Exercise 4: Read the points about the role of art in one’s life (some students will put questions to the text; some others will retell the text)
Заняття №21
Мистецтво як частина нашого життя. Числівник.
· art (folk art, modern art, oriental art, western art, European art) – мистецтво (народне, сучасне, східне, західне, європейське)
· painting - живопис
· drawing - малюнок
· to draw – малювати
· landscape - пейзаж
· portrait - портрет
· still life - натюрморт
· masterpiece - шедевр
· artist, painter - художник
· to impress (impression) - вражати (враження)
· fine arts – образотворче мистецтво
· to express feelings and ideas – виражати почуття та емоції
· to make people understand life – змусити людей зрозуміти життя
· to share feelings – поділитись почуттями
· to enjoy the beauty of the world – насолоджуватись красою світу
· to relax and relieve stress – відпочивати та знімати стрес
· to forget about the troubles – забути про проблеми
· to escape from problems – втекти від проблем
· to encourage – заохочувати
· to broaden our horizons – розширювати наш кругозір
· to be keen on, to be fond of – захоплюватись
Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:
Art is the process and result of making material works, which reflect beauty or reality. Art reflects a message, mood, and symbols of the artists.
Art includes various forms such as prose writing, poetry, dance, sculpture, painting, music, etc. The term 'arts' often means 'fine arts' — painting, sculpture, drawing. Furniture, industrial design, graphic design and others are included in applied arts. New forms include photography, film,video art, conceptual art, fashion, comics, computer art.
Of all the forms of art, I prefer painting and music. I am really interested in painting for several reasons. Firstly, it is one of the oldest forms of art. Humans have been painting for about 6 times as long as they have been writing. The oldest painting found is over 32,000 years old. Painting is a form of art which is believed by many to express feelings and ideas in the visual form. Using visual images — colours, light and shade, forms and shape, a painter makes us understand his concept of life, share his feelings and enjoy the beauty of the world. Secondly, painting offers you a wide choice of styles, it allows us to be as specific or abstract as we please. From the wide range of various art schools and styles (realism, impressionism, cubism, fauvism, surrealism, modernism, pop art, etc.) you can choose one to your liking.
The second form of art I am really keen on is music. The term 'music' is difficult to define. It can be explained, for example, as the art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm and harmony. The music that composers make can be heard through several media; the most traditional way is to hear it live, in the presence of performers. Live music can also be broadcast over the radio, television or the internet. Firstly, music helps me relax and relieve stress. When I listen to music, classical, jazz, rap or any other type of music I enjoy, I forget about the troubles of everyday life; music provides an escape from everyday problems. It can help me feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects my emotions. Whether I am feeling sad, frustrated or confused, I listen to merry or tender music, and my mood shifts.
1) What is the definition of the word “art”?
2) What is art for you?
3) What are the functions of art? What can art do for us?
4) What forms does the art include?
5) Can you explain what the difference between “fine arts” and “applied arts” is?
6) What form of art is the oldest?
7) What is your favourite form of art?
8) What form of art do you dislike?
9) What does the painter use to explain his feelings, the beauty of the world?
10) How can you explain the term “music”?
11) What kind of music do you like?
Exercise 2: Read and dramatize the dialogue:
Art Is Power
- Many people are interested in art. Why do you think it is so powerful?
- Because it appeals to the heart and mind of a man, to his feelings an ideals.
- I think, that the artist hopes to awaken a warm feeling in the heart of a man.
- If the events are truthfully depicted it helps our understanding of historical context.
- People and buildings who are gone for ever are commemorated in canvases. It’s the living history of the past.
- Life is short, art is long.
- We can understand the feelings dreams and passions of the previous generations..
- I’m always deeply impressed by the icons of old masters.
- Colours, composition, manner of painting - everything contributes to the great effect on man.
- Ican’t say I understand abstract art, but sometimes I feel there is something in it. Maybe theimplemented dream of the artist, which reflects his hopes and ideas or his sorrows and despair.Yes, every masterpiece is a part of an artist’s heart.
Exercise 3: Match the following English words and expressions to their Ukrainian equivalents.
1) all embracing | a) людство | |
2) mankind | b) повне враження | |
3) ancient caves | c) вплив | |
4) full impression | d) свідомість | |
5) influence | e) створювати | |
6) outlook | f)стародавні полотн полотна | |
7) to enrich | g)всеохоплююче поняття | |
8) consciousness | h)збагачувати | |
9) eternal question | i)вічне питання | |
10) to create | j)гуманний | |
11) humane | k)кругозір | |
12) in spite of | l)зв’язки | |
13) links | m)незважаючи на |
Exercise 4: Read the points about the role of art in one’s life (some students will put questions to the text; some others will retell the text).