Transform into Passive

1) Sociologists divide families into two general types: the nuclear family and the extended family


2) They usually describe nuclear family as a married couple with their children living in the same residence or sharing the closest bonds.

The nuclear family …….

3) Extended family includes all relatives in close proximity, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.


4) By the year 2012 the research estimated that most couples lived together before marrying.

It …….,,,,,,, that….. .

5) In a traditional family the man earns all the income and the wife stays home.

The income …..

6) These days more single mothers are raising kids.

More kids……

7)In many countries, single people may adopt children.

Children…. …. by …. .

8)In future more people will take in foster children.

More children …… by….. .

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Listening & watching

Watch the episode “Single Man” at JokesinLevels

Mark the statements as true (T), false (F)

T F  
    Fred is 35 and he hasn’t been married yet.
    Fred would like to get married.
    Every time Fred brings women home to meet his parents they don’t like them.
    Fred found a perfect girl and his mother liked her very much
    Fred is now very happy

Communicating in English. Invitation

Formal situation
Making in vitiation Accepting invitation Declining invitation
Would you like to…? I would very happy if…? We would be delighted if you…? Would you care to..? We would be pleased if you could…? Would you care to…? That’s very kind of you We’d like very much to…. What a delightful idea With the greatest pleasure Thank you very much for inviting me It’s delightful to…. I’m very sorry, I don’t Think I can. I’d like to, but …. I’m afraid I’ve Already promised…. Thank you for asking me, but …. Unfortunately , I can’t….  
Informal situation
Why don’t you come to… Like to come to … Come and … Shall we come to … You must come to …   I would/will … That would be very nice OK,I will be there ! I’d like love to come. All right. Sure, I am coming   Sort, I can’t. I’d love to, but … I don’t think I can. In wish I could, but … Sorry, I am very busy Sorry, may be next time Thank you, but I can’t Sorry, I don’t think I Can’t make it I’m so sorry I can make it  

To learn more how to make offers, invitations go to

Act the situation out.

Read the dialogue in pairs:

A: Hey, there, how are you? Good to see you.

B:Good to see you, too.I’m fine, how are you?

A:Good, thanks. Listen, I am having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?

B: Sure, I ‘d love to.

A: Great! The party starts around 9 pm at my place.

B: Okay, I'll be there. What do you want for your birthday?

A: Oh no presents, please. Just bring something to drink, that would be great.

B: Sure, I'll do that. Can I bring my boyfriend, too?

A: Of course! So I'll see you two on Friday!

B: Yes, thanks for the invitation!

A: I'm glad you can come! See you soon.

B: Bye!


Practice. Act the situation out.

Student A. You are Russian student. You would like to acquaint your foreign group mate with your family members. Invite you foreign group mate to your family party.

Student B. You are an international exchange student who came to Russia. You would like to know more about the Russians, their culture. You accept the invitation to come to the family party.

Student C.You are international exchange student who came to Russia. You are invired to a family party. You decline the invitation of student A because you but you are ready to join the party next time.

Project work

1. Internet Activity: Go online to collect information on the family structure (extended, nuclear, one-parent, etc.) and the roles that family members play in ə culture other than you own. Make up presentation.

2. Think, Pair, Share. Go to the Internet and find two samples of popular or well-known families. Study their history, the role of its members. Share the information with your group mates. Answer these questions with your group.

· What do you notice first about these families?

· Do you think this is a traditional family in this culture? Why or why not?

· What is different about each family?

· What is the same or similar about each family?

· Are these families similar to the families in your country? Which one is the most similar? What do you notice first about these families?

Russian Family: What is it Like?

Lead in

Ø The number of nuclear families is reducing both in Britain and in the USA. Is the situation different in Russia? What kind of difficulties are young families likely to have? Think of your and your friends’ families; share the information with your group mates.


I. In pairs, read the following statements and try to guess if they are true (T) or false (F). Then, read the text quickly to check if you have guessed right.

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