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one (pron & det)

oneself (pron)

one-way (adj)

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onion (n)

online (adv & adj)

• to book/buy something online (adv)

• an online facility (adj)

only (adj & adv)

onto (prep)

open (adj & v)

opening hours (n pl)

opera (n)

operate (v)

operation (n)

operator (n)

opinion (n)

opportunity (n)

opposite (adj, n, prep & adv)

option (n)

or (conj)

orange (adj & n)

orchestra (n)

order (conj, n & v)

• in order to (conj)

• to put something in order (n)

• to order a meal (v)

ordinary (adj)

organisation (n)

organise (v)

original (adj)

other (adj, pron & det)

our (det)

ours (pron)

ourselves (pron)

out (adv)

out of (prep)

out of date (prep phr)

out of doors (prep phr)

out of order (prep phr)

out of stock (prep phr)

out of work (prep phr)

outdoor (adj)

outdoors (adv)

outside (adv, n, prep & adj)

oven (n)

over (adv & prep)

• I’m going over the road. (prep)

• over 40 people (more than) (adv)

• to be over (finished) (adv)

• Several birds were flying over the roof

of the school. (prep)

overnight (adj & adv)

overtake (v)

owe (v)

own (adj & v)

• my own pen (adj)

• to own a car (v)

owner (n)


pack (n & v)

• an information pack (n)

• to pack a case (v)

packet (n)

page (n)

pain (n)

paint (n & v)

pair (n)

palace (n)

pale (adj)

pan (n)

pants (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:trousers)

paper (n)

• a sheet of paper

• a (news)paper

parcel (n)

pardon (n) (int)

• Pardon? I didn’t hear what you said.

parent (n)

park (n & v)

• a public park (n)

• to park a car (v)

parliament (n)

part (n & v)

• a part of something (n)

• to part from someone (v)

partly (adv)

particular (adj)

partner (n)

part time (adv)

part-time (adj)

party (n)

• a birthday party

• a political party

pass (v)

• Several cars passed.

• to pass the sugar

• to pass an examination

passenger (n)

passport (n)

password (n)

past (adj, n & prep)

• the past few weeks. (adj)

• in the past. (n)

• It’s half past one. (prep)

pasta (n)

pastry (n)

path (n)

patient (adj & n)

• to be patient (adj)

• a hospital patient (n)

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pattern (n)

pause (n & v)

pavement (n)

pay (n & v)

pea (n)

peace (n)

peanut (n)

pear (n)

pedestrian (n)

peel (n & v)

pen (n)

pence (n pl)

pencil (n)

pencil case (n)

pen-friend (n)

penknife (n)

penny (n)

pension (n)

people (n pl)

pepper (n)

• to pass the pepper (spice)

• red peppers (vegetable)

per (prep)

per cent (n)

perfect (adj)

perform (v)

performance (n)

perfume (n)

perhaps (adv)

period (n)

permanent (adj)

permission (n)

permitted (adj)

person (n)

personal (adj)

persuade (v)

pet (n)

petrol (n)

petrol station (n)

pharmacy (n)

phone (n & v)

photo (n)

photocopy (n)

photograph (n)

photography (n)

physician (n)

physics (n)

piano (n)

pick (v)

pick up (phr v)

• I picked up a pencil.

• I’ll pick up my sister from the station.

picnic (n & v)

picture (n)

pie (n)

piece (n)

• a piece of cheese

• to break into small pieces

• a piece of furniture/advice

pig (n)

pile (n)

pill (n)

pillow (n)

pilot (n & v)

pin (n & v)

pink (adj)

pipe (n)

pity (n)

pizza (n)

place (n & v)

• a safe place (n)

• I’ve lost my place in the book. (n)

• third place in a race (n)

• to place something on the table (v)

• London is a big place. (n)

plain (adj)

• It’s plain to me. (clear)

• a plain T-shirt (no design)

plan (n & v)

• a street plan (n)

• a plan to do something (n)

plane (n)

planet (n)

plant (n & v)

plastic (adj & n)

plate (n)

platform (n)

play (n & v)

• a play at the theatre (n)

• children playing (v)

• to play football (v)

• to play the guitar (v)

• to play a record/cassette/CD (v)

• to play the part of someone (act) (v)

player (n)

playground (n)

playing cards (n pl)

pleasant (adj)

please (int & v)

• Come in, please. (int)

• to please someone (v)

pleasure (n)

plenty (pron)

plug (n)

• a plug for the bath

• an electrical plug

plug in (phr v)

p.m. (adv)

pocket (n)

pocket money (n)

poem (n)

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poet (n)

poetry (n)

point (n & v)

• to point at something (v)

• The pencil has no point to it. (n)

police (n)

policeman (n)

police officer (n)

policewoman (n)

police station (n)

polite (adj)

political (adj)

politics (n)

politician (n)

pollution (n)

pool (n)

• a swimming-pool

poor (adj)

• She is very poor. (financial)

• The poor man. (sympathy)

pop (adj & n)

