Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры

Gabrane ludmila

Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры - student2.ru

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Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры.

I. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:

a) Can / sign / you / please? / here Can you sign here, please?

b) sandwich? / a / I / Can / have Can I have a sandwich?

c) open / Can / the / window? / I Can I open the window?

d) Please / this / way / step Please,step this way. Step this way, please

e) you / like / glass / of / a/ water? / Would Would you like a glass of water?

II. Превратите эти фразы из императива в просьбы:

a) Close the door! Could you close the door, please?

b) Speak up! Could you speak up, please?

c) Please put your baggage on the conveyor. Can you put your baggage on the conveyor, please?

d) Show me your ticket, please. Could you show me your ticket, please?

e) Help me, please. Can you help me, please? Could you help me, please?

III. Составьте просьбы и предложения:

a) Попросите говорить помедленнее. Could you speak more slowly, please?

b) Спросите разрешения сесть. Can I sit down, please?

c) Спросите разрешения воспользоваться телефоном собеседника. Could I use your phone, please? Согласитесь и дайте телефон. Yes, sure. Here you are.

d) Попросите повторить. Can you repeat, please?

e) Попросите включить кондиционер. Согласитесь. Could you turn on the air conditioning, please? Yes,sure. Can I turn on the air conditioning, please? Yes, sure.

f) Спросите разрешения выключить музыку. Can I turn off the music, please?

g) Попросите меню. Can I have the menu, please?

h) Попросите счет. Could I have the bill, please?

i) Спросите разрешения взять пальто. Could I take your coat, please?

j) Предложите напиток. Откажитесь. Would you like a drink? No, thanks.

k) Предложите на выбор столик у окна или у двери. Выберите столик у окна. Would you like a table by the window or by the door? I'd like a table by the window, please.

l) Попросите показать водительские права. Could you show me driving licence.

m) Предложите кофе. Согласитесь. Would you like some coffee? Yes, please.

IV. Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры - student2.ru Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры - student2.ru Поставьте реплики в правильном порядке, чтобы получились 2 диалога.

1.Good morning. Can I check in for the London flight? 2. Yes, can I see your passport, please? 1. Sorry, I don't understand. Could you speak more slowly, please? 2. OK. Can I see your passport, please? 1. Oh, sorry, here you are. 2. And can I have your ticket, too? 1. Sorry, could you repeat that? 2. Yes, show me your ticket, please. 1. My ticket? Oh, here you are.

Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры - student2.ru

….Yes, please. Thank you.
…Thank you. Can I have the menu, please?
….Good evening, madam. Can I take your coat?
…Would you like a table by the window or by the wall?
…Sure. Just a moment.
….Follow me, please. Here.
….I’d like a table by the wall.

1. Good evening, madam. Cane I take your coat? 2. Yes, please. Thank you. 1. Would you like a table by the window or by the wall? 2. I'd like a table by the wall. 1. Follow me, please. Here. 2. Thank you. Can I have the menu, please? 1. Sure. Just a moment.

Просьба также ответить на следующие вопросы:

1. Домашнее задание марафона

□ не вызвало сложностей Нет.

□ было посильным Да.

□ было слишком трудным Немного.

2. Объяснения преподавателя

□ абсолютно понятно Да.

□ понятны, но есть вопросы (укажите)____________________Нет вопросов.

□ не понятны, а именно (укажите)________________________

3.Мои комментарии Спасибо за интересный урок.

Exercises for Lesson 3. Requests and offers / Просьбы и предложения. Способы выражения, лексика, примеры - student2.ru

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