When in Rome, do as Romans do.

Rome was not built in a day.

4. Pax Romanaor the peace and stability that could be exercised by the Romans in the days of the Roman Empire by the presence of their power now is transformed into Pax Britannica (the peace supposed to be established by British rule in the days of the British Empire), Pax Americana, Pax Sovietica,etc. denoting peace exercised by the presence of power.


Ex. 1. Read the text and get its central idea.

Ex. 2. Read the text again and note important details. Divide the text into logical parts, entitle each part.

Ex.3. Find in the text and read aloud sentences that prove that ...

1. ... the Romans were exposed to a wide variety of outside influences.

2. ... the Greeks influenced the Roman world in philosophy, literature, religion, and visual arts.

3. ... the Romans extended their power base through conquest, treaty, and alliance.

4. ... the Roman urban life was unique in the ancient world.

5. ... the Republic eventually became a victim of its own success.

6. ... during the 3rd century a long series of civil wars and disasters on its frontiers led to great instability within the empire.

7. ... culturally diverse empire was held together by the figure of the emperor.

8. ... the position of the Christian church was changed in AD 313.

9. ... the British Isles were never wholly subdued.

10. ... the eastern and western halves of the empire had been administered separately since the end of the 3rd century.

Ex. 4. List the items of Ex 3 in the order in which they come in the text.


Ex. 5. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce the sentences in which they are used in the text:

to derive from clan-based society visual arts to be ousted to retain a distinct identity culturally diverse empire the northernmost outpost to be thoroughly Romanized a frontier province to impose order on smb to recover one's strength official recognition of Christianity to cope with smth a secretive cult

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce the sentences in which they are given in the text:

влияние извне участвовать в экономической жизни быть очевидным статуя в натуральную величину надгробные памятники быть полностью подчиненной преграда от набегов один из столпов государства быть обращенным в новую веру

Ex. 7. Paraphrase the italicized parts:

1. Located in central Italy the Romans were strongly influenced by the neighbors.

2. The Etruscan influence is evident in the structure of the society.

3. Rome was originally a monarchy, but its last king was dethroned in509 ВС.

4. Closer contact with the Greek world led to a second wave of Greek influence in philosophy, religion, literature, and fine arts.

5. The Roman arts were unique by character.

6. This multicultural empire was held together by the figure of the emperor.

7. Britain was situated in the far north of' the Roman Empire.

8. The south of Britain was soon exposed to strong Roman influence.

Ex. 8. Define the following notions, so that your groupmates could guess what the word is:

gladiators, "Principate", visual arts, a legion, a Near Easterner, Pax Romana.

Ex. 9. Complete the sentences:

1. Closer contact with Greek world ...

2. The Roman urban life was ...

3. According to legend, the city of Rome ...

4. The Etruscan influence on Archaic Rome is clearly ...

5. Portrait sculpture was especially ...

6. The Republic eventually ...

7. The third century is characterized by ...

8. The Edict of Milan ...

9. The two halves of the Empire ...

10. Rome was increasingly unable ...


Ex. 10. Agree or disagree. Prove your answer:

1. Rome was originally a monarchy, but then became a republic.

2. Hardly could the Etruscan influence on Archaic Rome be clearly evident.

3. The influence that came from the Greek colonies was not strong.

4. The main way of extending the Romans' power was through conquest, treaty, and alliance.

5. In visual arts most artists in the Roman World were Near Easterners.

6. Because of strong foreign influence the Roman arts could not retain a distinct identity.

7. The Roman Republic achieved a unique blend of cultures.

8. The culturally diverse empire was held together by religion and politics.

9. The British Isles were subdued and remained a heavily militarized province.

10. Rome recovered its strength under Diocletian.

Ex. 11. a) Answer the following questions to see if you understand every word in the text:

1. Why did the Roman Arts retain a distinct identity?

2. Since what time had the eastern and the western parts of the empire been administered separately?

3. Why were the Romans exposed to a wide variety of outside influences?

4. In what way can you explain the Greek influence in philosophy, literature, religion, and visual arts?

5. What is the evidence of the Etruscan influence on Archaic Rome?

6. What are the characteristics of the Roman urban life?

7. Why did the Republic eventually become a victim of its own success?

8. What have you learnt about Romanization of Britain?


b) Put questions of your own to the rest of the text and ask your groupmates to answer them.

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