• pop song/music/star/group

popular (adj)

population (n)

port (n)

porter (n)

position (n)

positive (adj)

possibility (n)

possible (adj)

post (n & v)

• to post a letter (v)

• to send it by post (n)

post office (n)

postage (n)

postcard (n)

poster (n)

postman (n)

pot (n)

potato (n)

pound (£) (n)

pour (v)

poverty (n)

powder (n)

power (n)

practice (n)

practise (v) (n = Am Eng)

pray (v)

prayer (n)

prefer (v)

preparation (n)

prepare (v)

prescription (n)

• medicine on a prescription

present (adj & n)

• to be present (adj)

• at the present time (adj)

• That will be all for the present. (n)

• I got some lovely birthday presents. (n)

presenter (n)

president (n)

press (v)

• to press a button

• to press a suit

pretty (adj)

prevent (v)

previous (adj)

price (n)

priest (n)

primary (adj)

• primary school

prime minister (n)

prince (n)

princess (n)

principal (adj)

print (n & v)

• in large print (n)

• print a document (v)

• to print your name in capitals (v)

prison (n)

prisoner (n)

private (adj)

prize (n)

probable (adj)

probably (adv)

problem (n)

produce (v)

product (n)

profession (n)

professional (adj & n)

professor (n)

program(me) (n)

• TV programme

• computer program

progress (n)

project (n)

promise (n & v)

• to promise to do something (v)

• to keep a promise (n)

pronounce (v)

• to pronounce a word correctly

pronunciation (n)

proper (adj)

property (n)

protect (v)

proud (adj)

prove (v)

provide (v)

public (adj & n)

• public opinion (adj)

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• to make something public (adj)

• to be open to the public (n)

publish (v)

pull (n & v)

pullover (n)

pump (n)

• petrol/bike pump

punctual (adj)

punish (v)

punishment (n)

pupil (n)

pure (adj)

purple (adj)

purpose (n)

• He did it on purpose. (deliberately)

purse (n)

push (n & v)

put (v)

put away (phr v)

• He put the book away.

put down (phr v)

• She put her name down.

put off (phr v)

• The meeting was put off until the

following week.

put on (phr v)

• He put on a suit.

• Can you put on the light?

• He didn’t want to put on weight.

put out (phr v)

• The fire was quickly put out.

put through (phr v)

• Can you put me through to the

manager, please?

put up (phr v)

• The company was forced to put up its


pyjamas (n pl)


qualification (n)

qualify (v)

quality (n)

quantity (n)

quarter (n)

quay (n)

queen (n)

question (n)

• to ask a question

• the question being discussed (subject)

questionnaire (n)

queue (n & v)

quick (adj)

quiet (adj)

quit (v)

quite (adv)

• Are you quite sure?

• quite old

quiz (n)


rabbit (n)

race (n & v)

• to win a race (n)

• to race against fast runners (compete)


• to race home quickly (run) (v)

racket (n)

• tennis racket

radio (n)

rail (n)

• to go by rail

railway (n)

rain (n & v)

raincoat (n)

rainforest (n)

raise (v)

• to raise your arm

• to raise prices

range (n)

rank (n)

• a taxi rank

rare (adj)

rarely (adv)

rather (adv & prep)

• rather earlier than usual (adv)

• I’d prefer to drink water rather than fruit

juice. (prep)

raw (adj)

• raw meat

razor (n)

reach (v)

read (v)

ready (adj)

real (adj)

realise (v)

• He realised it was true.

realistic (adj)

really (adv)

reason (n)

reasonable (adj)

receipt (n)

receive (v)

recent (adj)

reception (n)

recipe (n)

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recognise (v)

recommend (v)

• to recommend someone/something

record (n & v)

• to keep a record (n)

• to break a record (n)

• to record a song (v)

recording (n)

recover (v)

• to recover from an illness

recycle (v)

• I don’t recycle as much as I should.

recycled (adj)

recycling (n)

red (adj)

reduce (v)

refreshments (n)

refrigerator (n)

refund (n & v)

refuse (v)

regarding (prep)

region (n)

register (n & v)

• He took the class register. (n)

• He registered with a new doctor. (v)

registration (n)

regret (n & v)

regular (adj)

relation (n)

• to visit a relation

relationship (n)

relative (n)

• a relative came to stay

relax (v)

relaxation (n)

reliable (adj)

religion (n)

remain (v)

remember (v)

remind (v)

remove (v)

rent (n & v)

repair (n & v)

repeat (v)

replace (v)

reply (n & v)

report (n & v)

request (n & v)

require (v)

rescue (n & v)

research (n & v)

reservation (n)

reserve (n & v)

• She was a reserve for the team. (n)

• to reserve a seat (v)

respect (n & v)

responsible (adj)

rest (n & v)

• a rest from work (n)

• the rest of them (n)

• The doctor told her to rest. (v)

restaurant (n)

result (n)

retire (v)

return (n & v)

• to return home (v)

• a return (ticket) (n)

review (n & v)

revise (v)

reward (n & v)

rice (n)

rich (adj & n)

ride (n & v)

right (adj, adv & n)

• the right time (correct) (adj)

• the right person for the job (suitable)


• my right foot (adj)

• Everything will be all right. (adj)

• Go right there. (directly) (adv)

• Fill it right to the top. (completely)


• the right to vote (n)

ring (n & v)

• stand in a ring (n)

• a wedding ring (n)

• Give me a ring tomorrow. (phone) (n)

• Suddenly the bell rang. (v)

ring back (phr v)

ring off (phr v)

ring up (phr v)

ripe (adj)

rise (v)

• The sun rises in the East.

