In Europe and America there’s a growing hysteria

In Europe and America there’s a growing hysteria

… to respond to all the threats

In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets

Mister Krushchev said, “We will bury you”

I … to this point of view

It’d be such an … thing to do

If the Russians love their children too

How can I save my little boy

From Oppenheimer’s … toy?

There is no monopoly on common sense

On either side of the …

We share the same biology

Regardless of …

Believe me when I say to you

I hope the Russians love their children too

There is no … precedent to put

Words in the mouth of the president

There’s no such thing as a winnable war

It’s a lie we do’t believe anymore

Mister Reagan says “We will protect you”

I don’t subscribe to this point of view

Believe me when I say to you

I hope the Russians love their children too

We share the same …

Regardless of ideology

What might save us, me and you

Is if the Russians love their children too

When was the song written?

Do you think the attitude to Russians has changed now? Why (not)?

Section Five.

The Mysterious Russian Soul.

Lesson 1.


We’re starting to discuss the topic of the mysterious Russian character. Russia is a country of a rich heritage and a glorious history. There are many things this country has done wrong, but if we learn from these then we come out better. Keeping the history, the heritage, and the name, allows us to do better for our community, our country, ourselves.

1. Every nation has a reputation of some kind. Think and say what the Russians are regarded to be.

It’s a stereotype that the Russians are regarded to be … I personally share/don’t share this view point because it gives an adequate(true, false, biased, askew) portrayal of the Russian nation. I regard Russians as …

2. A. Study the topics under discussion and say what other issues you would like to discuss on the subject of the Russian character.

Topics under discussion:

· How does history and geography modify the life of this country?

· The influence of the West – to succumb or to fight ?

· Russians are born survivors in their own habitat.

· You can solve the riddle of the surprising Russian character after visiting ancient towns – the reflections of the Russian soul.

· Russia- the richest and the poorest country.

· The new ideals and virtues of Russia –what are they?

· Russia has no present being always concerned with the idea of some happy future.

· ?

B. Fill in the table and say, ”What is the Russian identity based on?”

Russian Identity

3. Read the story and say what other proverbs about the surprising Russian soul you know.

The Russians were a moving nation. Historically the huge territory of Russia was occupied by the people who were settling down. Therefore every new generation was moving forward to new lands. Western peoples lived where they’d been born so they had to cultivate their patch of land, which engendered steadiness and thoroughness. A Russian man could always take his knapsack and went away from his land. There is a proverb “Skatertyu doroga”. This isn’t just a metaphor, such tradition did exist. When the Russians ate their meal they threw a table-cloth on the floor and a person who was going away stepped on the table-cloth leaving his footprints on it. Then they would tear the table-cloth to pieces and would wave it to the person who had just left.

Lesson 2.

II. Vocabulary.

1. Transcribe and translate the words: navigable, incentive, navel, pseudo, drastically, gradually, movers, frantically, mausoleum, microstructure.

2.Look for the definitions to the following words: taxation authorities, hinterland, autarky, manor, messianism, to toil, schooling, to liberate, crypto, metropolite.

3. Find in the article the equivalents to the following:

a. something which encourages one to greater activity (noun);

b. the production by a country of everything that it needs (noun);

c. concerning land or somebody who owns it (adjective);

d. to think deeply, esp. when someone is not doing anything very much (noun, noun);

e. to make out of a material by changing its shape (verb);

f. to work for a long time and with great effort (verb);

g. to understand the likely meaning of (a statement, action, etc) (verb);

h. a person or thing that destroys or brings to an end by force (noun);

i. happening or developing slowly by degrees, not suddenly (adverb);

j. in an uncontrolled state of feeling (adverb);

k. to begin to have (a quality or appearance) (verb).

4. Paraphrase the underlined sentences.

III. Reading –comprehension.

1. How did the geographical position of Russia modify its economics?

2. What was the rational strategy for the Russian elite to enrich itself?

3. Did the way of raising the peasants influence the life of Russian agrarian elite?

4. How did Peter the Great try to break the Russian economic isolation?

5. Why would mature capitalism collapse in Russia according to Marx?

6. What showed Marx wrong?

7. What philosophy is typical for Russians? Why?

IV. Discussion.

1. Comment on the sentences in bold type.

2. You are at the conference devoted to the problems of the Russian geographical and historical position. Make up a speech (in writing and orally) on the topic suggested. Think of the issues which could be also discussed at the conference.

Lesson Three.

Russia Of The Tsars.

The mysterious Russian soul and Russian character have long ago become “the talk of the town” among those who have ever encountered Russia and the Russians. Therefore, if you really want to get to know better and to understand what the Russian people are like, then be sure to continue your amazing journey through space and time together with “Master Rallye” through ancient Russian towns.


