borsch and cabbage soup. Boiled or baked potatoes are served alone or with meat, fish, cheese, mushrooms and so on. Potato pancakes are served with cheese or sour cream. Another important element in Ukrainian cooking is cabbage, particularly sauerkraut, which is used to make cabbage soup (kapusniak) or is served with meat, pea puree, or potatoes. Cabbage leaves are used in making cabbage rolls (holubtsi), which are filled with buckwheat or millet grits, rice or meat.

In the Ukrainian tradition a soup or borsch must be served for dinner. Various soups – made with meat, fish, vegetables, fruit or milk – are popular, but borsch remains the favorite. It is made of vegetables, among which beets and cabbage are predominant, and meat or fish.

The most popular meat is pork and its products, such as ham, sausage, blood sausage, smoked bacon and salt pork. A lot of poultry is prepared, particularly chicken, baked in sour cream, staffed, roasted, or cooked, for soup. Fish is fried, poached, or baked with stuffing.

Foods prepared with milk, dairy products an eggs have long been a part of Ukrainian cooking. Soured milk is a favorite drink throughout Ukraine.

Bread kvas, fruit or cucumber broth, and birch sap are popular folk beverages in Ukraine. Tea is the most widely consumed hot beverage, followed by coffee and cocoa. Alcoholic beverages such as mead, wine, fruit liqueurs (nalyvka), alcohol with pepper and beer have been popular for many centuries. There are significant regional variations in Ukrainian cuisine that resulted from the availability of different agricultural products and foreign influences.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. cayenne peppers-червоний стручковий перець
  2. beekeeping-бджільництво
  3. cucumber broth-огірковий розсіл
  4. birch sap-березовий сік
  5. beverages- напій
  6. cuisine- куховарське мистецтво
  7. rye- жито
  8. millet- просо
  9. buckwheat- гречка
  10. poultry- свійська птиця
  11. noodles- локшина
  12. egg dough- яєчне тісто
  13. to bake- запікати
  14. to stuff- фарширувати
  15. to roast- смажити
  16. to poach- відварювати
  17. nutritional value- поживна цінність
  18. sauerkraut- кисла капуста

  1. How do Ukrainians revere bread?
  2. What are the most commonly eaten dishes in Ukraine?
  3. What is borsch made of?
  4. What is the most widely used vegetables in Ukrainian cooking?
  5. What are the most commonly eaten cereals in Ukraine?

Завдання 2.Перекладіть слова та словосполучення, користуючись текстом.

а)українською мовою:
plant cultivation, sour rye bread, white-wheat bread, cooked cereal, feast days, blood sausage, smoked bacon salt pork, sour cream, cucumber broth;

б)англійською мовою:
українська кухня, з давніх часів, бджільництво, торгівельні зв’язки, улюблені страви, смажена картопля, домашня птиця, кисле молоко, овочевий суп, молочні продукти.

Завдання 3.Доповніть речення користуючись змістом тексту.

  1. Ukrainian ……….. is varied and rich, in taste and nutritional value.
  2. For the common people ……….. was an object of reverence.
  3. The potato is most widely used ………… in Ukrainian cooking.
  4. Bread kvas, fruit or cucumber broth are popular folk ………. in Ukraine.
  5. Noodles, made of egg ……….., are also frequently used, served either with soap or separately with cheese.

Завдання 4.Підберіть вірне тлумачення назвам страв.

  1. flour dumpling a. mamalyga
  2. filled dumplings b. halushky
  3. corn meal c. holubtsi
  4. cabbage soup d. varenyky
  5. cabbage rolls e. kapusniak
  6. fruit liqueurs f. kvas
  7. bread beverages g. nalyvka

Завдання 5.Заповніть пропуски словами з рамки:

a) tough f) root k) staple
b) tasty g) lean l) tart
c) balanced h) bun m) fast food
d) tender i) pie n) instant
e) take-away j) raw o) beans

1. If you want to be healthy you should be sure to eat a _____________ diet.

2. Kevin enjoys eating the fat on the meat, but his wife says it’s better to eat only
________________ meat.

3. A number of nutritionists point out the value of eating uncooked food, such as salad and ________________ vegetables.

4. I sent back my steak because it was _______________.

5. _______________ vegetables, such as carrots and turnips taste very good when made into thick winter soups.

6. Potatoes, rice and pasta are examples of ______________ foods.

7. The lamb Sara cooked was so_______________ it seemed to melt in the mouth.

8. When Richard and Kate turned up unexpectedly, Sam dashed out and got a ______________ from the Chinese restaurant.

9. Most children love the sort of _______________ they serve in places like burger restaurants.

10. Mary doesn’t like _______________ coffee. She prefers to buy the _____________ and grind them herself.

11. Jane manages to prepare really ______________ dishes from the simplest ingredients.

12. Tom’s favourite dish is steak and kidney _____________.

13. Anna made a lovely jam ______________.

14. A _____________ as a sweet bread roll which often contains currants or spices.

Завдання 6.Підберіть опис до блюд англійською мовою:

1. Борщ а. Cabbage soup
2. Холодник b. Beetroot soup with vegetables and meat
3. Солянка c. Cold soup made from cucumbers and other fresh vegetables, potatoes, eggs, meat and Kvas
4. Локшина куряча d. Thick meat or fish soup with salted cucumbers and vegetables
5. Щі e. Beef slices in a rich sauce
6. Бефстроганов f. Fried boneless chicken breast stuffed with butter
7. Голубці g. Siberian – style meat dumplings
8. Печиво h. A croquette of ground meat по-домашньому
9. Котлета i. Cabbage rolls stuffed with meat and rice
10. Котлета j. Home – style meat or poultry stewed in a clay pot with
по-київські mushrooms, potatoes and vegetables
11. Пельмені k. Chicken noodle soup

Завдання 7.Вкажіть, яке слово у наданих рядках дано невірно.

  1. poultry, pork, lamb, veal, browning;
  2. loins, breast, ribs, shoulder, charcoal;
  3. broiling, roasting, braising, pot roasting, cutting;
  4. to tenderize, to stew, to brown, to enhance, to melt.

Завдання8.Дайте відповіді на запитання.

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