• Prices are rising.

river (n)

road (n)

roast (adj & v)

rob (v)

robbery (n)

rock (n)

• rock (music) (n)

• a hard piece of rock (n)

role (n)

roll (n & v)

• a roll of film (n)

• a bread roll (n)

• to roll into a ball (v)

roof (n)

room (n)

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• the sitting room

• There’s lots of room in here.

rose (n)

rough (adj)

• a rough road

• a rough idea

• rough work

round (adj, adv & prep)

• a round object (adj)

• the wrong way round (adv)

• to sit round a table (prep)

roundabout (n)

route (n)

row (n)

• a row of seats

rubber (adj & n)

• rubber tyres (adj)

• a rubber (eraser) (n)

rubbish (n)

rude (adj)

rugby (n)

ruin (n)

rule (n & v)

• the rules of grammar (n)

• to rule a country (v)

ruler (n)

• draw a line using a ruler

run (v)

• to run in a race

• to run a business

run out of (phr v)

• He ran out of time and didn’t finish.


sad (adj)

safe (adj)

• to be safe from harm

safety (n)

sail (n & v)

salad (n)

salary (n)

sale (n)

salesman/saleswoman (n)

salt (n)

same (adj, pron & adv)

sand (n)

sandwich (n)

satisfactory (adj)

satisfied (adj)

saucer (n)

sausage (n)

save (v)

• to save someone

• to save money

• to save time

say (v)

• to say something to someone

• I really can’t say. (give an opinion)

scene (n)

scenery (n)

school (n)

science (n)

science fiction (n)

scientific (adj)

scientist (n)

scissors (n)

scooter (n)

score (n & v)

• The score was 3-0. (n)

• to score a goal (v)

scream (n & v)

screen (n)

sculpture (n)

sea (n)

search (n & v)

seaside (n)

season (n)

seat (n)

seat belt (n)

second (adj & n)

• to be second in the race (adj)

• sixty seconds in a minute (n)

secondary (adj)

• secondary school

secret (adj & n)

secretary (n)

security (n)

see (v)

• to see something (with the eyes)

• to see the joke (understand)

• to see someone about a problem


seem (v)

seldom (adv)

select (v)

self-service (adj)

sell (v)

send (v)

sensible (adj)

sentence (n)

• words in a sentence

separate (adj & v)

series (n)

• a TV series

serious (adj)

• a serious person

• a serious illness

servant (n)

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serve (v)

• to serve in a shop

service (n)

• a bus service

• customer service

session (n)

• in a school, gym

set (v)

set free (phr v)

set off (phr v)

• She set off early for work.

set out (phr v)

• They set out on the long journey.

set up (phr v)

• Her mother helped her to set up in


several (adj & det)

sew (v)

sex (n)

• the male/female sex

sh! (int)

shade (n)

• to sit in the shade

shadow (n)

shake (n & v)

shallow (adj)

shame (n)

shampoo (n)

shape (n)

share (n & v)

shark (n)

sharp (adj)

• a sharp knife

• a sharp corner

• a sharp picture

shave (n & v)

she (pron)

sheep (n)

sheet (n)

• sheets on a bed

• a sheet of paper

• information sheet

shelf (n)

shine (v)

ship (n)

shirt (n)

shock (n & v)

• to suffer from shock (n)

• The film shocked me. (v)

shoe (n)

shoot (v)

• to shoot at the goal

shop (n & v)

shop assistant (n)

shopkeeper (n)

shore (n)

short (adj)

shorts (n pl)

• a pair of shorts

shoulder (n)

shout (n & v)

show (n & v)

• a film show (n)

• Show it to me. (v)

• The picture shows a village. (v)

• It shows that they care. (v)

shower (n)

• a shower of rain

• to have a shower

shut (adj & v)

shy (adj)

sick (adj)

side (n)

sight (n)

• Her sight is better with glasses.

• in sight, out of sight

sightseeing (n)

sign (n & v)

• a road sign (n)

• to sign a document (v)

• no sign of life (n)

• signs of winter (n)

signal (n & v)

signature (n)

signpost (n)

silence (n)

silent (adj)

silk (adj & n)

silly (adj)

silver (adj & n)

similar (adj)

simple (adj)

since (conj & prep)

sincerely (adv)

• Yours sincerely

sing (v)

single (n & adj)

• a single (ticket) to Cambridge (n)

• to be single (unmarried) (adj)

• a single room (adj)

sink (n & v)

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