I. Pre-reading tasks.

1. Look for the information about Peter the Great, the War of 1812, Michael Kutuzov, Yuri Gagarin, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

II. Vocabulary.

1. Transcribe and translate the following words: therefore, outstanding, wharf, cosmonautics, aeronautics, command, cloisters, abode, gigantic.

2. Define the following notions: the talk of the town, through space and time, to open the bread wharf, to witness something, to take command over something, well-preserved, a hermit.

3. Look for the synonyms to the following: antique, to come across, distinguished, nevertheless, image, originator, to explore, problem.

4. Circle the error. If you find no error, circle choice E.

4.1. This year’s fall in profits was not unexpected.


Therefore it was very disappointing .


4.2. You’ll never guess who I have encountered today –


my old teacher! We haven’t encountered for years! .


4.3. Dennis’ nephew is getting to knowhow to drive very




4.4. Usually he has the occasional cigarette, but most he


smokes a pipe .


4.5. The rich man found a school and a hospital in the


town where he was born .


4.6. The lounge is rather small. It’s comfortable,




4.7. Downing Street 10 is the official abode of the British


Prime Minister.


5. Comment on the underlined grammar phenomena.

5.1. Who knows may be you will be lucky enough to solve the riddle of the surprising Russian character after visiting ancient Russian towns- the reflections of the Russian soul.

5.2. Up to nowadventurers from all over the world are still searching for Napoleon’s army treasure sunk in the lake of the Semlevo village.

5.3. Not far from Gjatsk the great Russian commander Michael Kutuzov took command over the Russian army in 1812.

5.4. Tikhon was a hermit and lived in the hollow of the gigantic oak,atewild grass and fruits, drank water from the well dug by himself.

IV. Discussion.

1. Expand on the topic: Why is Master Rallye thought to be the best way to understand the mysterious Russian soul?

2.You are a guide to foreign tourists who want to explore the mysterious Russian character travelling across this country. Make up your speech in writing and orally.

Master Rallye-2002

Almost all of ancient Russian towns have given Russia outstanding Russian scientists and artists, true sons of their motherland. Who knows may be you will be lucky enough to solve the riddle of the surprising Russian character after visiting ancient Russian towns – the reflections of the Russian soul.

Every town on the way of “ Master Rallye ” is proud of its sons. Town Gjatsk is the motherland of Yuri Gagarin, the first man to fly to space. Gjatsk was founded by order of Peter the Great to open the bread wharf of Gjatsk. In Kaluga Konstantin Tsiolkovsky – the founder of the modern theory of cosmonautics and aeronautics – was born and spent most of his life.

Almost every place is closely connected with the War of the 1812, when this region witnessed many bloody battles between the Russians and the French. Up to now adventurers from all over the world are still searching for Napoleon’s army treasure sunk in the lake of the Semlevo village. Not far from Gjatsk the great Russian commander Michael Kutuzov took command over the Russian army in 1812.

There are a lot of well-preserved of ancient cloisters and churches in this area. However the most famous and beautiful of them is the one founded in the 15th century by St. Tikhon Kalujsky in the place of his abode. Tikhon was a hermit and lived in the hollow of a gigantic oak, ate wild grass and fruits, drank water from the well, dug by himself.

Lesson 4

Русский характер.

Крайности нашего характера хорошо описаны ещё Ключевским. Он говорил, что у русской души два начала: ленивое лежание и молниеносная деятельность. Он объяснял это климатически. Огромная зима, когда человек был вынужден просто смотреть в белое пространство и размышлять. И короткий проблеск тёплой, ясной погоды, когда надо очень стремительно, часто на “авось”, что-то сделать. Русские – самый коллективистический и самый индивидуалистический народ. Самые мирные и самые жестокие. Самые щедрые, могут последнюю рубаху отдать - и самые жадные.

Это накопительство. Посмотрите на “новых русских”. Один из них, очень известный человек, покрыл дно своего бассейна золотыми царскими рублями. И это в то время, когда достаточно было выехать из Москвы, и увидеть нищую, несчастную Россию. Люди заняты проигрыванием миллионов долларов в казино. Вот это и есть русское самодурство. Он бывает разное. Мы видели советских самодуров, и сейчас видим самодуров от власти, самодуров от денег. “По сердцу русским пугачевщина. Всегда мила нам поножовщина,”- заметил Хлебников.

Для русских характерна бескрайность характера, безграничность души. Это приводит к величайшим, прекраснейшим проявлениям характера – и к страшному безобразию, к русскому свинству. Мы самый мусорный народ. Тут, конечно, тоже глубокие корни. С одной стороны, корни переселяющего народа: сегодня я ночую здесь, завтра там, набросал мусора и ушёл. С другой стороны –византийская вера, которая внушала, что жизнь на земле –временное пристанище. Но это та часть культуры, что превратилась в тормоз. Неужели русскость в том, чтобы ходить с неряшливой бородой, спать в хлеву, или держать томик Бердяева посреди окурков? Почему мы не должны учиться, тому как живёт француз, как у него чисто в доме, как организован его быт. Но есть вещи, которые из менталитета убрать никак нельзя. У американцев – это преуспевание, успех. У европейцев просто устойчивость жизни. Наша сверхценность- эмоция. Русский человек всегда будет искать жемчужину сопереживания. Отсюда эффект вагонного попутчика: люди, которые вместе едут в поезде , за дорогу выложат друг другу всю подноготную и сходят с поезда почти родственниками. Американцы встречаются: “У тебя проблемы?”- “Нет проблем.” Мы встречаемся и тут же начинаем друг другу рассказывать о своих проблемах. Это такой национальный крест, и с этим нельзя не считаться.

Русская нация замешана на неразрешимых вопросах. Японцы сейчас отмечают праздники, которые корнями уходят в 8-9 века! За счёт соединения своего древненационального и чужого современного они и стали великой нацией. Видимо и России предстоит такая селекционная работа. Скажем, никуда не уйдёшь от того, что русский народ –поющий народ. В отличии от французов, например, у которых нет этой песенной традиции. Сейчас собираются чтобы пить. Считается, что так было издревле, это миф. Собирались, чтобы петь. Все праздники были праздниками песни и породнения! Масленица –соревнование поющих команд. Громник –в этот день пекли хлеба и, разламывая их, братались через хлеб. Капустники, считающиеся почему –то советским изобретением, на самом деле старейший русский обычай: рубили капусту миром, переходя из дома в дом с песнями, шутками. Но Россия не может по пути реставрации, потому, что наша старая модель развития себя не оправдала.

Lesson 5.

I. Pre-listening tasks.

1. What resources are called renewable and what resources are called non-renewable?

2. What can you say about the situation with use of resources in Russia?

I’m/I’m not of the opinion that resources in Russia are … running to an end/carelessly used/ So the situation with the use of resources in Russia leaves much to be desired/stable/deplorable. Therefore we should undertake responsibility for the things we’ve done.

II. Listening.

Listen to an interview with Jonathon Porrit, a director of “Friends of the Earth” and name the three main things that allow us to be a little more optimisic about the future of our planet.

IV. Discussion.

You work for the Lipetsk Ecology Committee. Recently you’ve been to the workshop given by the “Green Movement”. Discuss with your colleagues your ideas and plans for making this town and this country a better and a cleaner place.

Lesson 6.

Talk Show.

“Is National Character A Myth Or A Reality?”

Preliminary tasks:

Revise the material on the following issues:

1. Stereotypes – where they stem from.

2. Americans descended from the folk who liked to move away.

3. Only the English could love Marmite.

4. England is in the centre of the U.K., other countries are on the periphery.

5. The Northern Ireland situation.

6. Psychological aftermath – September, 11.

7. The monarchy – for or against?

8. The Royals are undignified and ostentatious.

9. Scandals are royal in the Royal family.

10. The mysterious Russian soul .

11. Looking into the future of our planet you see reasons to be both optimisitc and pessimistic.

Characters for the show:

· a compere – conducts the show, is responsible for introducing the guests, asking them questions on the issue suggested and making the show dynamic, gripping and informative.

· Rashid All Hibb – a divorced man from Egypt, was married to an American girl. Is convinced that the distance between western and eastern mentality takes a lifetime to cover.

· Alice All Hibb– ex-wife of Rashid, thinks that all eastern men are overpowering, aggressive, dominating and impulsive.

· Sandra and Gillian – two friends from Northern Ireland. Both of them are Catholics, suffering from the violence in the country. They think that the Ulster situation demands the correct and urgent decision.

· Sergey Davidoff – an emigrant from Russia, living in the USA. Is of the opinion that Russians are thought to be obedient, greedy and liable to run to extremes.

· Alex Brown – an American who lost his beloved on 9/11 2000. Is convinced that a nation is

· Natasha Simonova– a girl from Gjatsk, Russia. Believes that you can solve the riddle of the surprising Russian soul after visiting ancient Russian towns – the reflection of Russian character.

· Sir Alexander– a guide from London. Is sure that the monarchy isn’t old-fashioned and a waste of money but is an excellent tourist attraction.

· Louis Bernard– a student from France, studying law in the USA. Supposes that life in America is too vibrant, dynamic and fast comparing with European countries.

  • Mrs Jones - a psychologist from Wales. Believes that stereotypes that we are likely to develop about different nations remain very hard to break.

In Europe and America there’s a growing hysteria

… to respond to all the threats

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